E.R.C* ~ Ch.1: ''It Will Be Okay, Doctor'' ~

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[present day]

"Mx. Bizarre?" A frightened voice quivered through the open office door. You looked up, seeing a frightened doctor, a young woman with terror in her eyes, and a nametag on her lab coat that read 'Dr. Pinkamena Ditzy'. "Yes, Dr. Ditzy?" You asked, smiling to ease her anxiousness. "It's Dr. Darling, he's getting upset during his 2:00 meeting." She croaked in fear. You rushed out of your rolling chair, not bothering to shift it back under the desk, and walked over to calm the shaky scientist. You noticed a bruise on her face. "What happened here, doll?" You comforted the poor woman. "N-Nevermind that. We need you in there to calm his temper." Her fluffy hair fell in front of her face. You let out a sigh. You held Dr. Ditzy's hand and sat her down on a sofa in your office leading to Dr. Darling's office. 

"Sit here, hon. When I get back, we'll walk to the cafeteria and get you a cup of tea." You stroked her shoulder. "What section is he in?" You requested information. "He's in the conference room on the sixth floor." She answered. Quickly you ushered yourself out of the room, and to the nearest elevator. You stepped inside and transported yourself to the floor below you. 

Once the door opened, you ran as quickly as possible to the conference room. You could hear the shouting and yelling, along with crashing and..cat meows? For a moment, you couldn't find the door label to the conference room. You looked around past all the terrified employees and heard a loud crash. The window facing the hallway had been shattered by a potted plant. "There he is." You sighed and made your way inside. "Everyone, out." You announced to all the meeting members as Dr. Wally Darling continued to flame in rage. Everyone hastily ran out as quickly as they could until the room was empty.

"Are you alright?" You glared into Dr. Darling's eyes, and he glared back into yours. The tension was strong, and you held back the urge to scream at him. He let out a grunt and turned his gaze away. "I'm fine." He sighed, leaning against the large glass window overlooking the forest thicket below. "Good!" You had a sudden cheery voice, filled with joy. Unlike the tone you used while asking the scientist if he was alright. "I'll call a cleaning crew to fix this up, we should discuss this in your office." You held out your hand for him to take, but he just brushed past you as he always did. 

You followed him back to the elevator, watching as all the employees and staff that heard/witnessed his tantrum looked at him in fear. It was exactly the reputation he had, and he wasn't ever going to let it up. You just accepted it. 

Once everyone saw you, on the other hand, you gave them all a comforting smile and wave. Unlike your toddler of a boss, you were seen as the friendly counterpart of Dr. Darling. Someone trustworthy, someone bright, someone the opposite of their sociopathic employer. 

You and the doctor entered the elevator and were awkwardly brought back up to the seventh floor. Once the both of you exited, you paged for a cleaning crew to be sent to the destroyed conference room. As you paged, you and Dr. Darling walked into the sectioned-off room, or your office, heading to his office. You saw that Dr. Ditzy was still sitting on the sofa, shaking in terror the second she saw the chairman. He continued to walk and shot her a disgusted stare. You tilted your head for her to leave, and she silently rushed away. 

Once the two of you were finally in his office, you regained your angered tone. He sat down at his desk "Did you cause that bruise on Ms. Ditzy during your meeting?" You gave him that same glare, shredding him apart in your mind. He exhaled an overdramatic sigh. "Yes." He admitted. You weren't happy with him. "What happened?! Why would you hurt her?" You sat in the chair placed in front of the desk. "She had given me the wrong test subject file, we extracted the wrong colors from them." He said, pained with even thinking about it. "So you bruise her face?" You try to sound as collected as possible as you tried to confront him.

"She came within the crossfire." He gave a limp explanation. "You shouldn't have hurt anyone in the first place, it was very immature and bratty of you." You scoffed, trying to keep calm. Dr. Darling looked up at you, angrily. "Excuse me?" He growled, standing up. You noticed the signs. He was about to take his childish anger out on you. "I'm simply speaking my opinion, as well as the employee guidelines." You expressed with tranquility. He walked closer to you in silence. "I don't give a damn about your opinion." His eyes suddenly widened, and he took a pencil from his pencil cup. 

"That's too bad because anyone with common sense would." You stood up and attempted to leave. You heard the pencil in his hands snap. "Where do you think you're going? We aren't finished talking." He didn't bother looking at you. "I'm going to check on the meeting members. You threw quite a fit!" You tried to act cheery in an attempt to keep him from hurting you. "Don't. Stay right where you are. I'm not done." He huffed and stormed towards you. As he nearly ran into you in an attempt to hurt you, you stopped him with your hand on his chest. "Please try and calm down, sir. I understand your frustration, but don't let that lead you to do something you'll regret." You say sharply, gripping his chest with strength. 

His breath slowed, and you could feel his heartbeat slow as well. "I'm sorry, [Name]." He rubbed his head in shame. You moved your hand back and looked up at Dr. Darling in worry. "It will be okay, doctor. I promiseYou said that quote every time he was stressed. It worked. "I know it will." He took in a sharp inhale. "Then don't let this happen again! You were doing good." You smile brightly. "It would've helped a lot if you were there, you know." He grunts, walking back to his desk and sitting down. You followed him, and leaned against his chair slightly. "I had to set up next month's meeting." You noticed a picture frame on the wall. A photo of a young Dr. Darling, and his father standing beside him. On the other wall, is a family portrait of the doctor and his broken family.

His dead daughter and ex-wife.

You always wondered why the photos were still hung, since he hates his father, dislikes his ex, and is still in pain from his daughter's sudden death. They had been there since you had been brought to the factory years ago. But you never dared ask him if he had considered taking them down. "Will you be attending the next meeting?" He asked, filling out paperwork. "Yes, sir. Don't worry." You smiled and stared into the forest.

*E.R.C: Early Release Crew

                                                                            ©️ L1TTLE_R0TTEN

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