~ Ch.14: Stay ~

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"You sure you'll get home okay? You remember the entrance?" You asked Astaire as he stood beside a rickety, abandoned shack. The shack was covered with symbols, eye shaped. "Oh yeah. All it'll take is carving the emblem and I'll be back...home." He cautiously worded. "Alright. Be careful, doll. I hope to see you again." You hugged him tightly. He whispered something before you let go.

"Thank you." He held you tight. "Without you, I don't think I would've made it. Now go be happy." He finished, stepping back and walking into the shack.

After signing a release form for Astaire, and dismissing him from the factory, you finally stood at the entrance of your village.

It didn't have a name. It was too tiny. It was more of a community, to be fair. Wally looked into the village's horizon, looking at all the little shops and houses. "You grew up here..?" He tilted his head slightly. You looked at it, trying to take it all back in.

"Yes." You said proudly, tears pricking into the corners of your eyes.

You grab Wally's hand and start walking into the village. "Now come on!" You say with a genuine smile. He looks at how happy you are and smiles warmly to himself.

You walk through the town and look around at all the buildings. Eleven years, and it hasn't changed a bit. You see people opening their curtains and shop windows, staring at you and the scientist you held onto. 

You hardly noticed, all you focused on was your childhood cottage in the distance.

[??? POV]

"Lacey!! Hand me the phone!!" I snipped, waving my hand around for the phone. Lacey handed me the phone from the dock, and I quickly dialed the Bizarre's number.

"Mag? It's me, Flin." I try not to squeal in excitement. "Get down here now!! I think I see [name]!! And they brought a sexy scientist with them!~" I say with an excited sing-song voice.


After walking a good mile into the woods, you finally reach the cottage door. You grip Wally's hand tightly before letting go, and stepping up onto the porch. You take a deep breath and raise your fist to knock on the door.

But before your hand can touch the door, you hear a voice.

"[insert embarassing nickname]..?" You hear a familiar voice. You whirl your head around to see your two fathers standing not too far behind Wally. Wally spins his head around as well since he also heard the voice. He tried not to laugh at the nickname.

"Dad..? Father...?" You start crying tears of happiness, as you run back down the stairs and into their arms. "My baby!!" Your dad wailed, hugging you tightly. Your father didn't say anything, he just started bawling his eyes out.

"I missed you both so much!!" You burst into tears with them, and continue to cry. They both finally pull away, and your dad holds onto your shoulders to get a good look at you. "Your hair!! I can't tell if it got longer or shorter!" He had exaggeration in his high-pitched voice. 

His gaze quickly fixated on Wally, and they both stared at him as if he was a stranger. Which; he was. "And who is this handsome man?" Your dad suddenly had a bursting smile on his face. "Father, Dad, this is Wally. My escort." You explained, gesturing your hand out to him. Your dad looked very excited. Your father, however, had a sour expression. "Is he the one responsible for your disappearance?!" Your father's tone began to rise.

RF Wally Darling x Reader || "Inside the Factory"Where stories live. Discover now