T H I R T Y - F I V E

304 12 7

Vivian's POV

We're headed to the beach! Noah booked us a condo out somewhere in Florida, but wouldn't tell me where. Just told me it's a beach in Florida. He made me pack for 3 days. He took Friday off, so we could stay until Sunday, which we would come back that night. Luckily, it's just us. No one else tagging along. No interruptions. That's all I wanted.

I haven't been to the beach since I was younger, and I'm excited. It took everything in me not to text Amy and tell her. She hasn't bothered to check on me, or anything. And I refuse to be the one who does. I was betrayed, why should I be the one who checks in?

Anyways, we have a long road trip ahead of us. So, like always, we're blaring music, taking turns picking songs. Surprisingly, Noah puts on a few rap songs. I know he's listened to rap before, but I've never seen anything be his go to. He puts on 151 Rum by JID, and turns it up all the way. "This will get us there quicker!" Noah yells over the intro, implying that the fast paced song would automatically make us faster. I immediately start to get nervous, as we're on the interstate and no one seems to be doing the speed limit. I look over at the gauge, and see that Noah is doing 90. Its only 75!

The other traffic seems to be doing the same. What freaks me out even more, is there's a lot of people around us. The lanes are also very close to each other. I read the signs as we're driving, trying to get a sense of where I'll land. Jacksonville... Every sign that says Jacksonville, Noah follows. There seems to be a lot of interstate work, as there's cones and barriers everywhere. Which only means that lanes are even closer.

I start to panic a little, as it feels like everyone is too close. Noah seems to be too close to the person in front of us, as well as too close to the car next to us. "Please slow down." I ask, looking in my side view mirror. "Viv, I can't just slow down. We're on the interstate." Panic starts to set in even more. I start to brace myself as I watch the other cars in front of us press their breaks. "Noah!" I yell, clutching my chest.

Noah panics from me yelling, but his panic is him yelling back. "Vivan! What?! We're fine!" I'm holding onto my door, with my other hand on the console. "Please get off, this is scaring me!" I yell back, watching as other cars speed past us. "I can't just get off, I know what I'm doing. Just stop talking." Noah and I argue back and forth, on whether or not he actually knows how to drive. Soon, we're off the interstate, and in the city. My face has gotten hot from our arguement, and my hands now hurt from bracing myself. It's about lunch time, but we go ahead and make our way to the hotel.

"Wait? It's a beach front?" I ask, as we pull into hotel that is sat on the beach. I'm sat up, with my legs tucked under me. I'm looking around, trying to catch a glimpse of the beach.

Noah smiles at my enthusiasm, and we find a parking spot. We both get our suitcases out of the trunk, and make our way to the lobby of the giant hotel. "Yes, reservation for Sebastian." Noah says, pulling out his wallet to show his ID. I look around the lobby, and take in the scenery. It's obviously beach themed, but it's beautiful. "There you are, hope you enjoy your stay at Margaritaville Beach Hotel!" The front desk attendant hands over 2 key cards. It's such a cliché name, but I don't care at this point. We grab hold of the handles on our suitcases, and head to the elevator.

Noah opens the door to our room, and I'm shocked at the decorations. It's themed like the lobby, but not only do they have a giant bed, but it also has a balcony. We set our bags to the side, and we notice a bucket with ice and wine in it on the table under the TV. I pull the wine out of the bucket, and show it to Noah. "Looks like we'll have a great time!" I laugh, twisting the cap on the wine to break it open. "It may only be lunch time, but I am definitely down for a good time!" Noah stands beside me, picking up one of the wine glasses sat next to the bucket.

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