T W E N T Y - S I X

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Noah's POV

Today is Vivian's birthday, and we're supposed to be meeting my friend at the trails. Of course, Vivian bitched about it last night. She doesn't understand how lonely I've been, aside from being with her. Nick absolutely refuses to speak to me, and it's eating me up inside. It's all Amy's fault. If she hadn't been fucking around with Nick, he probably would still be talking to me right now. He's helped me so much in life, he just doesn't understand.

I'm filling my backpack with a few waters when Viv stomps into the kitchen. I roll my eyes, closing my bag. I seriously can't believe how she's acting about this. "Can we please have a good day today?" I place my hands on either side of her face. She doesn't say anything, but just stares at me. "I really need this,Viv." I stare in her eyes, trying to plead with her.

"I'm trying, Noah. I just hoped we could do something alone this time. It's kind of unfair." I inhale deeply, trying to contain every ounce of attitude. How is this unfair? I have supported her for so much within our entire relationship, and when I need something, it's unfair? "I love you." I say out loud. I was surprised the other week when she told me that she loved me. The feelings were definitely there. I love her, there's no doubt about it. Vivian mutters something under her breath, but I'm unable to make out her words. I just sigh, and grab the rest of what we need.

We take my car, and the ride to the park is filled with random music. Mainly sad music, because Vivian is connected to the radio. It feels like she's trying to damper my mood. Don't get me wrong, the songs she's playing are great, but I'm trying to have a good time today.

We pull into the parking lot next to the trails, and I pay the 5 dollars for parking. I head back over to Vivian, who's fixing her shoes. She's bent over, tying them. I walk up behind her, and grab her ass playfully. "Noah, stop." She stands up straight, and turns her body. "But why? I like it.." I give her a smirk, and she pushes me out of the way.

"When is whatever his name is supposed to be here?" Vivian asks, grabbing her bag out of the backseat. I reach for mine as well, and just ignore her question. Soon enough, a motorcycle pulls into the parking lot. I throw my backpack on, and make my way over to the motorcycle.

"Folio! My man!" I hold my arms open wide. He takes his helmet off, placing it on the seat. We share a big hug, patting each other on the back. "Whats up! Damn man, more tattoos?!" Folio asks, taking a look at my arms. "These are sick man!" He says, taking off his gloves. "It's good to see you, I definitely needed this." I tell him. I let him know I paid for his parking already, and we make our way over to the opening of the trail. Vivian is standing there waiting for us.

"I take it you're Vivian?" Folio holds out his hand for her to shake it. "Yep." She replys as dry as possible, shaking his hand. We start the trail, and use a map that was given to me when I paid.

Folio and I mainly catch up in the beginning. I tell him about some of the music I've been writing. He tells me about the adventures he went on when he moved, as well as the relationship that he just ended. Vivian is silent. We're about half way into the walk when we stop to take in the scenery. It's beautiful trees, and random flowers. All you hear is birds chirping.

I try to grab Vivian's hand to enjoy the moment, but she pulls away from me. I'm exhausted with this.

She starts to walk away before Folio and I are ready. I watch as she walks around down the trail, and around a corner. Folio looks at me confused. "Is everything alright?" I sigh.

"I don't even know man. I really don't." I pull my bag off my back to grab a water. "She didnt like the fact that I invited you. But she knew I needed this. I needed some kind of friend." I look over at him, and he's just staring at me. "Do both of you argue a lot?" He asks me. "I wouldn't say its a whole lot, but it's more than I feel like we should."

"It sounds like I'm reliving a relationship with my ex again. We were arguing all the time. About dumb, meaningless shit. Things that didn't exist. It's not good for you man, or her." I relate to what he says, but on one hand I don't. "I mean, like I said we argue a decent amount, but I care for her. I love her. And she makes me feel loved. But this arguing shit is getting annoying." Folio shrugs his shoulders, and we start our walk again.


We're almost done with the walk when I come up on Vivian, who's sitting on one of the side benches crying. I ask Folio to fall back some, so I can talk to her. "Baby, what's wrong?" I sit down next to her, putting my hand on her back. "I-I wanted this t-trip to be just us. A-and you didn't even care about me walking away." She sobs, leaning into me.

"Viv, what do you mean I didn't care? Of course I cared. I'm just not trying to have a bad day with you." I rub her back as she continues to cry. "I know you wanted today to be just us, but you know how much I needed this." I lean down to her level. She turns her head to look at me. Her eyes are puffy, and her cheeks are wet. "You don't know how much I needed this. I needed time with you, Noah. I wanted a trip to ourselves. And it's my birthday." My heart breaks a little, remembering that it was her birthday. I knew it was her birthday, but at the same time I was focused on having a friend more than being a boyfriend.

"I'm sorry Vivian. I wasn't intending on it being this way. I love you." She sits back, wiping her eyes before responding. "It's whatever, Noah. I love you too." Vivian sniffles, standing up to finish out the walk.

"Hey man, you heard from Nick recently?" Folio asks, putting his gloves back on once we got back. "No, actually. He kind of hates me right now. It's a long story, for another time." Folio nods his head.  "I do wanna know how much one of these costs." I laugh, checking out the motorcycle he has. "Awh man, these things range differently depending on what you want. I am thinking about getting another one. But hey, if I do, I'll sell you this one for a good price." Folio punches my shoulder playfully.

We say goodbye, Vivian and I leave to go home. Once home, I apologize to her over and over, and try to be as friendly and loving as possible. I hate that I made her cry, but at the same time, I don't feel like I did such a bad thing. It has me confused. What if Folio is right? What if this isn't good? I might just be over thinking it, it's not that bad.

I get Vivian to lighten up a little, and I spend the night pampering her. I give her a back rub, which obviously resulted in sex. I sat in the bath with her, and we danced to slow songs for the hell of it. Its moments like all of these that make me think that I'm over thinking everything. We fit so well, the love is completely there.

We end the night holding each other in bed, talking endlessly about random things until we fall asleep.

Again I know this chapter isn't long, sorry 🥲 but, how do we feel about an all Noah POV chapter(s)? And I promise it'll be back to longer chapters soon :D

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