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Vivian's POV

I awake the next morning to find that I'm lying in the bed alone. It's now Saturday, and I have afternoon kennel duty at the Vets. So I don't have to be in until 5 later today. I rub my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. I throw the duvet off of my legs, making my way out of Noah's room. I remember my way back to the livingroom, and I find Noah asleep on the leather reclining couch. I never felt him get up last night. I go to look for my bag, for my phone is in it.

Once I pull it out, I check the time.

8:37AM                                             Battery 17%
                         2 missed texts

I open my phone to find a text from Amy, as well as a text from Noah. I haven't checked my phone since Matt and I left for town yesterday.

Noah: Are you okay?

Amy: Girl we have got to hang out! I miss you :(

I give Amy a response, letting her know that we have to set up a time to hang out. Whether it's today, or not. As I'm standing on the other side of the living room, Noah stirs awake in the chair. His eyes open slightly, looking over to me. I lock my phone, shoving it in my pocket as he stretches his arms and legs while still in the chair.

"Hey" his voice is low, and breathy. I give him a slight smile, with a wave. "After you fell asleep, I came in here. I felt like giving you space was the right thing." Noah closes the chair, standing up. "Yeah, I wondered where you went. I knew I fell asleep on you. I'm sorry, by the way. I know that was awkward. And it wasn't your place to comfort me." I scan his body, getting a better look at the bruises and cuts along his face and hands. He moves a little closer to me, waving me into a hug. "Viv, I took some punches for you. I'm the least concerned on how awkward it may or may not have been." He chuckles lightly, and gives me a light squeeze. "I'm just glad you're okay." He pulls away from me, hands on either of my shoulders. It's like he's visually checking on me.

"All of this happened so fast. I got home and-" Noah cuts me off mid sentence. "Are you sure you want to talk about it?" He's looking deep into my eyes, like they will answer first.

"Yes.." I look away for a moment. He walks away towards the kitchen and motions for me to follow. He starts a pot of coffee, pulling out two cups from the cabinet above him. As I'm telling him everything, from Matt and I becoming friends, to right after our date, leading up to last night, I watch him wake up quicker. His jaw getting tense as I tell him the last part. As he stands facing away from me, his hands are on the edge of the counter. The coffee pot gets louder, squeezing out the last bit of water that has now turned into coffee. "I don't want you going back to that place." Noah says in a more quiet tone. I assume he's referring to my house. "I have no other choice, Noah. That's my home." He quickly responds, "what about friends? You can't stay with friends for a while?" He glares at me, his eyes full of emotion. "The only friend I have is Amy. And I don't want to intrude her life like that." I shake my head consistently. Noah hands me a cup of coffee, stepping closer to me. "Please try. Atleast try." I nod my head, moving over to make my coffee the way I like it.


After Noah's pleading to find someone I could stay with, I messaged Amy to let her know I could hang out. Noah tagged along, considering I didn't bring my car. I have 4 hours before I have to go for kennel duty. We're just going to Amy's apartment, since Noah is insisting I ask her. It wouldn't be a bad idea. I would just feel bad crowding her space. Amy lives in a 2 bedroom apartment. That's all they had available when she was looking for a place. She just uses the second room to put random things in.

Amy greets us downstairs, considering you have to live there, or be with the tenant to even gain access to the building. She knew that Noah was coming, and of course gave me hell while he was in the shower. Giving me "oooo"s like a school girl. We follow her up to the apartment, giving the occasional hello to anyone who passed.

Once in the apartment, Amy turns to face the both of us. "Both of you can sit down if you'd like. I can get- woah!" She finally takes a look at Noah, noticing his bruises and cuts. "Dude, what happened to you? You must be in fight club or something? Wait, if you are you can't tell me, that's a shame." She's shocked, but makes a joke. Noah looks at me, as if he's waiting for my response.

"Okay if y'all are into some kinky shit, I don't want to know." She then whispers towards me, knowingly not quiet enough. "You can give me the deets later." We all laugh. "No, uhm.. that's actually what I insisted on coming over for." Amy looks confused, but we make our way over to her living room. I give her all the details, including the fight between Matt and Noah. She's met Matt once, when we all hung out at my house.

Amy is furious.

"That bitch put his hands on you?!" She gets up, grabbing my face to check me over. "I'm going to fuck him up!" She yells. Noah clears his throat, "I think I already did."

"Noah insists that I can't stay at my house anymore. Matt would never tell me how he got into my house. That is kind of why we're over here... I was wondering if I could stay here for a little bit?" I look at Amy, hating the fact that I just asked for a place to stay. "Of course! It keeps you safe, and it'll help the both of us. My rent is the same as yours, we can just split it and save some money." She places her hands on both of my shoulders. "I love you, and I couldn't bare to let anything happen to you. You'll just have to help me clean the other room." She laughs a little bit. I didn't notice the tears that came out, until she wipes them away.

We hug each other for what felt like forever. Saying "I love you" back and forth. With the little bit of time to spare, Noah and I head to my apartment just to grab a few of my things for the next few days. I grab my car so that he doesn't have to make another trip back. We talked with Amy, and set a later time to go back and get my bed. She offers to share her bed with me until then.

Noah and I make our way to our vehicles, so that I can leave for work.

"Thank you so much, Noah. You shouldn't have had to deal with this. But thank you for being there for me, even though we haven't been around each other that much." We give each other a sincere hug. Before he pulls away, he rubs my back a little. "I hope that'll change. You seem to be a wonderful woman, Viv. And I would love to get to know you more than this. On your own time, of course."

I agree. We go separate ways, him heading wherever he goes, and me off to work for the next hour and a half.

His hug, and his words really meant a lot to me. Maybe I will forget all of this happened. But at the same time, I'm thankful that Noah has been this kind to me...

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