~ Ch. 25: I'll Fix You ~ 18+

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! TW: extreme gore, child death, murder, language !


This chapter is 18+ for its gore. I know that some of my chapters have "gore" tags for their gutsy description, but this chapter takes it to an extreme level. Discretion is heavily advised, and I do not recommend continuing this chapter if you have a weak stomach. 

"I'll ask this one final question before I slowly kill you," Wally's hand still pressed Markceline against the wall, her body going limp and her face going white. "Who was in charge of the grinder?" His voice was in a low growl as he spoke.

Markceline didn't answer. She just smirked. "Fuck around and find out." Her voice was hoarse and she would be killed, but she would go out with her final secret intact. "As long as there's a will, Walden," She cackled as if she had been waiting for this moment her entire life. "There's a way." She smirked. She had nothing to lose, so she wouldn't lose this. Wally chuckled, his laughter growing louder and louder. His voice was demented and crazed when he grabbed Markceline by her ear and ripped it clean off. Markceline cried in pain, her voice shrill when she screamed. Blood splattered across the room like a cutting knife, staining onto Wally's face. But he loved it. Loved the sound of carnage.

Wally shoved his fist down her throat, ripping out her vocal cords so any scream she made would be so painful that the hurt itself could kill her. Blood was already beginning to coat Wally, but he didn't stop there. "I'll finish the job CLLEDEX didn't." He cackled as he gripped the skin from her face, peeling it off slowly. Markceline screamed, but each sound she made caused a rush of blood to come up her throat.

He skinned her alive on each inch of her body until she looked like raw meat. Her eyes looked at him in terror, but they wouldn't be looking for long. He dug his finger into the socket of her one good eye, plucking it out like fruit from a tree. He had no mercy, and he would not stop until she was completely unrecognizable.

The only sounds she made were her coarse wheezes and demented cries for help. She sounded like a banshee when she wailed, calling for anyone who would be there. Wally just stared down at the pool of her splattered intestines and blood all around him. She was dead, but not dead enough. "For [name]," He spoke in his dark tone. He had one final fit of rage, and hooked his hand down her throat, ripping out her spine. "And for Ophelia." With his other hand, he hooked it down her nose and ripped her skull straight from its skin. She was nothing but a maimed corpse, her peeled-off skin scattered around them.

He just sat down, staring at the slaughter he had made. Even though he had avenged them in his mind, Ophelia was still dead. And you were still dying. And he knew, for the first time, no amount of bloodshed could fix that.


"How are you both doing?" Julie asked, handing your dad's glasses of water. They had been home for a while, but never left the cottage. They were genuinely withering away, not properly bathing, and unable to eat anything.

Julie sat down across from them, Poppy sitting beside her with her always concerned look. Everyone had been left scarred, of course, but no one knew the details of your disfigured mangling. No one would speak of it, no one would ask. "They...they won't tell us anything there." Magnus sputtered out, his eyes puffy from crying so much. "I haven't seen you two this upset since...well, they went missing." Poppy managed to say, but she knew that it was out of turn.

Magnus and Fred didn't seem to mind the observation. "Because...I had hope...that they were still alive." Magnus shuddered, clutching the glass of water in his hands. Fred wouldn't speak. He just stared at the floor. "I don't know what to do." He muttered, his voice shaky as if tape were being slowly ripped from a wall.

"They'll be okay," Poppy reassured the two depressed men. "I don't know if I'm right, but I have hope. We can have hope." She continued, pressing her feathered wing against Magnus' hand. Julie suddenly cut in. "I've known [name] eleven years, and they have helped me and Wally through the hardest parts of our lives." Julie didn't mention that the hardest part of her life besides her daughter's death was Wally, but she digressed.

"I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with anything?" Magnus looked up at Julie with his dull, darkened eyes. "What I'm saying is that because of how amazing they have been to the factory, they will be very well taken of. Trust Wally." She explained in the best way she knew how.

Fred scoffed, cracking a grim smile. "T-Trust...him?" His voice sounded almost maniacal. "Trust the man...who did all of this? His creations, his products, his bullshit excuses for kidnapping our child." Fred stood up hastily, his face cruel and cold. "I won't be expected to trust him, not at all." He shook and trembled as if he were about to collapse, but he just sat back down and held Magnus' head to his lap as if he were an injured animal. "It was him who took them. Him..him who brought them back only for us to lose them all over again..." Magnus sobbed uncontrollably. "And now our baby really is gone."

[authors note]

Happy holidays!! Hope you all had a very bloody, gorey, gutsy, disturbing time!! ^^ 

I will still be publishing regularly next week, as well as a special Christmas present for my rotlings!


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