T H I R T Y - S I X

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Noah's POV

"What's going on, man?" I ask Nick. I drove around on the bike for a little while before ending up at his house. "Dude, it's 12 o'clock, why aren't you home?" Nick replies, rubbing his eyes. Folio shows up behind him, still haven't moved out. "I, uh..." I trail off. "I did something I shouldn't have." They both give me an odd look, waiting for me to explain.

Once I do, Nick looks furious and Folio just looks disappointed. "You put your fucking hands on her again?" Nick yells in my face, and I half ass cower down, but another part of me rises in anger. "I fucking told her to get out of my face and she wouldn't!" I yell back. Nick steps up to me, doing the same that Vivian did. "I'm in your fucking face, what's up?" He challenges me. I take a deep breath, and Nick keeps repeating himself.


I push Nick away from me, but that sets him off. As soon as I do, he swings, hitting me right in eye. "Fuck!" I yell, putting my hand over my face. I tackle him, both of us grappling each other on the ground. I'm barely getting punches in, but Nick is getting me in all the sweet spots. I feel his weight leave my body, as Folio has grabbed him and pulled him away. I lay on the ground, coughing as I roll onto my side. Folio sends Nick inside, and helps me get off the ground. I wipe my mouth, and notice blood on my hand. He got me good.

"You really need to get help, Noah." Folio says to me, handing over a cigarette. I haven't had one in years. But it won't hurt. "Yeah, you're telling me." I light it up, and take a hit. "This is literally what I told you would happen. I'm watching you do the same thing I did. I'm not proud of it." Folio wipes some of the dirt off my arm.

Nick storms back out of the door, and makes his way over to us. Folio out stretches his arm to keep us separated. "You wanna know something?" Nick's voice is low, and aggravated. He yanks the cigarette out of my hand, and throws it on the ground. "First and fucking foremost, you quit that a long time ago. Second of all, that girl doesn't deserve that shit. She just gave birth to your fucking dead child." My heart immediately drops. Folio looks over at me, unknowing the situation. "She has been through fucking hell and back and she doesn't need you putting your filthy hands on her." Nick's yelling once more, but tears coming to his eyes. "You need to go. Once you learn how to be a man, you can come back. Until then, stay the fuck away from me."

He makes his way back inside, slamming the door behind him. Folio doesn't bother to ask about what was said, instead suggests that I leave.


I make my way back home, dreading the silence. Once there, I slowly make my way inside, and find all the lights turned off. I assume that Viv has gone to bed, and I go to the room. Except when I go to turn the handle, it doesn't budge. She's locked the door. I slide down to the floor, and lean my head against the door frame to wait till morning. I fall asleep sitting up, and in pain.


Vivian's POV

I wake up the next morning with a giant headache from crying all night. I decide to make some coffee to wake up a little more. I unlock the door, and open it to reveal Noah covered in blood, leaning against the door frame. "Noah?" I call out, leaning down to inspect him. He turns his head, letting out a huge groan. He opens his eye, but one is swollen. "What the hell happened?" I ask, placing my hands around his face. His lip is busted, and his face is bruised. He groans once more before speaking. "Don't worry about it." Noah sits up straight, then makes his way up off the floor.

I follow him as he goes to the bathroom. He turns on the shower, then takes a look at himself in the mirror. He starts laughing as he touches his swollen, busted lip. Why is he laughing about this?

Noah takes his clothes off, then turns to me. He grabs the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and off my body. I guess we're showering.

As we take a shower, we stay silent. I help Noah wash the dirt and blood off of his body, him wincing no matter where I touched. The rest of the shower consisted of us holding each other. Just like every other time, we don't speak about what happened. And he definitely won't speak on what happened to him. I feel terrible, I made him do that out of anger. And he went and did whatever he did out of anger. He calls out of work the moment we get out of the shower, and just lays on the couch all day. "I had a good time on our trip..." I speak out, causing Noah to glance over at me. "Me too." He says bluntly. No emotion shown in his voice.

I'm guessing he is going to give me the silent treatment now. I text my mom back and forth, and set up a plan for me to come see her for a few days. I bring it up to Noah, and again he doesn't seem to care. "Do what you have to, babe."

"My flight is tonight." I say with the same amount of emotion that he gives me. "I'll get your suitcase out of the car." He gets up, and makes his way outside to grab it. Tears well in my eyes, as I'm unable to understand why he's acting the way he is. I quickly wipe my eyes before he comes back in. I grab the suitcase from his hands, and go to the bedroom to switch out everything that lies within it.

A few hours pass after I've packed everything I needed, and I grab Noah's attention. "Are you going to drop me off? Or am I taking my car to the airport?" "I'll drop you off." Noah stands up, and quickly grabs the keys to my car. It hasn't been drove in a few days, so it'll be okay.

Music plays softly in the background as Noah drives us to the airport. Again, nothing is said between us. Once we're there, Noah gets out to grab my suitcase for me. I grab the handle from him, and he pulls me in for a hug. "I love you, Viv." He says softly. Tears pool in my eyes once again. "I love you too, Noah." Cars honk behind us, as we're in their way. Noah flips them off, and pulls away from me. We share a light kiss, careful not to hurt his lip anymore.

I go through security, and baggage check. I haven't told my mom a thing about what happened. I don't necessarily plan to, because I know exactly what she will say. "Flight 289, now boarding." A women calls over the intercom. My flight. I hand over my ticket to the women at the terminal, and she gives me the go ahead. I find my seat on the plane, and suprisingly I have a window seat. There's a weird balance between it being the best seat, and the worst seat on a plane. It's only a 2 and a half hour flight, so I shouldn't have too many issues.

Once the plane lands, I'm greeted by my mom and Jason, who look really happy to see me. I put on the fakest smile, and greet them both with a hug. "No Noah?" Jason asks. I try to keep my smile from turning into a frown. "No Noah. He had work to do." I lie. He gives me an "ah" letting me know he understood. I'm only here for 3 days, then I'll be back home. Hopefully, that'll be what we need for things to be back to normal. And with Amy not being in my life anymore, I need this. Even if it is my mom, I need girl time.

This will be a hard couple of days without Noah, I know. We haven't been apart since we moved in together. Maybe he can spend some time with the guys, write some songs or something. Get all that he's feeling out through music, rather than giving it all to me.

I know this was a short chapter, but bare with me. Once again, if you haven't already, follow me to stay updated on CWYWF, as well as the sequel that will be coming after this 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜

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