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Vivian's POV

It has been a week since the accident, and I'm feeling a lot better. The doctor says it will be about a month before I get out of this cast. But I may still use a sling just to give it a little more time. Luckily, I was able to contact Ashley from 252 Graphics to let her know what happened. She was very understanding, and gave her condolences. She also sent out a small gift basket from herself, not the company. She pushed back my start date for a week before my cast is supposed to be taken off. Considering my dominant arm has been compromised.

Although I have freaked out about money, being Im technically not working. That's a whole month of no pay. I have apologized to Amy countless times, but she reminds me that she was paying rent before I even moved in. That she was just worried about my well-being.

As nasty as it may sound, I haven't showered in a week. I can't get my cast wet, and I've just been sore. I haven't wanted to do much. I've struggled to brush my teeth, but I've had Amy brush my hair for me once the bandage came off. The stitches come out sooner than the cast comes off. So she has had to brush around them. On the days that Noah hasn't been working, he's came over while Amy was at work to entertain me. Like today, he came over the moment Amy left, and has spent the day just watching random tv on cable.

Noah ordered some lunch for us, and sat back down on the couch with me. "Viv, I care about you, and I dont want to hurt your feelings, but you stink." He laughs at me, waving his hand in front of his nose. "Oh hush, I just can't get my cast wet. And it's kind of hard to do everything if I have to stick my arm out of the shower." Noah sits in silence for a minute, then gets up without saying anything. He walks into the bathroom. I hear rustling, then he walks back out.

"I will be back. Food will more than likely be here before I get back, you can go ahead and eat though." He grabs his keys from his pocket, while walking towards the door. "Wait, where are you-" the door slams shut, as Noah leaves. "Going." Okay? I think to myself.

Like Noah said, the food arrives before he does. I grab what was ordered for me, sitting back down on the couch to chow down. I surf through the channels on the tv for the hundreth time, settling on watching Drake and Josh. I haven't watched this in so long, it feels nostalgic. 15 more minutes pass, and Noah comes through the door. I gave him my key to the apartment for him to get in the gate. Both him and Amy thought it would've been a good idea, so that I wasn't sitting here alone. My mother only stayed in town for 2 days, because she had to leave for work.

Which I didn't expect her to stay. I just hated that's the way I got to see her for the first time in a while. Noah sets the bag he brought in on the counter. "Let's go." He motions for me to come here. "I'm going to help you get clean." My eyes widen. "Wait, now before you go against it, I brought a pair of swimming shorts so that I don't have to get naked. And you can put on a swimsuit if you'd like. But you're getting clean today." He pulls out a detachable shower head from the bag, as well as some plain black swim shorts.

"Wait, Amy has one of those big tubs in her master bath. That could be easier." I say, leading him to Amy's bathroom. She's already given me permission to use it, being we both love long baths and using bath products. "So you're telling me I bought this for nothing?" Noah holds up the shower head. "Well no, you could still attach it to the faucet. It's not the standard faucet." Noah lines up the two ends after taking the shower head out, and it fits.

He tells me to find everything I need while he sets up the bath. If I want everything clean, I need to be naked. But I know this is going to be awkward. He has already seen my boobs through my bra, so what's the difference right? I grab a little decorative basket, putting my things in it. Like my shampoo, conditioner, body wash. That sort of stuff. I also make sure to grab a new rag.

I dress down in my bathroom, throwing my robe around my body so I'm not just completely naked in the house. I make sure to grab a towel as well so I don't soak my robe when I get out.

Once I head back to the bathroom, Noah has already changed into just the bottoms. The tub is already filled, and he's tightening the shower head on the faucet. "I hope it's not too hot for you. It felt great for me." He taps the water, checking the temperature. I set the basket on the ledge of the bath, and Noah climbs into it first. I hesitate for a moment before I pull my robe off my body. He must have expected me to wear the bathing suit like he suggested, because his eyes were like 2 full moons. I could tell he was trying his hardest not to look.

"I figured if we were doing this, we might as well do everything." I say as he nods. I step into the bathtub, getting between his legs and sitting down.

I hang my arm on the outside of the tub, to keep it away from the water. Noah starts with my body first, lathering up the rag. He starts at the base of my neck, then down to my back. He moves back up to my shoulders, and I lay back onto him. He very carefully moves the rag over my breasts, then down my left arm. The most he can reach from behind me is my entire stomach. He finishes up my stomach, starting to move to get to the rest of my body. My nerves get the best of me, and I stop him. "I-I can get my lower half." He hands the rag over to me, as I get between my legs the best I can, also getting my legs. He presses the pause button that's on the shower head, water spraying out onto my torso. He gets the soap off of my body that isn't submerged, then moves to wet my hair.

He grabs my hair, moving it around delicately. Like it will fall apart if he moves it too much. He moves on to shampoo my hair, lightly massaging my scalp. I try my damnedest to keep from letting out a moan, because scalp massages are the best thing ever. After getting everything completely rinsed out, we sit in the bathtub enjoying the warm water. I'm leaning back against him, with my head more so on his arm.

He gives me a small kiss, but keeps his hands to himself. "Will you be my girlfriend, Viv?" He waits for my answer. I smile at him, and nod my head yes. He gives me another kiss, then motions for me to sit up so he could get out. He dries himself off lightly using the towel I brought, then lightly pats me down once I'm out.

"Vivian? Noah?" The apartment door shuts, and Amy's voice floods the apartment. I grab my robe and quickly put it over my body, tying it closed. Amy comes into her room, throwing her stuff on the bed when she notices Noah and I standing in her bathroom. "You got her to bathe? Thank God." Amy laughs. "Girl if all you wanted was a man to wash you, that's all you had to tell me instead of letting me bother you all week." She giggles once more. She tells us to leave the mess, that she will get it. We leave Noah to change back into his clothes.

"I have some good news for you." Amy looks at me, as she pulls a quick meal out of the freezer. "So I found out that Matt was already on parole. And considering he had... Done what he done. He won't be getting out any time soon. He's posted without bail." Amy's pause in her sentence confused me. It was like she was trying to avoid talking about the accident. I know it was traumatic for her as well, being her and I are so close. I shrug it off. "That is good. I would just rather not talk about him at all. I already have this as a reminder." I hold up my casted arm.

I decide to keep the news from Amy about Noah and I, because I know she will jump in excitement. And I am not mentally prepared for it, because I am exhausted. Noah comes out of the bathroom, grabbing his now cold food. We all sit on the couch as him and Amy eat, just watching the TV.

Amy's POV

As we sit watching the TV, I struggle to keep the news from Noah. Matt was already on parole, and being he was caught with a gun, he will not be getting out. After we left from the hospital that day, Noah and I had a long conversation about what we would do if that man got out. We would do everything in our power to keep Vivian safe. I loved seeing him so concerned about Viv like that. I haven't seen a guy that head over heels for Vivian in a long time. I just wish they would get together already.

Noah leaves about an hour later, and Vivian falls asleep on the couch. I hate watching her live on the couch. But atleast she's clean now. I cut all the lights off in the apartment, and plug her phone up into the extension cord she had ran up to the couch. After locking the door, I make my way to bed, leaving my door open in case she needs anything.

I love that girl with all my heart, and I would be more than willing to do anything for her. She has been there for me more times than I can count, and the only way I can thank her is being the same for her.  

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