T H I R T Y - T H R E E

273 11 0

Noah's POV

How the fuck is she pregnant? I mean, I know how she got pregnant, but when? How could this have happened? I mean, there's been a few times we've had sex unprotected, but I've always pulled out. I'm not trying to be insensitive to her, being that I just put her life in danger. But this is some major shit to deal with. We can't have a baby right now. We have our own personal shit to work out, and now there's a baby in the mix?

Hell, not too long ago, I almost hit her. Out of anger. Even though it scared me shitless, it's still something that needs to be worked out. I keep walking away from her so I can contain myself. I just can't fathom how this could happen.

I hear Vivian come in after a few minutes, and I make my way to the living room. "What are we going to do, Viv?" I ask, as she carefully sits down on the couch. "I don't know. I can't see myself getting an abortion. I'm just not about that." She sniffles, and wipes her nose. "Vivian, we can't take care of a baby right now. I'm not ready. We're not ready." I try to say as calmly as possible.

"Well, I don't know what to tell you, Noah. This is just as much as your fault, as it is mine." Attitude fills her voice. I stare at her for a second before responding. "Have you made an appointment?" "I did before I came in. It's next week." Vivian starts to cry, and I get up to comfort her. I'm careful, as to not touch her road rash. It looks pretty bad. They gave her some things to care for it, like bandages and antibiotic ointment. I feel terrible about what happened. "Have you told anyone about this?" She looks up at me, sadness in her eyes. I shake my head no. "We will get through this, Viv." Really, I'm lying to not only her, but myself. I don't know if we will get through this.


Vivian's POV

My appointment was 2 weeks ago, and I had found out that I was actually 10 weeks. Currently, I'm 12. If you put 2 and 2 together. The nausea has definitely been kicking my ass. It's all times of the day. So I can't say its morning sickness. I've tried to convince Noah to get rid of that damn bike, but he won't. A few things were messed up, but nothing major.

So far, we haven't told anyone about this. Not even our parents. We're just so afraid of their reactions. Noah is more so afraid of Nick's reaction. Considering the way he acted when we moved in together. Noah and I have still been trying to wrap our brain around this whole ordeal. Even looking at the sonogram, it still doesn't feel real.

I'm on my way over to Amy's to hang out. She said she needed some girl time, that she's been stuck with guys for too long. Once I'm over there, the drama immediately floods my ears.

"I really need you to keep a secret, for real this time. Until I figure out what to do." Amy holds my hands, pleading with me. I agree, but I roll my eyes.

"Folio and I had sex." She says quietly. "Yeah, I already knew that Amy." I sit down on her couch. "No Viv... I mean again. Recently." She says while fiddling her hands. "Amy, are you fucking kidding me? How many times are you going to hurt Nick? He doesnt deserve that!" Amy tries to shush me. "Viv, I know. I know. It wasn't meant to be like that. I love Nick with all my heart, but it's just something about Folio that gets to me. He keeps flirting with me, and trying to get at me. I can't take it."

"You have to tell him, Amy. I mean, this guy is living with him! What are you going to do if he tells Nick first?" I ask, now standing up again. I can't believe she would do this, again. "That's the thing, I think he might know something. Whether he told Nick or not. He's been acting odd." I make my way over to the door to leave. "You know what, Amy, I can't deal with this right now." Amy scoffs, following me. "Are you serious? We're supposed to hang out. And you're supposed to be there for me!" Amy holds the now open door. "Well Amy, I can't support you in this. Whether I'm close to Nick or not, you can't string him along the way you have. I dont like it. It winds up interfering with my life." She looks taken back by my statement. I tell her goodbye, and leave the apartment. That was a waste of time.

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