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Vivian's POV

I wait for the plane to connect to the terminal, and grab my bag from above me. I get squished between people who are doing the same, as well as people who are trying to exit. It takes about 15 minutes to be able to exit the plane, and I make my way over to baggage claim. "Which one appeals to you?" A man that stands next to me asks, in attempt to make a joke. "I really like this black one. Has a big sticker on it. Makes it really pop out, y'know?" I grab the suitcase, being it's mine. The guy laughs as my remark, waiting for his.

I pull my phone out, turning airplane mode off. A text chimes through from Noah.

Noah - Running a little late, I'm sorry!

I groan at the thought of being here longer. I lug my bags with me over to one of the airport restaurants to grab food. I get a cheap meal, while I sit and wait for Noah to let me know hes close. A few people pass by, giving me hello's and "how are you" questions. My phone rings, and it's Noah. "Hey babe!" I chime as I pick up the phone. "I'm in this long ass line, you can go ahead and walk out." I wrap up my left over food, getting my things together once more. I hang up, so I can carry everything. I rush as quick as I can through the building, so I can finally go home.

That's until I trip right before I get to the door, falling flat on my face.

"Ow, fuck!" I groan out. A young couple stops to help me get up, also grabbing my bags for me. "Thank you so much." I say as they hand over my things. I make my way outside, looking around to find either my car or Noah's. A few minutes pass before I see my car pull up.

Noah jumps out, quickly helping me get my bags in the trunk. It takes everything in me not to hug and him right there, but there's way too many people out here waiting. We jump into the car, leaving the airport and finally heading home. "I totally did not fall when I was in there." I laugh, pulling out my phone to notice that I shattered the screen when I fell. "Come on, man. " It still works, it's just not pleasant to look at. Noah focus's on the road, but I'm high energy right now. I start to talk to him about everything that happened.

"Mom and I got our nails done, except for me, it was my toes. Jason actually asked me how I felt about him proposing to mom before it happened. His speech to her was so cute and loving. I'm just happy that my mom can be happy. You know?" I say, rambling on and on. I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD, but I'm sure it showed just now. "I also got some cute things at the goodwill over there, not many. Just a couple of shirts." I look over at Noah as he responds.

"That's good, babe." A little dry, but okay. Noah takes his time getting home, so we put on some music to fill the void after my rambling. I sing along to the music that plays, which consists of Avenged Sevenfold, and MCR. Its not too long before we pull into the drive way.

I jump out, grabbing my things from the trunk. Noah helps me take them inside, so I can unpack them later. We place my things in the livingroom for now. I turn to Noah, and immediately pull him to me. We start to make out roughly. While still in the kiss, I push him back onto the couch, climbing on top of him. Our kiss deepens before I start to move down to his pants to unbutton them. As I start to fiddle with the button, Noah stops me from doing so. "Viv..." He says.

"It's okay, let me take the lead." I smirk at him, getting down onto the floor to get his pants off. "No, Viv. That's not what I mean." Noah straightens his pants out, confusing me. "What? Are you not in the mood? Because your lips are telling me otherwise." I say, still on my knees in front of him. Noah covers his face with his hands, before rubbing his fingers over his eyes.

"Vivian, we have to talk about this." He says, putting a hand out for me to get up. I take it, and sit on the couch beside him. Finally... Progress. He will actually talk about what happened this time.

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