T W E N T Y - F O U R

303 14 15

Vivian's POV

I wake up the next morning completely naked. My head throbs in pain. I wince in pain as I take in my surroundings. Noah isn't next to me, or in the room at all. He must be up already. I put on my Christmas themed night clothes, and make my way into the kitchen. Noah and Jason stand in the kitchen, drinking coffee. "You feelin better?" Jason asks with a smile on his face. Noah looks annoyed for some reason. He still couldn't be mad about the computer thing, could he? I groan at Jason's statement, and grab myself a cup of coffee.

I feel Noah's gaze beating down on me, and I look up at him. He doesn't say a word. Jason sits down on the couch in the living room, and I start up a conversation with Noah. "I told Amy I would go with her to town today, is there anything we need here?" I take a sip of the slightly warm coffee. He gives me a confused look. "Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I doubt she'll want to talk to or see you today." Huh? I'm completely stunned and confused by his statement.

"Do you not remember what you did last night?" Noah sets his coffee cup down on the counter. "Viv," he whispers to me, "you just outed that girls issues to all of us. You treated her like shit, and you treated me like shit." Noah walks away from me, still carrying an angry look. I immediately grab my phone from the bedroom, giving Amy a call.

"Yep?" She answers with no emotion. "Amy, what did I do? I can't remember everything that happened!" I plead with her, afraid of finding out what terrible things I did. "Well, you stood there and told everyone about me having been pregnant. And you didn't seem to care. It's my fault though, I shouldn't have expected you to keep that to yourself. I don't know what you did after that."

I feel a thud in my chest. "Amy, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I-I wasn't in the right headspace, I didn't mean to!"

"It's whatever Vivian, I'm over it. If you still want to go with me today, you can. But you don't have to." She replies. I tell her I'm more than willing to, and we get off the phone. I call Noah to the bedroom, to find out what else I've done. "What?" He shuts the door behind him so no one else can hear. "What else did I do?" I ask quietly, looking to the floor.

"Oh, I don't know. Aside from what you did to Amy, you stood in here and fought me. Trying to avoid going to bed. That's after that little spat yesterday." Noah's voice deepens, and I sulk down onto the bed. "You scratched the fuck out of my arm trying to get out of here." He holds up his arm, revealing finger nail marks along his tattoos. My eyes instantly tear up seeing them. "Noah, I-Im," I shake my head.

"Oh, and by the way, you woke up in the middle of the night, and took all of your clothes off. You were trying to fuck me. You called me a bitch when I pushed you off." I get up and hug him hard. "Noah, I'm sorry!" I start to sob. He lightly puts his arms around me, and rubs my back. I cant believe I did this. That doesn't seem like me. "You need to get whatever this is together. Apologies only go so far Vivian." Noah pulls away from me. He plants a kiss on my lips.

"I'm willing to not talk about it and have a normal day, if you are." I nod my head immediately. As we walk out of the room, my mom walks out of the spare room at the same time, looking sleepy.


Amy and I get back from town, and I lug all the things I bought upstairs. It's just some of the things we needed around the house, like cleaners, toilet paper, and some drinks. Non-alcoholic drinks.

I walk into the apartment to find only Noah sitting on the couch. He gets up, and grabs some of the things out of my hands. "Where's mom and Jason?" I ask, setting the rest of the things on the kitchen counter. "They decided to go out for dinner like an hour ago. They took an Uber." Noah says, helping me put things away. Once everything is away, he comes back to the kitchen.

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