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TW: honestly, just.. skskssksk some kissinnnn and touchinnnnn

Vivian's POV

I honestly don't know what came over me. When he said those words to me, I gave in. It was late, and we were all piled into a tent. 2 of us asleep, and 2 of us awake. Noah pulls me to him. He leans in for a kiss, but lingers for a second. Our lips barely touching. My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest. I felt like he was teasing me. I put my hand on the back of his neck, pulling him all the way in. Our lips collide, in a soft, powerful kiss.

His lips were warm, and all I tasted was the small, sweet hint of whiskey we all previously had. The kiss becomes more, as he puts his arm around my waist, making our bodies closer. It was like we were battling it out on who could be more passionate within the kiss. With each second that passed, we got more heated. My hand travels up into Noah's hair, lightly pulling on it. His hand moves down to my leg, pulling it up onto him while we still laid on our sides. As our tongues faught each other, his hand rubs back and forth on the backside of my thigh. Our breaths become louder, and we hear someone start to toss in their sleep.

Stunned, we both stop in our tracks. His hand still on my leg, our bodies still heated. It was Amy. She adjusted her pillow, not noticing the feral moment going on behind her. Noah and I both laugh silently, still in the same position. We share one more drawn out kiss, before he motions for me to turn over. His arms wrap around me from behind, our bodies still closer than ever. Soon after, we both fall asleep.


As I start to wake up the next morning, I still feel Noah's arms around me. I hear shuffling outside the tent, and I slowly open my eyes. I notice that Amy is no longer beside me. I shift my body to sit up, Noah's arm falling off of me. When I turn towards the opening of the tent, there stands Nick and Amy, arms crossed and big grins on their faces.

"Did you need comfort again?" Amy asks. I chuckle, and rub my eyes. "Shut up" I respond, causing Noah to stir, waking up. "Please tell me y'all had sex on the picnic table, and not in there." I gasp at Amy's remarks. Noah immediately sits up, wide eyed.

"Woah, we had sex?" He looks over at me, confused. "What?" Both Amy and Nick ask at the same time. "No! We didn't have sex." I look at Noah, embarrassed. "We didn't have sex." I look back at Nick and Amy, giving them the same answer. "Okay, well you two cuddle doves get ready. I got most of the stuff in the back of the truck already." Nick and Amy walk away, leaving the embarrassment between Noah and I. Does he not remember last night?

That thought immediately leaves, because once they're out of sight, Noah leans into me, with a smile. "Good morning." He plants a kiss on my lips. I kiss back, both of us getting up to grab our things to go home.

It doesn't take the boys long to break down the tent, and we're on our way. On the way back, Amy and I stay awake. Most of the ride consists of jamming to music. Until I get a text.

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She sends me a picture she took of Noah and I asleep in the tent. When I look up at her, she's already smiling at me. "Are you serious?" I giggle. She shrugs her shoulders, both guys now curious. I sit up, holding my phone over the console of the truck to show the guys what Amy had sent me. Nick laughs, and Noah is looking at the photo intently. "Send that to me!" He looks up at me. I shake my head, laughing as I sit back in my seat. I click save on the photo, and I forward it to Noah.

Right after the picture is sent, I get another text. It's another picture, but from Noah. It's of me and Amy, passed out in the back of the truck. Amy's mouth is wide open, and I'm laying on her side. I bust out in laughter, and Amy is now curious. Noah clues Nick in, while I show Amy the photo. Her face goes red. "Two can play at that game." Noah laughs and sits back in his seat, after waiting for her reaction. "Dude I look dead, just, why? Why?" She asks, annoyed with the photo. She turns her body away.

"Send it to me." She says quietly, trying to hide a smile on her face. I chuckle once more, and I send it.

We get dropped off at the apartment, and we lug our things back inside. The rest of the day is spent watching tv, and enjoying life living together.


It's Tuesday afternoon, and I am beat. We had back to back surgery's at the Vets Office, and I'm exhausted. I had my interview yesterday, and I'm just waiting for a call. I'm on my way home, when a call comes in. I look at the Bluetooth screen, and see a random number light up. I click answer, and a voice beams through the speakers of my car.

"Hi, is this Vivian Carter? This is Ashley from 252 Graphics." God speaks in ways, that's for sure.

"Yes, it is!" I chime back, as I pull into the apartment complex. "I just wanted to give you a call, and let you know I was absolutely pleased with your interview. You were very professional, and you have a lot of potential. We would love to hire you on and get you started on training if you're still interested!" I'm damn near jumping in my seat as I sit in the parking lot.

"Yes I am definitely still interested!" We exchange dates for training, and the call ends. I start next week. I immediately call my current boss, and let her know what's going on. She seems upset, but understanding. She allows me to work for the rest of the week. I immediately make my way up to the apartment, using the extra key Amy gave me when I first moved in. I open the door, and see her in the kitchen making dinner for the both of us.

"You didn't have to cook." I walk around the kitchen island, taking a look at what she was making. It's some kind of chicken. "I know but I was in a mood, and figured I would feed you as well."

"I got the job!" I tell her, enthusiastically. She takes a sip of the water she just grabbed "that's great! When do you start?" "Next week. But I can work the rest of this week at the vets office." Amy continues to congratulate me, then hands me a small envelope.

"What's this?" I ask, starting to rip the seam. "Just open it." She stirs the food she has in the pan, occasionally looking back at me. I pull out 2 pictures, the one of us asleep and the one of Noah and I. "Awe!" I look at both the pictures, then back at her. "Now I get to actually hold the memories" I laugh. "Remind me to get frames for them!" I set the pictures down on the counter, walking back over to give Amy a hug. "I have to do the same, but just with our picture. I don't want a picture of you and your boyfriend." We both laugh, and Amy turns off the stove.

"He's not my boyfriend. We haven't even gotten that far... Yet."

"Ooooo, yet?" Of course, she focus's on the "yet" part of my response. "Well, not much has gone on between us. Except..." I trail off.

She gasps, "so y'all did have sex?" "Amy! No!" This girl is going to be the death of me one day. "We just.. made out. That's it." I look away from her, waiting for a response. "Give. Me. Details." She hands me a plate, and takes one herself. I tell her about the night on the trip, and she gasps. "So if I didn't fix my pillow, which I don't remember doing by the way, you could have fucked?" She shovels food into her mouth. "Definitely not. I wouldn't have gone that far. Atleast I don't think I would've. I don't want just some fling with him. I have gotten a little too close to him to just have a fling." We finish our dinner, and I help clean up. I text Noah, letting him know the good news.

He congratulates me as well, and offers to come by sometime later this week after work. I set the pictures that Amy printed on my nightstand. I take a short shower, and I jump into bed. I watch tv, and text Noah all night, until I fall asleep..

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