T W E N T Y - T W O

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Vivian's POV

I'm on my way to see Amy at the inpatient clinic. Im taking a longer lunch for work so that I can make sure I see her. It's about a 30 minute drive from the apartments, and I'm going alone. I'm hoping that she feels a lot better. I can't bring anything in, I have to show my ID and leave it with the front desk. No phones, nothing. I walk in, and tell them everything they need to know. This place is pretty lenient, they have a yard for the patients to hang out around. Some basic things to do that they can't get hurt doing.

"We'll let her know you're here. You can go through these doors and you can choose either the game room, cafeteria, or outside." The kind women sat on the other side of the desk points to the double doors. "I'll go outside." I smile at her. She gives me directions on how to get there, and I make my way over.

Amy comes out, dressed in plain blue clothes. She sees me and immediately starts to cry. I walk up to her and hug her, trying to comfort her.

"I-Im sorry Viv!" She sobs. My face feels flushed, like I'm going to cry with her. "Hush, it's okay Amy. It's okay." I pull away from her, placing my hands on her cheeks. "It's okay. You're okay." Tears fall down her cheeks as she nods her head. I pull her to sit with me on the grass. "I owe you an explanation and I'm-"

"You owe me nothing. At all." I cut her off mid sentence. "If you want to tell me, you can. But dont feel like you have to." I tell her, trying to reassure her. "So much has happened in the past couple of weeks. I just couldn't bare with it anymore." Amy sniffles and wipes her nose. "When I tell you all of this, you can not tell a single soul. Not Noah, not Nick. Not even your mother." I shake my head in agreeance, afraid of what she's going to say next. "I was already depressed because the anniversary of my Grandma dying was coming up. I'm tired of my job, I'm tired all the time in general. Then I found out..." She trails off. She says the next part really quiet. But I don't hear her.

Trigger Warning

"I found out that I was pregnant." My breath hitches in my chest. My eyes widen as I stare at her. "Again, not a word of this goes to anyone." I nod my head aggressively, waiting for her to continue. "But I didn't want that. Nick and I are nothing more than fuck buddies. So I did what I thought was right. I went to the clinic and took care of it." Tears are falling down both of our faces at this point. I cant believe what she's telling me right now. "They told me that I would possibly have some mild depression after the procedure, but that it should go away. That, on top of the depression I already carry, just made everything worse. I kept feeling like I did something wrong. Like I made a mistake."

"N-no. You did nothing wrong Amy. You did the right thing." I keep reassuring her. Its truly heartbreaking hearing that she's dealt with all of that by herself. I change the topic, so that we can have a light hearted conversation. We talk about random things, how thanksgiving went, Christmas plans. "I already have your gift!" Amy's mood lightens. "I have your's as well!" I laugh at her.

"I just hope I'm out of here by then. I told them everything that happened, and they're taking the procedure into consideration when they analyze me." I let her know that I'm sure she would be out by Christmas, and if not we can celebrate together when she is.

"Before I go, I have a question." We both stand up, making our way back into the building. "You told me that you wished 'he would've gotten me'. What were you talking about?" Amy starts to fidget with the hem of her shirt, trying to avoid the question. "I'm sorry Viv, I wasn't in the right headspace. I wasn't saying things that made sense." Amy replies, refusing to look at me.

"Amy? You knew exactly what you were talking about. What did you mean?" I grab her arm lightly, to make her stop fidgeting. She looks at me, and all I see is fear in her eyes. "Matt was trying to kill you that day. He had a gun on him." I immediately let go of her arm. I wish I didn't ask.

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