T H I R T Y - T W O

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Vivian's POV

"I've gotta use the bathroom, so both of you, out!" Amy says, pushing Noah and I out of the bathroom. I'm assuming she's going to read the test for me. I feel the anxiety building up in me. That medicine doesn't seem to be doing what it should.

"I'm so ready to have everything done in here. I'm so glad we did this." Noah says, giving me a kiss. "What else needs to be done?" He asks, looking around the house. I tell him the few things left, and he decides to go ahead and start on some of it.

Amy comes out of the bathroom, and makes her way over to me. She leans over to my ear, and whispers.

"They're negative." I feel immediately relieved. Like an elephant just got off my chest. "I told you!" I whisper yell back at her. She just shrugs her shoulders at me.

Amy soon goes home, leaving Noah and I to ourselves. She told me she left the tests under the sink, and I have to figure out how to throw them away without Noah seeing. Even though the tests are negative, I have no idea how he would react to the fact I even took them. "What's on the menu tonight, babe?" He asks, making his way to the kitchen to wash his hands. So far, we haven't really had an actual dinner since moving in here. It's been take out or TV dinners. We've just been too exhausted to want to put something together. "You can order something if you'd like. I'm not really hungry." Noah pulls out his phone to order through door dash.

We spend the rest of the day just watching TV, and cuddling up on the couch.


Noah just bought Folio's bike, and I am livid. Despite me asking him not to, and telling him it was dangerous, he still didn't listen. He's on his way home with it, and I'm on the porch waiting. Folio came and picked him up with his new truck so that Noah didn't have to figure out how to get his car back home.

Noah pulls into the driveway, wearing a black helmet and gloves. I'm not going to lie, he looks really hot sitting on that bike. He parks it, and pulls off his helmet. "Babe you have to come try this out!" Noah yells to me from the driveway. "Absolutely not." I say, crossing my arms.

Noah makes his way to the porch, and grabs my arm. "Come on!" He pulls on me, while laughing at me. He continues to pull me towards the bike, even though I'm saying no. I can't help but laugh with him. "Noah, you only have one helmet and I'm not riding this thing alone!" I say as he puts the helmet on my head. "That's why you're wearing the helmet and I'm driving." I immediately reject. "Noah, no. That's not safe for you!" He reassures me that I'll be fine, and makes me get on the bike behind him. I wrap my arms around his waist as he turns the bike around in the driveway. I hold on tighter as he pulls out, making our way down the long country road. I lay the side of my head on his back, as I'm scared for my life.

Although, holding him like this feels amazing. Noah picks up the speed, and I look around us. When you're not enclosed in a vehicle, even 20MPH feels faster than it really is. I start to get more comfortable, and I loosen my grip on him a little to sit up straight.

All of the sudden, we start to zigzag in our lane. "Noah, what's happening?" I yell over the loud sound of the engine. "I fucking hit grass that was in the road!" Right after he finishes his sentence, the bike falls over with us on it. I barely have time to brace myself, and I'm sliding against the asphalt. Once I'm completely still, I feel the pain immediately on my legs and arms. I made the mistake of wearing shorts today. As well as riding this damn bike.

"Fuck!" I yell, curling up into a ball on the side of the road. I haven't even checked on Noah yet. "Vivian! Are you okay?" Noah runs over to me, pushing me onto my back. He unclips the helmet from under my chin, and pulls it off. He has pure panic and fear in his eyes. He's checking my body, and placing his hand on my cheek. "Vivian, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry!" A tear starts fall down his cheek. "It fucking hurts Noah!" I say, referring to the road rash on my skin. "Come on, we have to go to the ER." Noah helps me stand up. I look down, and notice blood falling down my legs and arms.

"I can't get back on that thing, Noah." I say as he's now picking the bike up off the ground. "Viv, we have to. We have to go back to the house to get the car. I'll go 10 miles per hour if I have to! But I'm taking you to the ER." I glance at Noah, who also has road rash on his body as well. But his isnt as bad as mine. Luckily, his head is okay. Both of our clothes are tattered.

Noah does exactly what he said, and drives slow to the house. We both struggle to put on some different clothes, and make our way up to the emergency room.

I groan in pain the whole way there, while Noah still looks over at me, eyes full of worry. He helps me get out of the car, and into the ER to check in. The wait is short, and they take me back to examine me and take labs so they can give me some kind of pain killer. As I'm laying on the hospital bed, I look over at Noah who has his face in his hands. He didn't want to be looked at, so he just came to sit with me.

"Noah?" I call for him. He looks up at me, the worried look still hasn't left his face. "It's going to be okay. I'm alive and that's what matters." I say quietly. "I should've listened to you. If I didn't get that bike, this wouldn't have happened." Noah looks down to the floor. The doctor comes through the curtain, holding a clipboard. "Okay, so your labs came back. Some of them are a little wonky, mainly from the blood loss." Noah and I both nod our heads.

"However, the only pain medication I can give you is the highest amount of ibuprofen." He hands over the little paper cup that holds the medicine, as well as some water. "Because your pregnancy test came back positive."

"What?" Noah says in a serious tone. I freeze, still holding the medicine in my hand. "We're going to send someone over here to you to check the baby with the imaging machine." "What? No? No. I took tests, they were negative!" I say with panic. "You took tests and didn't tell me?" Noah's attention is now on me. "I'll give you two some space, let me know if you need anything." The doctor walks out, closing the curtain. "You're pregnant?" Noah looks at me, his fists balled up. I'm at a loss of words. I feel the tears welling in my eyes.

"I-I have to go. Text me when they release you." Noah stands up, leaving the the bay I'm in. I call out for him, but he ignores me. I try to calm myself, as I feel my anxiety rising. The person from the labor and delivery floor comes down, and examines me. She does a transvaginal ultrasound, and listens for a heartbeat. "So, the baby is okay. Has a strong heartbeat. You're about 8 to 10 weeks. But I would check up with your OB to get more accurate information. Congratulations." The lady puts the wand back on the moveable cart, and leaves me to myself. This can't be happening... 8 to 10 weeks? No...

After cleaning me up, they release me from the ER. I text Noah like he said, and I wait out front of the ER. The way home was filled with silence. Once we pull into the driveway, I speak up. "I'm about 8 to 10 weeks..." I say quietly. Noah stays silent.

"Why didn't you tell me you took a test?" Noah asks, with his hands gripping the steering wheel. "I didn't think I needed to. Amy had made a joke and made me take one..." Noah gets out of the car, and storms off into the house. I stay in my seat, and start to cry.

How are we going to do this? I'm not ready for this. We're not ready for this... The rest of the night is nothing but silent anger between the both of us. I felt like things were getting a little better between us, and this feels like a major push back. I just wish I knew exactly what he was thinking. I refuse to tell Amy she's right, so I keep the news to myself for now.

Where do we go from here?

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