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Noah's POV

My birthday is coming up this week, and I'm absolutely dreading it. It's like every time I ask someone not to get me anything, they do anyways. I legitimately mean "do not get me anything". I just don't like the attention on me when I go to open them. And of course, everyone wants to watch to make sure you like whatever they got for you.

I know that there's no convincing Vivian not to get me anything. She always gets so excited when she gives me gifts. Since the house warming party, she's had a couple more jealousy moments. I definitely don't like it, but at the same time I can see why she would be that way. She's been through a lot this year, and we have been through a lot as a couple. I just hope that it doesn't get worse. Her and I trauma bonded. Which isn't the best way to start a relationship. It was over her trauma. I hate that I carry the guilt of not noticing sooner that she was in danger the first time.

I just didn't want to be pushy. I have the guilt on one side of the scale, and being overbearing on the other side. There's never a middle ground. I feel like we're both mature enough to get past all of this. Go on to better things in life. Not saying that she isn't doing well, but I hate that she's dealt with more bad than good within the past few months.

I have questioned the beginning of everything though. I've heard her story about what happened, but how did it lead to that? I guess being I've never met someone psychotic in real life, it just doesn't feel right. Something else had to have happened, but I won't question her about it. She doesn't need that from me.

It's around 7 O'clock at night, and I've planned a date for Vivian and I. Nick has planned an actual get together for my birthday. It's just going to be a dinner with friends and family. I'll actually get to meet Vivians mother for the first time.

I make my way up to the girls apartment, for Viv and I to head out for the night. Fancy was the way to go, and I hope Vivian likes everything.

Vivian's POV

I quickly put my small dangling earrings in my ears, and fluff my hair out. I lost track of time and now I'm rushing. Noah told me to dress as fancy as I was comfortable with. I borrowed one of Amy's dresses, which I just barely got my ass into. It's a short, but flowy dress decorated with small daisies. I'm wearing the minimal amount of makeup possible. Mascara, a little bit of translucent powder. I scrubbed my lips to bring some color to them, because lipstick does not do me justice.

I hear a knock at the door, and I quickly grab my small clutch bag. I open the door to reveal Noah wearing a longsleeve turtle neck, and some dark colored slacks. He looks stunning as always. A smile is placed on both of our faces. "You look great." Noah compliments my dress, and leads me out to his car.

I've got enough in savings to get my own, I've just been indecisive on what I want. Noah told me that he didn't mind helping me, that he just loved spending time with me. But I don't want to be reliant on rides all the time.

We listen to music on the way to the restaurant, playing anything from Tool, to The Used. I've planned a gift for Noah, but not the kind of gift you would think. It is more of a "if you want" kind of gift. I just hope it doesn't strike him the wrong way when I offer it. We pull into a small parking lot, and I'm in awe. It's a small restaurant, but they have a beautiful outdoor seating area. There's multiple flowers around, as well as string lights across the banister's.

"Please tell me we're sitting outside!" I look at Noah with excitement. "We'll sit anywhere you'd like." He smiles down at me. I know this is for his birthday, but it's also a date.

We ask to be seated on the patio, and once we're sat we both order a glass of wine. Noah makes sure to ask for water as well being he is driving. We both look at the menu, and I wince at the prices. "This is definitely pricey. If you won't let me pay or pitch in, I'm getting the tip. You can't stop me!" I stick my tongue out at Noah. When he mentioned this date, he told me that I wasn't allowed to pay at all. He laughs and gives a questionable "ok" as if he can stop me. I go with a cliché order, which is a steak with steamed broccoli and a baked potato. Noah orders a different kind of steak, with different sides.

I'm half way through my food, and I can't bare to eat anymore. I sit back in my chair, letting out a big sigh. The food was absolutely amazing, and I'm definitely taking the rest home. Noah is still eating when I decide to bring up my gift.

"So, I have something for you." He cocks his head to the side, seemingly annoyed. But luckily, not mad. "Dont worry, it's not quite a physical gift." I say as he shovels another piece of meat in his mouth.

"I dont know how you felt about it then, but I figured I could offer this now. You don't have to give me an answer now, but this is letting you know that it is on the table." I look down for a second. The waiter comes up to us, interrupting me. I ask for a to go plate, and they leave again.

"But, whenever you're ready, I'm willing to live with you. But like I said, it doesn't have to be right now, you don't have to give me an answer right now either!" I reassure him, so that I don't freak him out. "I just think that we're ready for it, and I would love to give Amy her space back." He nods his head, and I grab the to go plate, putting my food away. Soon after, Noah finishes his food, and cleans up around the table. He leaves to pay the bill, and I quickly put a few 20s on the table before he notices. I follow after him, and we leave the restaurant. Noah shows me the receipt, laughing.

Tip: $50

I open my mouth, shocked. We pull out of the parking lot, and I put the recipt down. "That server is going to love us because not only did you tip on your card, I left money on the table." I stretch my eyes with my fingers, laughing.

Once back at the apartments, we sit in the car and just enjoy each other's company. I thank Noah for the date, and we share a kiss. "I will definitely think about what you said. Thank you for not giving me a physical gift." Noah chuckles slightly. He walks me up to mine and Amy's apartment, giving me one last good night kiss. We part ways, and I immediately shower and go to bed so that I have enough sleep to do work in the morning.


Today is Noah's birthday, and Amy and I are heading to pick my mother up from the airport. She flew in to mainly visit me, being I havent seen her since the accident. But she's also attending Noah's birthday dinner so that she can finally meet him. I get out to greet my mom in a big hug, and help her with her suitcase.

Instead of paying for a hotel, I offered to share my bed with her. On the way back to the apartment, she tells us all about her job, and a guy that she works with. It hurts my heart to hear my mom talking about another man, but I can't expect her to be lonely for the rest of her life.

We mainly have conversations once at the apartment, other than the occasional jokes.

Once time is closer to Noah's dinner, we all get ready. We dress casual, but still look nice. Nick planned the dinner, so he's hosting it at his house. Which was where Noah was previously staying. We arrive early to help Nick finish setting up everything and getting the food ready. Nick excuses himself to greet people at the door. He walks back in while I'm setting the huge table, with a man and a women behind him. As well as the same girl from the house party. I think her name was Danielle.

"Viv, this is my parents and my sister." They all give me warm smiles, and introduce themselves. "We've heard good things about you, Vivian. You seem to make Noah really happy!" The older women gives me a hug. "I sure hope I do!" I laugh nervously.

"Noah did nothing but talk about you at the housewarming party, I was expecting to see you there! But it is nice to finally meet you!" Danielle wraps me into a hug, and the guilt sets in my stomach. Reminding me of how I acted when I saw Noah with her that night.

A few more people arrive, as well as Noah. We enjoy dinner together, and conversate about Noah and his years growing up. Nick pulls out a cake, with all of us gathering to sing happy birthday. He sits back in his chair, laughing the whole time. I snap a few pictures, trying to capture this wholesome moment. Noah blows out the candles and we all clap and cheer. Everyone gets up and migrates to the paper plates, and I stay behind for Noah to join. He grabs my hand, and pulls me closer to him as we slowly walk behind everyone else.

"I want you to move in." He smiles down at me. I return the smile, and laugh. I give him a kiss on the cheek, and continue the night with friends and family. I can't help but to feel like this is more of a gift for me, than him. I'm excited either way, and I cant wait to create more memories.

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