T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Vivian's POV

Christmas is in 2 days, and I'm so excited! So far, I have 12 gifts for Noah, and they're all wrapped under the tree. We picked out one together, as well as decorated it randomly. Noah has put a few gifts under the tree, but he made it so I couldn't see what names were on them. I have my mom's, as well as Amy's under it as well. It damn near looks cluttered, but I'm happy with it. I still have to wrap a few things.

Surprisingly, work has slowed down. I guess being a big holiday is coming up, everyone is focused on it rather than anything graphics related.

I have tomorrow and Christmas off, and I plan on doing some last minute things before Christmas. Amy has her analysis this morning, and I'm waiting to hear from her. I've seen her a few more times since she's been in the clinic, but I kept conversations very minimal. Her doctor told me the first visit set her back some, because of the conversations we had. If she can get out sooner, I'll take that route.

I also have to pick up my mom and Jason from the airport today. They're staying with Noah and I until after Christmas. My mom wanted extra time with us, being she's only came down for a night and left.

I'm currently cleaning up the house, trying to make sure it's spotless for guests. I have to pull out the memory foam we use for the tent for Mom and Jason to sleep on. I'm moving some things out of the spare room, just clutter, so they can have privacy. I'm playing music to motivate me, and the song Noah showed me comes on. I have it downloaded to my phone because I absolutely loved it. I've learned the lyrics to it, so I'm singing along to it as I mop the floor. I turn around to go ring out the mop, and I scream.

Noah had came home, and was standing behind me with his phone recording. He has a huge smile on his face. "What the fuck!" I yell, smiling back at him. "You scared me shitless!" He puts his phone back in his pocket. "You're cute." I set the mop back into the bucket, and take a small break. Noah gives me a big kiss. "You wanna do something before your mom gets here?" Noah gives me a smirk, and grabs my ass. I give him a wink, and we disappear into the bedroom.


I finish up cleaning when I get a call from Amy. "I passed!" She yells the moment I answer. "Come get me, pleaaasee!" I laugh at her, and I check the time. It's cutting it close to picking mom and Jason up from the airport. "Give me just a second, and I'll head that way." We hang up, and I quickly go into the bathroom where Noah is in the shower. "Hey, Noah?" He pops his head out of the glass door. "I have to go get Amy, you think you can pick my mom up?" He agrees, and I send him my mother's number. I text her to let her know once she lands.

I pick up Amy, and she's seeming like her normal self. I still try to keep the conversations minimal, even though I'm still hurt by some of the things she said. It's a catch 22 for me. I'm angry, but at the same time she wasn't herself. Once we're back at the apartments, we go separate ways. I made sure Amy's apartment was cleaned up a couple weeks ago, so she wasn't coming home to the mess we made.

I rush inside, trying to finish up the cleaning before Noah comes back with our company.

Luckily, it doesn't snow here. I wish it did, but I'm glad it doesn't at the same time. It would be too much of a hassle. It surely does get really cold though. I told Noah that we should invest in one of those tv stands that has an electric fireplace. It would bring the Christmas vibes all together. Once everyone arrives at our apartment, I help them get situated with their bags.

"How are you doing Vivian?" Jason asks me, his thick southern accent filling the room. "Terrible." I reply, with a blank face. His face immediately looks worried. That's a question you can never answer honestly, because of this exact reaction. "No, I'm just fucking with you. I'm good!" I laugh, making him smack his lips. "Noah told me on the way over here that you've been going all out for Christmas. It definitely shows!" My mom chimes in, looking around at all the decorations that are Christmas themed.

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