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Vivian's POV

The morning was hell, as expected. Even though Amy and I went to sleep early, we knew that we would hate waking up early. Especially on the weekend.

Once we got picked up, Noah sat in the back. I was in the middle, with Noah to my left and Amy to my right. While Lola sat up front with Nick. Not much has been said about the 2, and they haven't interacted with each other in a way that was standoutish. We got to the campsite next to the river early, so that we could get spots next to each other. We all brought our own thing to drink while floating, and of course some water being that we will be in the sun.

Both the guys pitched in to buy a floating cooler, so that all of our drinks will be cold during the float. Noah got us just a small, 2 person tent. And also did the same thing with a memory foam. It was comfy last time. We all hitched a ride from a couple of the attendants at the camp park. They take people back and forth, from the camp site to the start of the river, and vice versa.

Once at the start of the river, we use some of the air pumps to blow up our floats. It would be hell trying to inflate this double tube with just your lungs. No thanks. "So who is going to get down there and tie all of the floats together?" I ask as everyone clutches their floats. "I guess I can." Noah speaks, after a silence among the 5 of us. Noah climbs into the bright blue water, motioning for us to hand him out floats. Once they're all tied appropriately, Nick hands down the slightly heavy cooler float. He ties it to the middle of all the floats, and starts helping everyone in. Amy goes first, then Nick and Lola. Noah takes my hand, leading me into the float. "Holy shit that's cold!" I wince the moment my feet touch the water. Once I'm situated, Noah gives us a little push out of the small spring that we were in, and out into the river stream.

We're an hour and a half in, and everyone is already feeling good. Noah and Nick both fell out of their floats a couple of times, due to them pushing each other. Noah almost took me overboard one time. The majority of the time, Amy, Lola, and I have been talking about random things. We've had a few people somehow float past us, with the strong smell of weed following.

Another hour into our journey, we all have yelled, or cussed each other out at some point. All in good fun though. We've had to maneuver our giant circle of floats around some trees. We would all paddle, some of us not paddling fast enough, or some of us not paying attention. For the remainder of the float, Noah and I held hands, just enjoying the hot sun and the cold water. Along with the buzzed feeling running through our bodies.

We get off of the river at the last spring off to the side. It's now lunch time and we're back at the campsite. We all dreadfully carried our floats to our tents, but luckily it wasn't a far walk.

"We can either do sandwiches for lunch, or hamburgers." I call out. "But whatever we don't choose is for dinner." I stumble over to the regular cooler, yanking it open. "I'm down for some burgers if everyone else is?" Nick says, glancing at the group. "Burgers it is." I pull out the small pack of meat Amy and I picked up from the store, handing it over to the guys. I grab a water also, to level out my body. Us girls all sit at the provided picnic table, immediately starting a conversation.

"I don't know if it's the alcohol, but I think Nick is showing out for me." Lola whispers, but laughs loudly. Both Amy and I giggle with her. "He seems to really like you. But it definitely could be both." Amy replies, taking a swig of the alcohol she brought. "Remind me to grab a water instead of another one of these." She looks at me, holding up the beer she was drinking. I nod my head at her. "Are you and Noah going to get completely freaky tonight? Mr. And Ms. 'we need a tent by ourselves'" Amy leans in towards me, and I smack her hand. "Amy, hush. What's with you and being interested in my 'freaky' life?" I laugh at her, as Lola is in her phone. "Hey, if I'm not getting it, I want to hear about it. It's only logical." She takes another sip of her drink, shrugging her shoulders.

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