T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Vivian's POV

"What? Do you need to check on him? How do you think he will react?" I look at Noah, as he still stands concerned. "You go check on Amy, I'll check on Nick." We leave the apartment, and make our way up one floor. Once out of the elevator, Nick is stomping down the hallway.

"Hey bro, you okay?" Noah asks. Nick brushes his shoulder with Noah's to pass by. He doesn't say a word. Noah looks back at him as he continues to walk away. I nudge him to follow and he does.

Once at Amy's apartment, she invites me in looking as if she's cried a little. "What happened?" I ask her as she cleans her nose. "I wanted him to come up here so I could tell I'm everything, being he was already at the apartments. He got mad about everything, especially the fact that I would tell him 'today of all day's'." I mean, it is kind of messed up she chose today, being he has family with him. But she needed to tell him. "He also knows that you and Noah knew." My heart sinks. I know how he's going to feel. Betrayed. By every one of us. Nick is a great guy, he definitely didn't need any of this.

I leave Amy to go find Noah. I find him sitting on the curb outside by himself. He's just sitting there with his head between his legs. "Babe?" I grab his attention. He looks up at me, teary eyed. "He said I'm a piece of shit friend for not telling him. I tried to tell him that I found out last night, and I'm the one who told her to tell him. But he didn't care." Noah quickly wipes his eyes, and stands up. My heart breaks for him. None of this is Noah's fault. He wouldn't have even known if it weren't for me. Nick is Noah's brother at heart, so I can only imagine the hurt they're both feeling.

I follow Noah back to the apartment, soon after dropping my mom and Jason off at the airport. Once I'm back, I sulk in the bed with Noah, trying to make him feel loved without saying anything.


New years was pretty much spent to ourselves. We both had to work, and we also just didn't care about having a party. February has just started, and my birthday is this month. Nick has refused to talk to Noah, and I can see it breaking his heart every day. As to where Amy acts like nothing has happened when she talks to me. With every day that passes, I struggle to not tell Noah that I love him with every part of my body. I have to tell him at some point, but is it a good time? When would be a good time?

We have planned to go to the state park for my birthday. Just walk the trails and be out in nature. We haven't actually had a trip to ourselves yet, so this shall be fun.

Today I'm headed up to the office of where I work. They wanted to talk to me about my performance. I've slacked off a little bit recently, but it shouldn't be enough to get me fired or demoted. The nerves in my body are going wild. On my way to the office, I admire all the accessories Noah bought me for Christmas. It really matches my vibe, and brings my car together decoratively. I love anything nature related. He got some basic seat covers just for the front. They're a nature green color. He also bought some random things like vent clips that are flowers, stuff to hang from the rear view mirror. I think I'm liking this car more than I did my Kia.

I walk into the building to be greeted by Ashley, who now looks completely different from the first time I met her. Her hair has changed, and she had a small baby bump. "Oh my gosh, congratulations!" I tell her, pointing out her pregnancy. "Thank you, however it is absolutely hell so far. I'm definitely regretting my choices." She laughs as she rubs circles on her belly. I follow her into the owners office, where she sits at a computer.

I learned that her name was Beth, but I hadn't actually met her. Shes wearing a pair of big square glasses, and her hair is cut into a really short bob. "Vivian? Hi! It's finally nice to meet you!" She takes the glasses off, placing them on her desk. We shake hands and she offers me to sit, as well as Ashley.

"So, how has work been treating you?" She asks, sitting back in her chair. "It has definitely been great. I love what I do, and I'm not going to lie it's great money." I chuckle slightly. I could've came up with something less cliché to say. "Thats great! So, what we're here to talk about is simple. You can decline this if you're uncomfortable with it. We were talking about making you a Senior Designer. I know it's early, but we have some circumstances that have pushed you forward." She gestures to Ashley, but in a kind way.

"What all does it consist of?" I look at both of them, confused. "So, what Ashley does, is take the full force of everything. She does more designs than you currently do. To the point that people actually ask for her in particular. As to where right now, you do what is available." Beth types on her computer, then turns it around to face me.

"What is actually great is, we've had a decent amount of customers who have requested you in particular. However, the way the company works, is that they can only request certain senior designers." I look at the screen, noticing certain invoices that say things like "sent here for Vivian's work!" and "I want Vivian to do my design." My face lights up with joy. "That's great though! But wouldn't I be taking over your job?" I look over at Ashley. With her having a baby on the way, I wouldn't want to take away her income.

"Yes, you would. But not in a bad way. I'm actually stepping away so I can focus on me and the baby. I actually told Beth that you would be perfect for this." Ashley gives me a big smile. I return the gesture. "So, if you were to take this, your pay would increase hourly. Commission would stay the same. What do you think?" Beth sits back into her chair, both her and Ashley staring at me. I feel my face get flushed. I'm already making great money, but I don't know if I want more on my plate work wise.

"Am I able to think on it?" I ask nervously. Beth tells me take as much time as I need, but the sooner the better for the job, and for Ashley. Beth gives me the rest of the day off, and sends me on my way.

I stop off at the grocery store on my way home to get a few things for dinner tonight. Being I have the time for it, I plan on putting together a roast. Once I'm home, I put together all the ingredients, and put it in the oven for a few hours. I wait for Noah to come home before telling him the news, rather than calling him.

He comes home right as I'm pulling the roast out of the oven. "Whatever that is, smells bomb as fuck." Noah says while putting his keys on the hook. "Thank you, I still have to make the sides but I made a roast." I put the oven mitts down on the counter, and turn to give Noah a kiss.

"I have some news, or more so of a question." I say as Noah pulls a drink out of the fridge. "They want to make me a senior designer. But I don't know if I want to take on all of that extra work." I look at him, waiting for a response. I know that nothing about my job involves him, but I like having the opinion and feedback on it. "If it's something you want to do, then do it. If you think you want or need the extra money, then go for it. You do what makes you happy." I smile at his response. I walk over to him and give him a hug.

"I love you." I say out loud. Did I really just do that? Wait, what?

Noah pulls me away and smiles. He grabs my chin. "I love you, too." He kisses me, and makes his way to sit down. He loves me too? I start to feel all giddy inside, like a school girl. I still have a huge grin plastered on my face as I make the sides for dinner.

We eat dinner while watching tv, and Noah speaks up after finishing his plate. "So I made a new but old friend today." I glance at him confused, but waiting for an elaboration. "We used to hang out a lot a few years ago, but then he moved. He's back down here and offered to take us out to dinner sometime. And I just offered for him to come with us on the trails instead, so he doesn't have to spend money." So much for a trip to ourselves. I can't help but to be annoyed. I'm happy that he has another friend, considering everything with Nick. But at the same time, it's my birthday and our trip. I keep my thoughts to myself, and just enjoy dinner.

I feel the anger boiling up inside, but I push it down as much as possible. It's been a couple of weeks since our last argument, and I'm trying all I can to keep another one from happening. I hate arguing with him, but he just doesn't see things the way I see them. I don't think it will be that way forever, or all the time. But if I can try to prevent it, I will.

Sorry I haven't uploaded yet, I started feeling sick :( I know this chapter is a little short, but more big things are coming soon :D enjoyyyyyyy!

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