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Vivian's POV

About a week has passed since Amy let me move in, and a weight feels lifted off my shoulders. Noah and his brother, Nick, helped me move the rest of my belongings. Nick has a truck, so it was easier to move my bed.

Noah and I have made small conversation here and there. We haven't really texted much throughout the week. I've been having so much fun moving in with Amy, and hanging out with her more that I have kind of forgotten why I'm even doing it in the first place. But it still sits in the back of my brain, I promise. I have also put in a couple of applications for a different job, just to get more money. I heard back from one, and I have an interview in 3 days. It's actually a work from home job. Something about graphics design. It makes good money though.

It's Friday night, and I'm completely settled into the spare bedroom that is now mine. Amy has suggested that we have a little party. She suggested to invite Noah and Nick, considering they helped me move here. And she made a good point, by just inviting a couple of other girls that we both knew. We settled on just a small amount of alcohol, some board games and fingerfoods.

The other girls arrived first, handing me a couple of gifts. "What's this for?" I look, as they hand me 2 small gift bags. "Amy told us you just moved in, and we thought it'd be a nice gesture to get you some thing." They smiled, motioning me to open them. Inside the first was some higher end shampoo and conditioner. "Oh I'm so ready to use this! I've heard good things about this brand!" I push them aside, opening the other. And what else would go better with that? Bath essentials. A few bathbombs, bath salts, and some trial size skin care items. "Thank you guys, but you didn't have to!" I laugh, pulling them both in for a hug.

"And my gift is the best of all!" Amy chimes in. "It's my house!" We laugh together. Chelsea and Lola live together too. So they must have put this together between themselves. I just hope Amy hasnt somehow told Noah and Nick to bring something. They've helped enough.

Not too long after, both the boys arrive. Noah has dressed casually, a pair of jeans and hoodie. He has the hood part on, casting a shadow on his face when I meet them downstairs. I lead them both upstairs, to the music filled apartment. I swing open the door to find the girls already drinking, and dancing as they're figuring out which game to play first.

"Lets get this party started!" Amy calls, walking over to give each guy a hug for coming. After getting them situated with their own drinks, we all pick a game to start of strong. Cards against humanity. One of the best games for a party. Lola and I move the coffee table away from the couch a little, and gather around it. We all sat on the floor, with Noah to my right, and Chelsea to my left. We played one whole round, which lasted for about an hour. Noah, Amy and Chelsea were pretty much tied, for having the best, but really, most disturbing answers. We all take a break, to grab some food, and others use the bathroom. I walk out onto the balcony for some fresh air, as for both Lola and Chelsea vape. I used to, but it got expensive to keep up with.

As I'm sitting on the patio chair, the sliding door opens, Noah appearing from the other side. "You okay?" He steps out, closing the door. "Oh, yeah. I just wanted to step away for a minute." I close my phone, getting out of the chair to stand next to the railing. "You had some pretty good cards in there." I look at Noah, laughing. Remembering that one of his cards said "Firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog." Truly disturbing, and funny. "Yeah, I think Amy has us all beat though." I chuckles lightly. I lean against the railing looking out at the town before us. We make small talk about the game, then talking about his plans for the weekend. "We're heading out to the mountains tomorrow. Do a little hiking, and then camp. You should join. Amy too, if she'd like." He places his hand over mine, that's holding the railing. "I mean, it sounds like fun! I would have to talk to her first. Do you need an answer right this second?" I ask, looking at Noah. His hand still holding it's place over mine. "Oh, no. You have all night." He smiles at me. Something about his touch is sending shivers through my spine. After looking at each other for what felt like forever, we make our way back inside to finish off the game.

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