~ Ch. 26: Fight for Her [PART 1/3]~

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! TW: needles, medical machinery, gore, SA, disturbing imagery, derealization !

You could hear them. Hear the voices and machines around you. You could feel the cold wind brush against your flesh like a chill up your numb body. You were alive, holding onto whatever you had left. "Get them on a stretcher!" You heard faintly as your ears had rung. The sounds came in and out, you were amazed that you didn't lose your hearing in the...

What happened?

You wheezed out a breathy groan, trying to ask what had happened, and why you were dying. A nurse brushed her finger against your mouth to quiet you. "Shh, child. You're alright." Her voice was so musical. So serene. 

Dad? Father?

But you weren't naive and stupid enough to believe they were here. You didn't know how to think, but you knew that they wouldn't be the same if they saw you like this. Who are these people? Where are you? You looked down at your body as much as you could while lying down, looking at your legs. Oh god. Your legs.

Nothing but shredded and mangled strings of muscle and bone. That's when things began to take hold of you. You fell into the grinder. There was someone there when it happened, but you couldn't remember who. Was this an accident? You didn't have time to wonder. You were going to die.

You felt the doctors lift your remains onto a cold table. You could faintly hear what they said, but it only came through as distant whispers. Shit, you just lost your hearing, no doubt. You could feel their presence around you, your vision blurry as you tried to piece all these bodies to a face that swarmed around you like bees to a queen. But you couldn't move your head, for they had strapped it still. Your eyes were forced up at the ceiling. You looked around, beyond the machines and mechanics around you, and you saw a log. You couldn't figure out what it said, though. You could see the symbols that made up a long word, but you couldn't read.

That was when the panic had settled in, and you had lost it. You screamed out in agony and fear, your throat burning as if it were on fire. "DAD!" You wailed like a banshee, roaring and hissing like a rabid animal. You shook rapidly on the table, trying to free yourself from the straps that held you still. Each movement hurt you more, the tears in your flesh getting worse. The pain in your body sank in, and you were no longer numb. 

You felt every scar in your body. Each rip, each tear, each gash. You screamed and cried, you almost felt yourself kick. But there was nothing there anymore, just a human shell. You screeched out a sentence before your mouth ripped open and your jaw fell out. "Let...GO

But they held you down and injected a serum in you, making you even more scared. "NO NEEDLES!" Your speech was deranged and demented, and they held your face down to silence you as you wailed non-stop. But it had put you to sleep, and you knew you wouldn't wake.


[Dream Log 1]

You lay in a bed. An unfamiliar bed, but you still felt safe there. You felt a pair of warm, muscular arms cage around your waist. Wally. He nuzzled his head against your back, holding you close. You looked at his body, then yours. You still looked humane. Not disfigured.

"Wake up, [name]." His voice echoed as if it didn't come from him, but it did. The voice surrounded you. "Wake up." His grip became tighter and tighter, but you didn't feel like he was hurting you. He just didn't want to let go. And neither did you. You wanted to turn around and see his face, but you couldn't. You looked around the room and saw the doorway. Your bedroom door at the factory. In the door stood a little girl, cloaked in blood and her body unrecognizable. 

But she stood before you in her mother's dress and her short, purple hair. She held her stuffed animal close to her body, tears rolling down her face. "Ophelia?" You whispered, holding your hand out to her. When you looked back down for Wally's hand to show him, Ophelia, he was no longer there. "I'm here to see you, not dad." She spoke, but her voice was not hers.

"We're dead, aren't we?" You asked her, finally able to sit up. "I am. But you can live. Do you want to?" Ophelia asked, holding your hand tightly. She started to glow as if she radiated light.

"Yes. I love him. I want to know how it ends." You exclaimed, your heart aching. "You have to keep fighting, okay?" The little purple monster child explained to you in such somehow vague detail. Even though you didn't know what she meant, you knew what she wanted. "How?" You asked. You felt as if you were the child instead of her, as full of curiosity as Ophelia once was. 

"Promise me you can do it." She didn't answer your question. You wanted an answer, but you knew she couldn't give it. "I promise." You said, and then Ophelia smiled. The bloody and disfigured body of hers became renewed, she looked how she did when she was alive. "Tell mommy and daddy I'm okay for me." And she left, and everything went dark.

"Come on.." A familiar female voice guided you through a dark, pitch-black room. "Little lamb...so flawless..." She sounded like a music box. When she appeared to you, her hair was blonde and short. She was faceless, but you somehow knew her face. You closed your eyes for a moment, wondering how you had gotten separated from Flin at the concert. "Flin." You cried out, eyes shut tight. You knew this memory. You knew this girl. It all came back to you, everything.

When you opened your eyes, there was no Flin. There was only her, towering over you with her faceless grin. Her face stretched in a way that you knew she was not real, was not here, but she was. You still felt her as she undressed you. How had you so easily been separated from Flin at the concert? Why weren't they here in this cold, snuffy trailer? "No." Your slurred speech slowly fell out of your mouth.

"No. No. No." Each time you said it, it was slower and slower. You brought up your hand to defend yourself, but it was like your body moved against you. You can't fight. Just like how it happened when you lived it all those years ago, you can't fight. You had lied to your dad when you told him you didn't remember the concert from fifteen years ago. You can't win this.

But for Ophelia, for Wally, for yourself, you can try.

"No." You screamed quickly, heart racing. She still didn't listen, she still hurt you, and it still burned when she touched you. But you were not going to give up. "This is in the past." You called out to her, and the girl disappeared. "Little lamb." She whispered but had no hold on you. 

But you wouldn't stop there. This was only the beginning of the battle, and you had no intention of giving up. "You can't hurt me."

"For Ophelia. For Wally."


Thank you all for an amazing year. Although 2023 was a very difficult year for me and it continues to be difficult, I am grateful to have all of your support. Thank you all, and happy Unlucky Day!


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