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Vivian's POV

I stare at Noah's door for a second before knocking. I take a deep breath, and lightly knock on the door. It doesn't take long and the door swings open. Noah has changed into some shorts, with no shirt. I walk into the apartment slowly, and Noah shuts the door, and follows.

"You really got jealous over Danielle?" He's starting off the conversation strong.
"I didn't know that's who it was. All I saw was you hugging her, and you barely interacted with me." I respond quietly. "I told you about her. I don't see her like that, I pretty much grew up with her Viv." His voice goes a little higher, but not threatening. I look down to the floor in shame.

"I know, Noah. I'm sorry. I just wish you would've said something, or introduced us." I feel his gaze on me, and it lingers. "I was going to. But you left. I'm sorry for making you feel like I was ignoring you." He puts a finger under my chin, making me look at him. He plants a kiss on my lips, but quickly pulls away. His gaze turns dark, and a small smirk appears on his face. "And don't think I forgot about the other night. Come on." He grabs my hand and leads me to his bedroom.

Trigger Warning

"Get on the bed." He points to the unmade bed. I climb on, feeling the sting of Noah smacking my ass through my shorts. I gasp at the pain, but it sends an odd feeling through my body. Noah climbs up behind me, not giving me the chance to turn around. He wraps his arm around my torso, pulling me up in a straight position. His torso is pressed against my back, and he leans down to my ear. "I told you that you'd regret that, didn't I?" Shivers go down my spine.

His hands reach up to grab my breasts, and he kisses down my neck. Noah leaves one hand on my breast, the other traveling down my torso and into my night shorts. His fingers circle over my clit, and I immediately let a moan escape my mouth. The hand on my breast travels up to my throat, and he places it there, squeezing slightly. His fingers move quicker, and I lean my head back with more moans coming out.

He removes his hands from my shorts and my neck, and pushes me down to the bed. Noah grabs my hips, pulling them up so I'm in the doggy position. I feel my shorts get yanked down, and another smack is placed on my ass as well as him grabbing it. I feel the warmth of his mouth on my vagina, and I'm instantly taken back.

His tongue dances all around, and I grip the duvet in pleasure. I feel him move away, and I plead in my head for him to go back. "You taste so fucking good" Noah says in a low voice. I feel his fingers slightly glide across my opening, and he pulls away. The adrenaline pumps through my body like never before.

Next thing I know, I'm being flipped onto my back, and pulled in for a deep kiss. I feel him through his shorts as he presses his hips against mine. Noah slides off the end of the bed, pulling my shorts off of my ankles and taking his off as well.

This is definitely not how I planned this happening, but I guess it happens on its own time. Before climbing back on top of me, Noah grabs a condom from his side table, and puts it on. I lay there with anticipation. I feel the slight touch of him, nearly bare, between my legs. "Are you okay?" He asks me, I nod my head yes. Even though this is revenge in a way for what I did to him the other night, he was still checking on me. I'm okay with this revenge.

He lifts my shirt up, showing my nipples attention for a split second. He grabs my legs, pushing them up a little before taking one hand away and slowly gliding himself against my clit. I shudder at the feeling. I grunt, getting impatient. He pushes himself into me, and I gasp loudly. He chuckles, and reaches for my hands. He interlocks our fingers, and holds my hands above my head. He continues to thrust into me, but slowly. It feels like bliss, but I crave it differently. Without thinking, I speak out.

"Faster" I breathe out. He's shocked by my statement. He let's go of my hands, sitting up and grabbing my hips. He does what I said, and goes at it. Endless moans come out, and I immediately feel it building up. Its not too long after that feeling, I finish. Except I feel liquid going everywhere, and he pulls out. I immediately close my legs with them still pulled up to my chest. I'm breathing heavily, and Noah just stares at me in shock. That has never happened before. I open my eyes to look at Noah, and he seems pleased with himself. He pulls the condom off, and throws it away in the bathroom. I still lay on the bed in shock.

Trigger End

"Did you, uhm... Finish?" I ask once Ive caught my breath. "I did. We actually did at the same time." He responds, laying next to me. His arm goes around my still naked torso. "Looks like I need to change my sheets." Noah laughs. I laugh along with him, and pull my shirt back down. We put our shorts back on, and head to the kitchen to get some water. The silence between us is awkward, but comfortable at the same time. Once we're both hydrated, Noah offers for me to stay the night. "I don't have a way to tell Amy, and I know if I walk up there, she's going to ask a million questions." I left my phone and key upstairs when I came down here. Noah grabs his phone from the bedroom, and sends Amy a text letting her know that we worked out our issue, and that I would be back in the morning.

Both of us still have too much energy to go to sleep, so we stay up for a few hours longer watching TV in the living room. We cuddle on the couch, and enjoy each others embrace. Noah shows me an anime that he's into currently, called Full Metal Alchemist. We really get into it, losing track of time. It's about 1 in the morning before we both head to bed.

As I move from the couch and the bed, everything feels sore. I long for a shower, but I'm too tired at this point to stand and bathe.

Noah and I cuddle up together in the bed, and drift off to sleep in each other's warm embrace.

Sorry if this chapter is a little short, but if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments!

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