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Vivian's POV

We're 3 days into living together, and I couldn't be happier. We waited a few days before moving any of my things. Amy was upset, but happy for me at the same time. It was bittersweet. I left my bed in her apartment, and told her that she could use it unless I needed it. She helped me move all of my things down to Noahs apartment.

Noah and I have definitely had more freedom with each other, that's for sure. Somehow, every time we have sex there's something new and exciting about it. Luckily, Amy hasn't tried to pry into that part of our lives recently. I think it's because of whatever is going on between her and Nick. They haven't told us anything, but it's very obvious they're doing something. Amy would leave for the night, and all of the sudden Nick couldn't hang out with Noah. I'm not going to lie, we tested the theory a couple of times. But, if something is going on between them, they will tell us when they're comfortable.

I'm supposed to be going car shopping soon, and I'm excited nonetheless. I have a few options in mind, but I definitely need to test drive before actually getting one. I haven't drove in what feels like forever, and I'm definitely afraid.

Noah keeps trying to tell me not to worry about bills, but I can not let him pay for everything. I know he's been paying for it on his own either way, but I can't justify letting him pay for everything. If I can beat him to the bills, I will. Although, with my new found raise, I'm able to order a computer desk online. Not only is the spare room going to be Noah's gaming room, he also suggested that I use the space for work as well.

His computer will be on one side, and my laptop on the other. I plan on upgrading to a desktop later on, but for now the trusty laptop will do. Work has definitely been a little bit of a hassle, with so many clients coming in after seeing some of my work. Today, I have 5 clients lined up so far. All of them have big projects, so it will take the whole day of designing.

Once it hits lunch time, I take a break from work and decide to give Noah a call.

"Whatcha doin'?" I ask once he answers the phone. "Just trying to get some work done, may be home a little early." I get giddy inside, but also sad because I still have my own work to do. I love spending time with Noah. It's like I can't get enough of him. "Okay, I'll be here if you do. I have a few more designs to do so I will probably be working all day."

"Alright, I'll see you later babe." Noah responds. I'm slightly shocked at the nickname. We haven't used nicknames all this time. I don't know why, it just hasn't been done. We say our goodbyes and end the call. A few more hours pass by and Noah comes home.

I'm absolutely beat, I have one more job to do. I'm definitely despising my job right now, I just want to do my own thing. But, if I want money, I have to do this. I'm sat in the living room, while Noah is playing a game. I hear him talking to someone, but unsure of who. I quickly finish the last job, and make my way to the spare room to be nosy.

"Yeah, I don't scare easily." Noah laughs and adjusts himself in the rolling chair. He has his headphones on, as well as a microphone in front of him. He has some scary game pulled up on the computer. He notices me poking my head through the door, and turns to me. He clicks a button on the keyboard before speaking. "What's up?" He asks. "I was just wondering what you were doing. I just finished work." I say as I tap on the door. "I'm just playing this game called Outlast. Come sit." Noah smacks his leg, gesturing me to sit in his lap. He taps the keyboard again. "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Viv. She's going to help me play. No, I'm not using her as a shield from the game!" Noah laughs as I sit in his lap. I look confused, still not knowing who he was speaking to. I look over to his other monitor and see a chat log.

"I'm doing a live stream. This is where people talk to me while I play." He points at the log on the other screen. "They can see me, and see the game at the same time." I get nervous, as I notice that a little over 100 people can see me. I give a small wave, and Noah unpauses the game.

The more I watch Noah play, the more jumpscares I get. They definitely get me. However, Noah isn't as phased by them as I am. He laughs at me every time I jump. I help him figure out certain parts, as well as reading chat for him. There's a few mean comments about me, but thankfully not many. Moderators quickly kicked those people out. After an hour and a half of playing the game, Noah decides its time to end the stream.

"That was pretty scary." I turn to him, still sitting in his lap. "I know, but it was cute having you lean back against me every time you got scared." Noah gives me a small wink, and leans in to kiss me. "You seem to have answered that one girls questions constantly. Who's that?" I ask. Every time the same username asked a question, he was on top of answering her.

"Oh, she's been follwing me since I've been streaming. I was just answering questions babe." He responds. Something about it just seemed odd.

I head into the kitchen to start making dinner, as Noah follows, but makes his way to the livingroom. I make us some baked honey mustard chicken, along with fresh green beans and rice. Once it's done, I bring Noah a plate and join him on the couch. We watch the anime he showed me and chow down. "So, tell me." I look at Noah, placing my plate on top of his empty one. "I know you don't like gifts on your birthday, but what do you think about Christmas?" He clears his throat before responding. "I don't mind that, because the attention isn't just on me. But at the same time, I only do Christmas because it's such a widely celebrated holiday." I nod my head, agreeing with him. "So if I decorated for Christmas, and got you gifts you would be okay?"

"Yes, I would be 'okay'." He laughs at me. He takes the plates to the kitchen, and starts to wash all the dishes. I like planning gifts a little early. That way, I don't have to be one of those people who wait until the last second.

This will be our first Christmas together, and I definitely want to make it memorable. Have the best decorated tree, decorations all around. Gifts scattered under the tree. I know that Noah doesn't care a whole lot about it, but I hope that with me around, some of my joy of Christmas will spread to him too.

But hey, soon, I'll be getting myself a Christmas present. While we were eating dinner, I asked Noah if he would take me car shopping on his off day from work. I plan on taking the day off myself so I won't have to worry about getting jobs done. With Noah's knowledge, hopefully he can help me get something that's worth my money, rather than getting something that will fall apart after a year.

I help finish up dishes, so we can shower and go to sleep. We take a shower together, helping each other wash. Once out, I just wrap myself in my robe, and go to sleep wearing just that. While Noah sleeps in just gym shorts. I'm enjoying every second of living together, and I pray it never ends.

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