T H I R T Y - F O U R

302 10 13

Noah's POV

"Vivian, what do I do?!" I yell at her, as she's leaning over the couch. Her pants are soaked. "Call the doctor's office!" I grab my phone off of the counter, and look up her OB.

"Hello, thank you for calling-"
"I need to speak to someone quick. My girlfriend is pregnant and she's in extreme pain and bleeding!" I yell before the women on the other end finishes. "Okay, what's her name and how far is she?" The women calmly speaks, but I, myself, am far from calm. "Vivian Carter, and you're how far?" I ask Vivian, who's just groaning in the background. "19! 19 weeks!" She yells. "I'm going to puke." I immediately grab the kitchen trash can and take it to her, while the women has me on hold. "Dr. Bennett said to head to the ER, that he will be up there soon." I immediately hang up, and help Vivian up.

What's happening? I can't bare to see her in pain like this, especially when I don't know what's going on. I grab some towels to put down in the car, and Vivian doesn't even bother changing her clothes.



I watch as Vivian is rushed up to Labor and Delivery. The nurses refuse to let me follow, saying they will get me when they think it's necessary. That doesn't make sense? It took everything in me not to cause a scene. I didn't need to get kicked out, I need to be here. I send Nick a text, not even caring if he knows.

Man, I need you at the ER. Vivian's in labor and delivery.

On the way.

I put my face in my hands. I can't help but to cry. I have no idea what's going on, they won't let me back there with her. It's not long before Nick shows up, being he works in town. I look up as he takes his work keys off from around his neck. I stand up, and immediately pull him in for a hug.

"What's going on?" He asks, as I'm holding onto him. He doesn't dare to move, holding me just as tight. "I don't know! They won't let me back there." I sob into Nick's shoulder. We have a very small height difference, me being just a little taller.

We sit down, and wait for some hopeful good news.


"Noah Sebastian?" I sit up once I hear my name called. I look for the voice, and I see its one of the nurses from when we came in. I've been in the waiting room for about 30 minutes. I stand up, and she invites me to follow her. Nick stays behind, to not be in the way.

The nurse brings me into one of the rooms, where Dr. Bennett is already speaking to Vivian. She has IV's hooked up, as well as some kind of bands around her belly. She looks an absolute mess. "Okay, dad, we'll get you up to speed. Take a seat." I look at Vivian, who can't contain her tears. My eyes water instantly, but I hold it back until I know what's going on.

"So, the liquid you felt on your feet, from what Vivian told me, was her amniotic sack rupturing. The baby is too young to be born, so he went into shock. With this, came the blood loss from the Uterine lining. Right now, the baby's heart beat is too low to detect, meaning that Vivian is going to have to be assisted in labor, to have a stillbirth."

My heart breaks in half. A stillbirth... Meaning... Our baby didn't make it?

I grab Vivian's hand tightly, giving it a kiss while both of us cry. The doctor asks for permission to assist, and we give him the go ahead.

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