T H I R T Y - O N E

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Vivian's POV

I just picked my mother up from the airport, and she came alone. She said that being it wasn't a holiday, it was better that Jason stayed back at work being they worked together. Obviously, she's trying to get me to tell her the surprise before everyone else, but I don't budge. "Mom, you're just going to have to wait. You're finding out today, I promise!" I chuckle as we pull into the parking lot of the soon to be abandoned by us apartments. Noah and I have slowly started packing, but we made sure to hide the boxes in the spare room for now.

Once upstairs, Noah greets my mom with a hug. "Ya'll are really starting to freak me out at this point. Just tell me!" Mom pleads with us, but we deny her requests. "You can help me prep dinner though. I have to marinate this chicken, as well as chop up some veggies." I tell her, opening the fridge and pulling out the Ziplock bag of raw chicken. Noah picks up the house a little while mom helps me with the food. 

Amy shows up first, being she lives in the apartment complex. She greets my mom, then turns to me. "Nick is coming over in about an hour. I'm so excited! We decided to take our time in this. So we've mainly been talking. We've gone on a few dates though!" My mom looks at her, surprised. "You and Nick are a thing?" She asks. Mom has always treated Amy like she was daughter of hers, so of course she's very nosy in Amy's life as well. 

"Yes! We've technically been a thing for a while, just not publicly." Amy chirps about her new found relationship. Wait... Does that mean that she still doesn't know that Folio lives with him? Oh no... 

This will end badly.

I start actually making the food, while Noah, my mom, and Amy talk about random things. Soon enough, Nick and Folio arrive downstairs. Noah leaves to bring them up, and I start to set the small dinner table we have. I figure out a way to set up my laptop so that we can video chat Nick's mom and dad. They couldn't make it out here, but wanted us to video chat them when we told the news. Noah walks through the door, with Nick and Folio following. I immediately watch Amy, to see her reaction. I may be a bad friend, but oh well. Her face is lit up the moment she sees Nick, but immediately changes when she sees Folio right behind him. 

"Hey babe!" Nick calls out, making his way to Amy. Folio's eyes widen, putting two and two together. I sigh heavily, and greet everyone. "Folio, this is my mother, Christie." I walk him over to my mother, and they shake hands. "Is everyone ready to eat?" Noah asks, setting the last bit of food on the table. He was sweet enough to make everyone's plates. We all sit at the table, eating dinner before announcing our good news. Once everyone is done, Noah sets up the call.

"So, I know you all have been waiting on us to tell you guys what's going on. So, I'm just going to say it!" Noah announces to everyone with a big smile on his face. He glances over at me, and we both call out. 

"We bought a house!" 

Everyone gives their own cheer, but some less enthusiastic. Nick's parents cheer for us, and give us their best wishes. We end the video chat, and continue talking with everyone else. Nick pulls Noah aside from everyone else, and talks to him quietly. While Amy and Folio try to avoid eye contact, and act weird to each other.

"I'm proud of you both, I really am." Mom says, wrapping her arms around me in a big hug. "Thank you mom, it really means a lot." I hug her back, and she kisses me on the cheek when we pull away. I make my way over to Amy, who looks very uncomfortable. "Did you know that they lived together?" She asks me quietly. "Yeah, I thought you already knew?" I lie. "No, I didn't. What if he tells Nick? What am I going to do?" She whispers, looking over at Nick, who is still talking to Noah. They look like they're arguing.

"Folio, you ready?" Nick walks away from Noah, and he looks mad. Folio nods his head, and Nick kisses Amy goodbye. They both leave, Amy following suit not long after. My mom helps Noah and I clean up the dirty dishes.

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