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Noah's POV

As I pull out of Vivian's driveway, I take one last glance at her. I throw her a smile, however she doesn't see through the darkness of my car. She watches for a second as I pull away.

She looked absolutely beautiful tonight, and I prepared one of the most boring dates. Come on, Noah. You could've created something more complex than a 'movie date'. Although, I feel like we have some kind of connection. The jokes flowed freely between the two of us. Even with the silence, I felt comfortable, aside from all the nerves shooting through my body.

I haven't been on a date in about 6 months. Since I have moved to this town, I haven't really found anyone interesting, or fun to even consider. Something about that night at the bonfire was definitely interesting. Vivian and I talked for about 3 or so hours, about so many random things.

I pull into the driveway of my house that I share with my brother, putting the car in park. I zone out for a moment, thinking back on all of tonights activities and conversations. I pull my phone out, preparing a text for Viv.

Thank you for coming with me. I definitely had a great time. Let's go again soon?

I stare at my phone for a moment, waiting for a response. After 5 minutes, nothing. I shrug it off, making my way inside. As I get the shower running, I strip down, putting my phone on the counter. I came straight to the bathroom, considering Nick was asleep.

It's an hour after I sent my text, and I still have no reply.

I guess she didn't enjoy it at all.

Maybe I'm just over thinking it. It's late. I crawl under the covers, drifting off to sleep...

Trigger warning: abuse

Vivian's POV

"What are you doing here?" I look, puzzled. I set my things down on the coffee table that's sat in front of Matt.
"I came and sat on your porch for hours. I had planned this tonight, not like you cared." He gestures to the flowers that still sat upon his lap. "And then, I just so happen to see a post on Instagram. And guess who that post was made by?" I stare, appalled.

"Noah, fucking, Sebastian. Of you two, sitting in his car."

I completely forgot about the picture we took. It was right before going into the movie theatre. I didn't know he was going to post it.

"Y-yeah, " I stutter, "he asked me on a date and I went. I was going to tell you about it when it was over." I shake my head a little, still confused as to what's happening here. "And you think that I would want to hear about your fucking date?!" He raises his voice, now sitting up straighter.

"Matt, I'm totally confused. Why are you in my house? How did you get in here?" He completely ignores my statements.

"I have been over here, trying to win you over for what? Over 3 weeks?! And you just up and run off with this fucker?" He stands up, the flowers falling onto the floor. He gets closer to me, and I cower slightly. He continues to yell in my face, spit getting on my face occasionally.

"Matt, I'm not interested in you like that, I wanted to be just friends? You're still not telling me how you got in here!" In a split second, he grabs my throat, pulling him to me. What the fuck is going on? He squeezes tightly on my throat, making it hard for me to breathe.

"I don't care what you're interested in. I'm interested in you, and that's what matters." He gets closer to me, whispering in my ear. Im holding onto his arm, trying to pull him away. But it's no use. He's bigger, and stronger than me. "You see that fucker again, and it will be worse. I promise. You will forget this happened, and you will do as I tell you to." He smashes his lips against mine. I keep my lips as tight as possible. The tears are now falling down my face. I am terrified. He lets go of me, and turns around to pick up the flowers that got stepped on.

He flicks his hair out of his face, holding out the flowers. "Now," he breathes, "I got these for you. I thought you'd love them." The shift in his emotions scares me even more. He grits through his teeth, "Take. The damn. Flowers." His tone is low, however, his holds a smile. I slowly reach out for the stems, taking them out of his big hands.

"I will see you tomorrow. I'm taking you on a date. Be ready." He grabs me, kissing me once more. I don't budge. Matt pulls away from me, walking out my front door, and over to his car that's parked across the street. How did I not notice it?

I walk over to the door, locking both the handle, and the deadbolt. I'm frightened, considering I still don't know how he got in. If he could get in, who else could? I grab at my neck, as the pain still lingers. I dump the flowers in the trash, unable to contain my cries once more. I grab my things off the coffee table, going straight to my bed. As I lay on my side, I click the button on my phone, making it light up my face.

Thank you for coming with me. I definitely had a great time. Let's go again soon?

I stare at the text for a moment. I want to say yes, but I'm completely afraid of what will happen. I really had a great time with Noah. I go through my phone, and block Matt on everything. I wish there was a way to block someone from your house. Restraining orders definitely wouldn't do justice in this situation.


I fell asleep last night,after what felt like forever. I got up, attempting to get ready for work. As I step in the bathroom, I look in the mirror, noticing the slight red marks scattered across my neck. They're not terrible, but you can definitely see them. I strip out of the clothes I was wearing from last night, and I take a brisk shower.

I wore my hair down today, in hopes to hide my neck some. Luckily, no one notices. We had a major surgery on a Labrador today, so no one was focused on me for sure.

As I'm on my way home, my phone rings through the Bluetooth system in my car. I look towards the radio.

Incoming call: Noah

My heart jumps in my chest. Right before I answer it, I notice Matts car on my curb. I glance back down at the call, and click the decline button. I start breathing rapidly, not knowing what to expect considering I blocked Matt on everything. I turn the key to the off position, my hand shaking as I do so. I get out of the car, and make my way around to my front door.

"I noticed what you did. You know I'm going to have to change that." Matt calls across the yard. "Get dressed. Be out here in 10." He leans against his car, crossing his arms.

What do I do?


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