T W E N T Y - N I N E

294 12 8

Vivian's POV

The BMTH concert is tonight, and I am pumped. Although, I am nervous because we're in the pit. I've heard mixed reviews about being in the pit at a concert. So I'm not sure what to expect. Another thing; Noah said that there will be another surprise, but not until we're there. He refuses to tell me what it is, that I would ruin it if I knew. I still wish Noah was coming, we have still yet to do anything by ourselves.

It's hard for me to keep my mouth shut when Nick, and Folio come over to hang out with Noah. I don't know exactly what happened between Amy and Folio, but considering she invited him over for sex, I can guarantee that's what they did. I also found out that Folio is staying with Nick until he gets his own place. I'm just waiting for this thing with all of them to fall apart. I'm definitely going to make sure I'm clueless when it happens.

Im trying to make sure I'm prepped for the concert, by getting dressed and putting on makeup. I don't do anything heavy, in the case that I sweat. Its a clear bag policy, but I don't think I really need to take anything other than my phone and wallet.

Amy and I are about an hour and a half from the arena, so we'll have to leave a decently early. We plan to be there early in general to get closer to the stage in the pit. For the time we have left to wait, I just sit on the couch and watch TV with Noah. "So I test drove Folio's bike the other day, and I told him that I for sure want it when he gets something else." Noah says. My eyes go wide. "Are you serious? You could've gotten hurt, Noah." I sit at the edge of the couch. "Babe, Folio does it all the time, what's the difference when I do it?" Noah asks, turning to me.

"Anything can happen Noah, he's been doing it for a long time, you haven't!" My voice gets louder. "Vivian, how do you think he got used to it?" Noah talks to me as if I'm stupid. I say whatever, and grab my things to go being it was closer in time for us to leave. I give Noah a quick kiss before I leave, and I go down to my car. I send Amy a text, letting her know I was downstairs and ready.

Amy rushes down, her makeup bag in hand, as well as her other things. She yanks open the door of my car, jumping in. "I'm sorry, I lost track of time and haven't even done my makeup!" She throws her seatbelt on, and pulls down the visor for the mirror.

Here goes the long drive....


The drive was horrible. It was the middle of rush hour, so everyone was getting off of work. As well as the bunch of people heading to the event as well. Luckily, were about the 50th, and 51st people in line. But there is a ton of other people behind us as well. Both of us make conversation with the people around us, talking mainly about BMTH. But also just random things as well. They started letting people in early, but only 15 people at a time to keep everyone calm and orderly.

Somehow, Amy and I got split up when they were letting people in. I got in before her, and she was in the group behind me. There's still a few spots right at the baracade, and I try my best to make the most space as possible for her to come next to me. As I'm standing there waiting, I see someone out of the corner of my eye walking to me.

"Where's Amy?" It's Nick. What's he doing here? I'm completely thrown off by his appearance here. "She was in the group behind me, what are you doing here?" I yell over some of the music that's started to play over the speakers. "I had this planned a while ago. I felt like I had to still do it. Just slightly different." I look at him, still confused. Amy comes sprinting over, trying to make sure she gets next to me. Half way to me, she notices Nick and gives me a mad, confused look.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Amy asks Nick once she's at the baracade. Nick looks at me, as if he's wanting me to turn away or put space between us. I shrug my shoulders, and walk a little bit away, talking to some other fans.

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