T H I R T Y- E I G H T

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Vivian's POV

"I'm sorry about this morning. I didn't know that was going to happen." I tell my mom, while she's still at work. I called her once I woke up fully. She told me that I was screaming and mumbling gibberish in my sleep. "It's okay Viv, take you nap if you didn't get enough sleep. I'll be home soon and we can do something together, okay?" We get off the phone, and I'm left alone once more. I don't think I could go to sleep again. Not after that monstrosity of a nightmare.

While I'm here alone, I decide to do mom a favor and clean. It's not filthy in here, but it definitely can use some sprucing up. I put some music on the tv, and pull out the broom from the small pantry. I do everything from the floors, to counter tops, to even dusting. It helps me keep my mind off of last night.

I find a candle in the living room, and light it once I'm done. An hour and a half shaved off of the day... I know I can't expect mom to drop everything spur of the moment to spend time with me, but I didnt expect her to have to go in. Being I'm not here often, I dont know what to do in this town. So all I can do is sit here, bored out of my mind.

I scroll through my phone, and come across something shocking. It's an article.

Female arrested for bar fight. News today.

As I continue to read on, it gives a story and a couple of names. Amy?! What the fuck? It says that after having too many drinks, she was being a disturbance and when she was told to calm down by others within the bar, she started swinging on them. That is so not Amy... It's a shame she's being the way she is. She used to be the most caring person in the world. Sweet as could be. Sure, she had a mouth on her, but it was all in fun. I really miss her.

A few hours pass, and mom is finally back home. "Hey Vivian. Jason wants us all to go out tonight. Being this is your last night here." Mom sets down her purse, and begins to take her shoes off. "I like what you did to the place!" She looks around, noticing how clean it is. We both laugh at her comment. "You didn't have to do that, baby. Thank you." I nod my head at her, and it clicks in my head. He's going to propose tonight? That only makes sense. He just talked to me about it. I wonder if that's why we went to get our nails done.

Mom and I kill time by talking, and watching tv. "How fancy are we talking? I might have to borrow something." I tell mom, as she's talking more about going to dinner. "Just look through my closet, you might find something. I don't know if your ass will fit in anything but you can try!" We laugh at her comment. My mom is a little more smaller framed than I am. I follow her to their bedroom, and she starts pulling stuff out of the closet.

"This should fit you. It's a little revealing though." Mom holds up a red dress that has spaghetti straps, but a deep V cut in the front. I put it on in her bathroom, and walk out to show her. She was definitely right, it's revealing. It hugs all my curves, including my stomach pudge. It also shows every bit of my cleavage.

"It fits you good! Although I wish I didn't see my daughter dressed like that, it does look good on you!" Mom puts the hanger back in the closet, closing it. "I wish my mom didn't have to see me like this either. I also wish my mom didn't have stuff like this." I laugh, the thought of my mom showing off her body filling my mind, weirding me out.

I take the dress off for now, deciding to go ahead and get a shower. Once I'm clean, I get out and put pajamas on so I can blowdry and straighten my hair. "I made myself a drink, so I figured it was only respectable to make you one too." Mom hands me some kind of fruity drink. I accept it, downing it quickly.

I throw the dress back on once my hair is straight, and I leave my face bare. I decide to take a picture in the mirror, showing off the dress. I send it to Noah, and lock my phone. I walk out of the bathroom, and I'm greeted with my mom and Jason, who are already dressed. "Woah," Jason covers his eyes, "I know I'm not a part of the family, but I still have a sense of protection over you and I think that's too much!" Jason covers his eyes jokingly. Mom smacks his arm, making us all laugh.

We load up in Jason's truck, heading to whatever restaurant he's picked out. It turns out to be moderately fancy, and we sit at the same table.

They both tell me to order anything, that they will pay. I still try not to go too expensive. I order a couple of drinks, as well as mom and Jason. We have random conversations during dinner, until dessert comes.

Jason gets down on one knee next to mom, and gives a speech about their love. I watch as my mom tears up from the speech, and accepting the proposal. I tear up slightly, again out of happiness and sadness. Everyone in the restaurant claps and cheers as they share a kiss. I take a few photos of them with my phone. We soon finish dinner and go back home.

Once back, I head straight to the spare room, to give them alone time. I finally check my phone, and notice a text from Noah.

Noah: You look fucking sexy babe

Me: Thank you ;)

Soon, a video chat comes through the phone. Noah's laying in bed, shirtless. I tell him what happened, and he congratulates mom and Jason. "You wanna show me that dress some more?" Noah smirks on the other end. I prop up the camera on the dresser, and I do somewhat sexy poses.


"Now take it off..." Noah says, in a low and dark tone. Luckily, I put my headphones in when he called. I hear music playing in the living room, so maybe they can't hear me. I slowly drop the straps off my shoulders, letting it fall down my arms. Noah sits up in the bed slightly, adjusting himself. Once my breasts are exposed, Noah licks his lips slightly. I go a step further, and start to grab on myself. "Fuck..." Noah calls out.

I move the phone to the bed, proping it up with pillows. Noah does the same, revealing himself hard. "Show me how you play with yourself..." He says. My breath hitches in my chest. I've never done that in front of him. But the way he speaks, gets me. I open my legs to the camera, and I put my fingers over my clit. I start to rub in circles, pleasure immediately surging through my body. I'm sitting up against the wall, so I grab one of my breasts while my other hand does its job. Noah shows him stroking himself as he watches. I've never sexted, or whatever it's called, before.

Noah continues to moan out profanities, and telling me how good I look. "Finger yourself, Viv. I want you to imagine I'm there..." I do what he says, and I use 2 fingers. I move them, and watch as Noah continues to stroke himself. I feel my orgasm building up, and I struggle to keep myself quiet. I put my hand over my mouth as I finish, watching as Noah finishes as well. I put my legs back down, as I lay there trying to catch my breath.


"That was amazing, babe." Noah says as he cleans himself up, and laying back in bed. We talk for a little bit longer, and I let him know the time my plane is landing in the morning. We say goodnight to each other, before getting off the phone.

Noah looked good tonight. The hair cut really does him good. His bruises are fading away a little bit, which is good. I jump in the shower before heading to bed, to clean myself of my sins from tonight. I lay down, and pray to God that I don't have another nightmare. I can't bare to have another one. I didn't tell Noah about it because I knew it would probably cause a problem.

I slowly drift off to sleep, enjoying how the night ended.

I know this was kind of short, but it's meant to be a little bit of a filler chapter. It does have some key info in it though ;) Again, reminder to make sure you follow me to keep updated, especially for the sequel of this story!

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