T H I R T Y - N I N E

253 13 2

Vivian's POV

I have my bags packed and ready way before it's even time to go. I think this time away really did something for us. I'm so ready to go home to Noah, and kiss his still slightly busted lip. I walk out of the room I was using, and I'm greeted by mom and Jason. They both had today off. "Someone must be tired of us already!" Jason says, noticing I'm already packed. "Totally!" I joke around with him. "I'm so glad you were there last night, honey. I might not have said yes if you weren't!" Mom laughs, as Jason acts shocked. "You're welcome mom. I'm just glad you're happy." I give her a big hug, before deciding to raid her fridge.

I make breakfast for just me, being neither of them wanted any. As I eat, I watch the TV with both of them, just enjoying the time I have left here. "So, when do you board your flight?" Mom asks me. "It says at 3. But as you know, I need to be there earlier." I respond, finishing off the pancake I made. I wash up my dishes, and sit on the couch until it's time to go.

"So I was thinking, Viv. Obviously it's early. But, would you be willing to be a bridesmaid? I have a few others in mind, but you're my only child. And I want you to be included in this in some way." Mom turns to face me, turning her attention away from the TV. "Uhm, yeah. I would love to mom." I reply, not expecting to be asked to be a part. "Don't worry, I'll take care of what all you need when the time comes. Hair, makeup, dress." I haven't been completely dolled up since being a teen. When Amy and I would put makeup on each other and take photos together.

Which it reminds me to send mom the photos I took last night. Her phone pings in her pocket, and she pulls it out to check it. "Oh my God Vivian, you didn't! Jason, look at these!" She points the phone to him. They're in awe with the photos, and they thank me.

We all talk about their wedding plans, everything from people to get addresses from, to color schemes. I haven't seen mom this excited for something in a long time.

I decide to take a short nap before having to board the plane, being it'll only be a 2 hour flight back.


"Viv! You're running late!" I open my eyes to the sound of moms voice. "Huh?" I rub my eyes, adjusting them to my surroundings. "It's 2 o'clock, and it takes 20 minutes to get to the airport. You're running late!" I immediately freak out, jumping up out of the bed. I rush to grab my bags, as well as my phone. "Am I still going to have time to get through security and everything?!" I ask, as we lug my things out to the car. "You should. It'll cut it close though." Jason says, pushing my suitcase into the trunk.

I jump into the backseat, as my mom is driving and Jason is in the passenger. My mom rushes, but not enough to cause an accident. "I really enjoyed having you here Vivian. I've missed you a lot." Mom glances in the rearview mirror at me. "I've missed you too mom. You should really come out and see the new house." I respond. We never really had a house warming party or anything when we moved in. We had everything we needed.

We pull up to the airport, and Jason jumps out to grab my suitcase for me. "Thank you for being with us last night. And thank you for being okay with me being with your mother. I know it's hard, being your dad is no longer with us. But I hope I can make her as happy as he did." Jason gives me a big hug, while I try not to cry over his statement. I yell "I love you" at mom through the open window before quickly making my way to security.

Why is there such a long line?! It takes about 10 minutes before I'm through security, and onto baggage check. They check my luggage; finding nothing as expected.

I rush over to the terminal, where I'm left with about 10 minutes to spare. Right before they call out boarding, I get a text.

Noah - Attachment: Audio Recording

I decide to put off clicking on it, so I can get in line to have my ticket checked. "I'm sorry sir, this is the wrong terminal." The clerk tells the guy that's a few people ahead of me. "It literally says that it's 6D! This is 6D!" The guy yells at the poor woman. "Sir, it says 6B. This is terminal 6D, but your ticket says 6B." The guy looks at his ticket, then gasps.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry. I forgot that I'm dyslexic. Am I too late to get to 6B?" The women lets him know that he's an hour early, and he finally leaves. I've been standing here for way too long, and listening to this guy argue. My head starts to hurt out of annoyance. The attendant gets through the few people left in front of me, before getting to me.

"Hi! How are you?" I ask, trying to be polite. The women just smiles at me, not saying anything. Rude much... She hands my ticket back over, giving me the clear to board. Once I'm on the plane, one of the attendants has to help me shove my carryon into the overhead storage. I thank her before taking my seat.

I get my seat belt on, and listen to all the protocols and instructions that I heard last time. That's when I remember that Noah sent me a link to an audio recording. I pull my phone out, trying to get it open so I can pull it up.

"Ma'am, make sure your phone is in airplane mode." One of the stewardess' walks by me, pointing out my phone. I choose not to argue, and do as she mentioned. I'll just listen to whatever it is later. I place my phone in my lap, preparing for takeoff. The plane shudders a little bit once we get into the air, but then levels itself out.

I can't wait to get home to Noah.

I put in the headphones provided on the plane, so I can watch a movie until we're back home. I go with Twilight, because who doesnt love cringy, old 2000s movies? Plus, a lot of it is actually funny to me. I sit back, trying to relax as much as possible. My mind starts turning, and all I can think about is last night on video chat with Noah.

Man I'm going to "jump his bones" when I get back. He just doesn't know it yet.

The events play over and over in my head, making me unable to focus on the movie. I turn it off, and pull the headphones out. I'll just sit here, full of anticipation until we land.

I wonder what Noah's audio attachment was. More than likely a song. I'm sure it's a good one...


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