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Vivian's POV

It's the end of the week, and being Im starting a new job, I don't have to work kennel duty. Instead of Noah coming over to the apartment, I went over to his house. We just spent the day together watching movies and talking. We haven't talked about the trip at all. We also haven't physically interacted since that last kiss. So I don't know what we are, if we are anything. Nick was gone to a friend's house, so we were alone.

We just finished watching Madea Goes To Jail. "What do you want to eat?" Noah scrolls through door dash, looking at all the local restaurants. "I'll take anything. Surprise me." I lean closer to him, also glancing at his phone. He stops scrolling, and leans closer to kiss me. It doesn't last long, he pulls away and looks at me. "There, I surprised you." I push his shoulder and we both laugh. We settle on some wings from a locally owned restaurant. While we wait, we go out into the back yard to just enjoy nature. "So, this is completely random. But I remember something being said at that party about you being into music. What do you play?" I look over at Noah, who's just sitting in the patio chair. "I do more writing than anything. I dabble on a variety of instruments. But I like to sing, scream, whichever I prefer at that moment."

"What do you write about?" I now fully turn my attention to the conversation, half-ass curious if he's wrote anything about me. Conceited, I know.

"I write about my life. Sometimes dumb shit too but mostly about things that go on around me or happen to me." Noah looks down, diverting his eyes away from me. "Can you show me something?" I ask. Noah stands up, walking over to the chair I'm laid back in. He places his hands on both arm rests. "When the time is right, baby." He responds playfully. He gives me another kiss, making the rocking patio chair I'm in move back. He pulls away, "plus, the only one who has really seen what I've wrote is Nick and Mom. Well, Nick's mom but we all call her Mom." Noah reaches out for my hand, taking me back inside. Shortly after, the food arrives.

As it gets later into the afternoon, Noah leads me to his room. He turns on the computer, pulling up another movie. I look at him confused, as to why we came in here instead. "I figured, if you're up for it, we could cuddle on the bed. Strictly cuddle. Instead of being on that couch." Noah looks to me, waiting for an answer. My breath hitches. "Y-yeah, that's fine." I climb onto his bed, slightly remembering the first time I was here. It hasn't been long, but I have somehow forgotten about it. I push those thoughts away as Noah gets on the bed, adjusting the pillows to lay against.

TW: Again, some kissinnnn and touchinnnnn

Noah put on a movie I've never seen before. It's something about some scary birds being let out of a cave. We're half way into the movie, and suprisingly, Noah and I have been holding hands. Our fingers have been interlocked for the last half hour. I scoot a little closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder. He looks down at me, planting a kiss on my forehead. He then kisses my lips, but doesn't pull away. It turns into a full make out. It's like we're trying to finish something that was started at the mountains. His hands are grabbing me, from my hips, to my ass. I feel myself getting more wet by every second. I push him away for a second, and I climb on top of him. As I'm straddling him, I lean back down and the kiss becomes more aggressive. I'm very subtly moving my hips back and forth, and to no surprise, I can feel him between my legs through his pants.

He sits up while I'm still in his lap, both hands on either side of my ass. They slowly travel up my shirt, but he waits until I give in. I pull away, lifting my arms up while he pulls my shirt off. He goes back in, but kisses my neck instead. I throw my head back, letting a soft whimper come out. He chuckles slightly, continuing his kisses down to my collar bone.

Us being intertwined can't come soon enough, because once Noah reaches for my bra clasp, we hear the door shut. Signalling that Nick was home. Noah presses his face into my chest, sighing. He looks back up at me and laughs. "I guess time just isn't right, according to the universe." We sit, me still straddled to him, for a little longer. Just holding each other, giving out nervous chuckles on how far we just went. I feel a twinge down in my pants, and I wince to myself slightly. I think this is the female equivalent to "blue balls". There's just something about Noah that makes me want him so bad.

And now, my vagina is paying for it. Noah hands me the shirt I was wearing, and I put it on while climbing off of him. We both get off the bed, and I watch as he adjusts his pants. I check the time on my phone, and notice that it's already past 8.

We exit the room, knowing the conversation that is about to be had with Nick. As we walk in, he's at the table eating Chinese. He raises an eyebrow at us, but shrugs it off. I was fully expecting to hear it from him, the way I hear it from Amy. Noah follows me out to my car, as I get ready to head home. He places his hand on my cheek, giving me a small kiss. He moves for a second, "I want to make you whimper like that again." He kisses me once more, not knowing what he just did to me. I still have no clue what we are to each other.

I continue to leave, Noah closing my driver door for me. As I pull out of the driveway, I let out a sigh of relief. It was like I haven't breathed in an hour. That was intense. But what does he want out of this? More importantly, what do I want out of this?

I turn on music, trying to drown out every thought. Drown by Bring Me The Horizon comes on first, and I'm screaming along to every word. Amy is actually the one who got me into them. I'm about 3 red lights away from the apartment, and all of the sudden,

everything goes black.

A lot of this is filler, but some intense stuff happens! And it definitely plays a part, just trust the process...

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