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Vivian's POV

The way home was relaxing. The rain slacked off over night, just enough to get everything broke down and put in the truck. Although, Amy, Lola, and Nick have been acting odd towards each other. It was like they were all avoiding each other. They haven't spoken since we left. The rest of the ride home, I just laid against Noah.


"Has Amy told you anything?" Noah asks me, as he's laying his head in my lap. It has been a couple of weeks since the river trip, and I'm currently spending time with him. I got caught up with work once the next week started. I had way more clients than when I was in training. It was kind of hard to keep up with. "About what?" I look down at him, confused. We were laying in his bed, playing a movie on his computer. He sits up, facing me. "I take that as a no." He laughs.

"Nick told me a little about what happened. Apparently, Lola suggested that they do stuff together. And when they did, Amy was... Going down on him. And she gagged and started to puke." Noah laughs, as I'm shocked. I laugh along with him, but also feeling Amy's embarrassment. I'm not going to say anything to her, just because it is her business. "That is wild though! Amy told me that she thought he was cute, but I thought he was intested in Lola?" I ask.

"I mean, he was. Or is. I'm not sure, I don't think any of them have spoken since the trip." He rebuttles.

So far, Noah and I's relationship has been great. We've made out, had that little ordeal in the tent the other week. But we haven't rushed the actual sex. He is the sweetest. We've been together for a couple of months, but known each other for a little longer than that. "I want to show you something." He gets up, turning the movie off on his computer. I move closer to the computer as well, waiting for whatever it is.

He clicks on a video, of him and some other guy. The other guy starts off playing the guitar, and it pans over to a clip of Noah.
(I do want to preface, I know that Noah has long hair in the video, but has short hair in my story. Don't judge lol)

All of the sudden, Noah starts to sing.

"These are scars that never ever show themselves
You get when you're left alone too long in hell"

My jaw has dropped at the beautiful voice coming out of the man that I have known for this long. Half way through the song, I'm already teary eyed. Noah just stares at me for all of my reactions. The song ends, and I just look at him in shock.

"Why haven't you told me that you can sing?!" I say, smacking his arm. He nervously laughs. "I write too. I just figured I would actually put something together before I showed you." He says, pulling me to sit with him in the rolling chair. "Well, I'm glad you showed me because it was amazing." I smile at him, leaning our foreheads together. We give each other a kiss before Noah speaks again. "So, I have been thinking about getting a place to myself." He says, my heart dropping. I really enjoy my time with him, but I really hope he doesn't ask me to move in. "Yeah? Where are you thinking?"

"The only places I can find are actually in your and Amy's complex." He looks over at me. "Don't worry, I'm not asking you to move in. But what do you think about me being there?" My anxiety calms down, and I sigh slightly. "I don't think it would be a bad idea. That would definitely put us closer to each other. I also have something else to tell you."

Noah looks at me confused. "I got a call yesterday. They said I could finally come retrieve what I can from my car. I was hoping you could take me." I look down, remembering the events that took place. "Of course." Noah replies. He suggests that we go today before my car gets taken away to the junkyard for parts. The police department has it for evidence. Although, they have had it for a while. We pull up to the police department, and Noah waits in the car while I go speak to someone about letting me into the evidence gate.

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