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Vivian's POV

I finally picked one! Noah and I are out car shopping today, and I've test drove quite a few cars. But the last one is definitely the one I'm choosing. Its last year's model of the Volkswagen Jetta. After having a Kia for so long, I decided to branch out to something different. This one is pure white, and has a sunroof. I'm definitely excited about that! Everything is in good shape, and it has low miles! Noah gave me the go ahead, and told me it was a great deal.

Being I saved money, and had a great amount of interest built up, I was able to pay for the car in full. I even had a good amount left over too. I made sure everything was set up right with the car before pulling out of the parking lot. I follow Noah back to the apartments, not wanting to get out of the new car.

Once out, I ask Noah to take a picture of me with the car to send to my mom. "Throw up a peace sign Viv!" He tells me, trying to be funny. I throw 2 fingers up, and give the biggest smile with my eyes closed. He hands the phone back to me, and I send it to both Amy and my mom.

Did a big thing today!   Attachment: Image

"We should definitely just take a drive somewhere tonight! Sit under the stars or something!" I walk up to Noah, just wanting to do something fun. "We can definitely do that. I'm proud of you Viv." Noah gives me a kiss on the forehead, and we make our way up to the apartment. Once inside, I immediately have ideas for some gifts for Christmas. This year I will actually be able to buy everyone I care about something. I know in all reality, it doesn't matter to the receivers. But it matters to me. I love just being able to make someone happy.

I click on Amazon, and search what I'm looking for. I know that Amy has a ton of board games, and has been talking about getting a shelf for them for a long time. She just never puts in the effort to look for one. I know the look she's going for, and I find one to match her aesthetic. I put it in my cart, and place the order. May not seem like much to some people, but I know she will love it.

Noah makes his way into the spare bedroom, and notices I'm already in here. "Oh, so we both had the same idea?" He crosses his arms with a smile on his face. I turn to face him. "What? I wasnt doing anything?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Yeah, and I'm stupid right? Go on, get. I got some gifts to look for too!" He takes my hand, trying to lead me out of the room. "Hey, my stuff is in here too!" I say while laughing. "You had your chance! Goooo!" I wrap my arms around him, so that if he tried to shut me out, he'd shut himself out too. This turns into a full blown play fight. I'm not letting go, but Noah somehow knows exactly how to get me to let go.

He places his hands under my arms, and starts tickling me. My entire body buckles, and I start giggling like a mad man. He quickly tries to get the door, but I grab his leg, making him trip and fall. But not as to hurt himself.

Laughter fills the apartment between the both of us. "You're going to pay for that!" Noah says, still laughing. He leans up to get to me, but I quickly get up and take off through the apartment. He's right on my heels though. His arms go around my body, pulling me back. He picks me up, and struggles to carry me to the couch as for I am wiggling as much as possible. He puts me on the couch, making sure to tickle any part of me that he can.

He then takes off to the spare room, as I'm trying to recover my breathing from laughing so much. By the time I'm up and making my way to the room, he shuts the door, and locks it. I smack the door as my breathing returns to normal. "You ass, I'll get you back!" I say playfully. He doesn't respond.

I grab a bottle of water, and choose to just sit and watch tv and admit defeat.


Noah's POV

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