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Vivian's POV

Payday comes up, and I'm starstruck at the numbers that light up my phone. I immediately put as much as I can possible into my savings account. I have been saving for a car, so I don't have to rely on Ubers and the people around me. I did the smart thing and started a savings account that builds interest. That way I can get something quicker.

Noah is throwing a house warming party tonight. Tomorrow is Labor day, and luckily we all work jobs that aren't required to work holidays. I have no idea who all is invited. Noah told me and Amy not to bring anything, being we've already helped enough.

Of course, I don't abide by that. I decide that I'm going out to buy some lingerie. I'm going to wear it under my clothes, and surprise Noah with it once everyone leaves.

I ask Amy to take me to the mall the day of, and of course shes full of excitement. Its the only thing I've told her among Noah and I, and she went ballistic. As we walk into Spencer's, Amy is all over the place. She picks out multiple sets, all of them pretty much cosplay. Slutty nurse, Cowgirl, Schoolgirl... Just... No. Amy turns sour, as I turn down all her options. "I just want something basic, Amy." I plead with her. "Fine." She stomps over to the rack of lace lingerie.

She pulls out a basic set, red in color. I yank it from her hand, staring at it in awe. "Don't tell me you hate that one too!" Amy crosses her arms, looking at me. "No! Its perfect!" We go to the check out to pay, and head back to the apartment.

Once we're back, I immediately try on the set. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, pleased with my, I mean, Amy's choice. You just can see my nipples through the lace. I open the door slightly, and I call out to Amy. I figured I would show her, being she chose it. We're both comfortable with each other that being naked doesn't bother us. Let alone wearing lingerie. She comes around the corner, and I step out of the bathroom.

"Hot mama! You look fantastic!" She says, hyping me up. "Your tits look good," she motions for me to spin around "oooo and your ass looks great!" I blush, as I strike a pose to be funny. "He's going to love it. And if he doesn't, he must not be all the way there." Amy taps on her forehead, making a stupid joke. I shake my head at her, going back into the bathroom to put my regular clothes on over the set.


Amy and I decide to wait a little bit before going down to Noahs apartment, just so we weren't the first ones there. Even though I'm his girlfriend. Once closer to his door, you can hear the faint music playing from inside. But not loud enough to be a disturbance. We walk in, seeing about 10 people standing around talking and drinking. I look around for Noah, and notice him hugging some girl I don't know.

My heart drops to my stomach at the sight. I immediately get filled with jealousy. She's just a friend, right? I think to myself. More like trying to convince myself. I pull my attention away from them, and make my way over to the group of people. I recognize a few, but not many. Nick is here, along with the guy from that video Noah showed me. Also another person who lives in the building that I've seen frequently.

A few more people arrive to the party, and Noah has been all over the place. Everyone having random conversations, and Noah keeps going back to the girl he was hugging when I walked in. The jealousy rises even more, and Amy notices what I'm looking at. But doesn't say a thing. A few moments later, I tell her that I'm not feeling good, that I'm going back to our apartment.

A tear threatens my eye as I walk out of Noah's apartment. I don't know what's gotten into me. I've never really been the one to get jealous. But ever since things have gotten more with Noah and I, I feel this sense of protection over us. I stomp over to the elevator, and make my way up to the apartment. Once I'm in my bedroom, I pull off all my clothes, including the lingerie. I put on my night clothes, and just sulk in my bed.

Amy's POV

"Where's Viv?" Noah asks me. "She left like, 30 minutes ago." I respond with an attitude. Noah seems taken back by my response.

"What? Why?" He sets down his drink, pulling out his phone. "Its probably because you were stuck up some other girls as all night." He looks at me, pissed. What did he expect? "That 'girl' is Nick's sister. Pretty much a sister to me." Noah seems extremely pissed at this point. I take a step back from him. "Well, an explanation, or introduction would've been the best thing to do."

Noah converses with nearly everyone here, and trys to usher them out. Giving them all goodbyes. I leave as well, going to check on Vivian. I head up to the apartment, and go straight to her room. I know if it was me, our minds would think alike. And sure enough, she's laying in her bed scrolling through her phone. "Are you okay?" I ask her. She glances up at me. "I will be." Vivian mutters out softly. I explain to her what Noah told me. Her eyes widen, and I immediately see the guilt. "I have to apologize!" She sits up straight in the bed. "Girl, you don't have to apologize for anything. He should've explained that to you himself when you came in. Let him come to you. He knows what's going on." She nods her head in agreeance.

Vivian's POV

I feel like a complete idiot. I left Noah's house party because of him hugging his sister. Technically Nick's sister. I remember him mentioning something about that a while ago, but I've never met her. I agree with Amy, I have nothing to apologize for. But at the same time, I left without saying anything to him.

Amy walks out of my room and I just sit in my bed, conflicted. I had stuff planned for tonight once everyone left, and I ruined it. I rub my hands over my face, trying to rid myself of the embarrassment.

I feel my phone vibrate on my bed, and I pick it up to check it. Even though I was just staring at it, the bright light blinds me. Being that my bedroom lights are off. Once my eyes adjust, I check the notification.

Come down here, now.

My heart jumps at sternness of the text. I quickly catch myself. It's just a text. You can't tell tone from text. I slow my breathing down back to normal, and leave the apartment in my night clothes to go to Noah's.

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