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A/N: Its a little bit of a time jump, but bare with me here 😅

Vivian's POV

It's been a week since I got my cast off, and I couldn't be happier. My arm looks skinny, but the doctor told me that with time it'll go back to normal. My job is going good so far, but I'm still in training. Ashley said that once I'm set on training, they'll send me home to do some of the tasks and see how I do.

A couple of days after Noah asked me to be his, I told Amy. And of course she jumped for joy, as expected. The picture of Noah and I finally has a frame, and it sits on my nightstand. We have been on a couple of dates since we got together, but they weren't much of anything being I still had my arm in a cast. Nothing much has changed, other than our obvious display of affection towards each other. Amy and Nick make jokes about it. However, Nick has actually shown interest in one of our friends, Lola. The girl from the little get together that Amy threw.

He asked me for her socials, and I haven't heard much about it since. He really keeps it on the down low.

"This is the program you'll need for everything." Ashley's showing me a few more things for the job. "It's pretty easy, when someone wants something made, you ask these questions about what they want the end product to be. You tell them that you'll give them a couple of rough sketches for free, but to actually receive the product, they have to pay for it. Aside from you taking the time to come up with something." She hands me a pamphlet with a list of questions. "You will do a couple of jobs in the next few days, and then depending on your performance, we'll let you go home to work." She gives me a smile, scooting the laptop over to me.

I spent the day working on one design for a customer, and it went pretty well. After the first sketch, they loved it and immediately paid for the final piece. Ashley still wants me to do one more, then I can work at home.

There has been talk amongst our little group about another trip, but unsure of where to. It's now July, so we want to do another summer activity. Once home, I invite Amy out for dinner with my first paycheck. "I'm not doing anything fancy, but I will treat you for helping me the past month or so." I say, heading to my room to change. I get paid a day earlier than my last job, so it's kind of exciting.

"I'm just glad to be getting out of this house. It's work, then home. It's absolutely boring!" Amy yells from her room. We both dress casual, and head out. I send Noah a text, letting him know I would call him once I got back. Amy and I settle on a local pizza restaurant. It's not plain, but not over the top either. They have some really good, and creative pizzas. We take her car, being mine was completely totaled.

"So, has anyone sparked your interest lately?" I look at Amy, taking a sip of my soda. We just ordered our food, and have a longer wait than normal. "Not really, I think Nick is kind of cute, but we haven't talked at all. So I don't know if he would be my type at all."

My eyes grow wide, as for this is my first time hearing this. "You're shitting me! Oooo Amy has a crush!" She throws her balled up straw paper at me. "Hush!" She looks around, as if Nick could hear. Although I do feel bad, because he seems into Lola, and Amy doesn't know. "I think I've seen him staring, if you know what I mean. But nothing has been said or came from it." I just smile at her, taking another sip of my drink.

We have our usual banter, talking about work, things we want to do. We ordered one pizza to share, and it arrives at our table on one of those pizza stands.

"You know, we should see about the beach." Amy wipes her mouth with a napkin. This pizza is messy, but it is delicious. "I don't know, seems cliché though. What about the river?" I respond, grabbing another piece. "We could all camp again, but there's a river not far from here that we can float down. It's like, a 3 hour float." I take a bite of my next slice, regretting it, as for I am now full. Amy is still chowing down.

"I've seen a few posts about it. We could all get something to drink, and float down a couple of times. And we can camp so none of us are driving drunk. And this time, we will be prepared for camping." I laugh, cleaning my hands and face. Amy doesn't seem against the idea, and mentions that I should talk with the guys about it.

We get the rest of the pizza to go, both of us stuffed. I make a call to Noah over the Bluetooth in Amy's car, so that we can tell him our idea.

He answers, and I tell him all that we've talked about. "We would definitely have to get a second tent." Noah suggests. "But at the same time, I think Nick is wanting to invite Lola." Amy glances over at me, confused. Then focuses back onto the road. "I mean, it's a big enough tent for us to share." Amy rebuttles. I don't think she liked hearing what Noah said. He says that he will talk to Nick about it, and the call ends.

Once back at the apartment, Amy seems unbothered by Nick wanting Lola to come. "I mean, I'm willing to share a tent with Nick and Lola if they're okay with it. I don't mind." She says, putting the leftovers in the fridge.

I text Noah to let him know, and he offers for the trip to be this weekend. Today is only Thursday, so we have a whole day to decide. And luckily, I have weekends off. By the time he tells me that, Amy has already gone to bed. I decide to just talk to her in the morning about it all.


Its the next morning and I got another Uber to work. I texted Amy while I was on the way, letting her know what Noah said last night. She leaves for work before I do, so I don't see her in the mornings. She responds once I arrive at work.

Yeah, that's fine. Just let me know what all I need to do.

Will do :)

Work goes by like it did yesterday. I texted Noah to let him know Amy's answer. I worked on 2 more designs, each customer loving the first sketch. Ashley gives me the okay to work from home, sending me home with the work laptop, and a couple of binders with just some more information about the work. In between all of that, I relayed information back and forth. Amy got off work early, and we took a trip to the local Walmart for supplies for the weekend.

Noah has already handled the tent situation. So all we need is a few essentials. Bug spray, sunscreen, alcohol, food. Amy grabs a single float. Noah took care of ours. He said he grabbed a "double float". As we're standing at checkout, I look over at Amy. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" I ask, mentioning what she said the night before. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a little meaningless crush. It's not like I'm jealous." She shrugs her shoulders.

We check out, heading home to pack. The plan is for Lola to show up to the guys house in the morning. Then, they'll come get us in Nick's truck. Amy and I set our things on the couch, so it's easier to grab in the morning.

Even though it's not late, I decide to go ahead and shower. I pull off my clothes once I start the shower. I pull up Snapchat on my phone, and snap a picture of myself in the mirror. I'm sitting on the counter, trying to accentuate my bare ass. I turn slight, to expose my breasts. But I cover them with my arm. Once I have the perfect picture, I send it to Noah and close my phone. We haven't really sent pictures like that to each other, but I thought I would give him a little tease.

Once I'm out of the shower and dressed, I check my phone to find that Noah has sent another photo back. Its a picture of his surprised face, with the caption: "fuck, you look good".

I giggle to myself, and send one of my winking back. For the rest of the night, Amy and I watch tv, and play in our phones. We try to go to bed a little early, so that we will be a little more rested than last time.

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