~ Prologue ~

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[Eleven Years Ago]

Names for both Bizarre fathers:

Fred: Father

Magnus: Dad

"So what are you going to do during your winter break, [Name]? I'm sure you don't want to stay here with me and your dad." Your father, Fred Bizarre, questioned. "Fred! Don't talk like that, me and [Name] made plans!" Your other father, Magnus, said with a pep in his voice. He placed a delicious stack of pancakes in front of both you and your father.

 He took a seat beside the both of you at the round dining table and began to eat his breakfast. "Don't act silly, Mag. I'm sure they have other plans." Fred scoffed playfully and earned a kick to the ankle from his husband. You chuckled slightly. "I don't have much to do other than take care of crops" You shrugged. You worked on a crop farm a mile away from your father's cottage, and during the winter, it was up to you to check on the greenhouse and check the vegetables that grew during the cold season. 

"You overwork yourself, [Name]. You can't be working during all these snowstorms--" "I'll be fine. In fact, I should go check on them after I finish eating." You try to calm your parents down. Fred and Magnus give each other a look of concern and look back at you. Magnus shrugs and keeps eating. "How about this evening we all go to the diner down the lane for dinner? Save you or Dad a trip." You try to ease their worries.

"Alright, doll. Be safe!" Your dad waves goodbye, handkerchief in hand, as your father lowers his wrist. "That's a tacky handkerchief, dear" Your father gives a piece of fashion advice. 

You smile, and wave goodbye after bundling yourself in warm clothing. You step out of the cottage and onto the forest path. The snow is falling heavily, and a large amount of snow is on the ground. "Goodness, such a cold day." You said, muffled by your scarf. You start to hastily walk down the path. The farm isn't too far away, it's a ten-minute walk at best. You continue to walk, admiring the shapes and sizes of the feathery snowflakes. Across the horizon, behind the forest, is the farm neatly tucked away on the outskirts of your little townlet. 

You rush through the fence gate and scramble into the greenhouse. Although it was humid, you enjoyed the light heat. 

You exhaled a long and weary breath after being in the cold. You observe the plants, and they all seem just fine. "Growing quickly, huh little guys?" You whisper to the small saplings. Of course, they don't reply. Noticing that you've done what you came to the farm to do, you begin to take your leave. 

You stand up properly, but you feel your back hit someone's chest. You hear breathing, and suddenly, you feel indescribable terror. 

"It could be a farmhand." You try to convince yourself. You were too afraid to turn around. The person gave you no time at all to face your fears, as they quickly gassed the greenhouse. Within seconds, you went unconscious.

You would not be going to dinner with your dads anytime soon.

[authors note]

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