~ Ch. 32: Into the Light ~

533 22 16

! TW: gore, violence !

[Dream Log 3]

"I need to wake up now." You began to panic. You looked around for Ophelia, but she became more transparent. It became harder to see her. "You can't." She held her hands against your shoulders. "I have to save him, Ophelia!" You felt yours eyes water and tears run down your eyes as if in a race. 

Everything went black, and that falling feeling came back to you. You dropped down onto a hard metal floor, your back hurting for a second. You opened your eyes to see where you were. What you first noticed was that you no longer looked the same. You had several metal limbs, green embers shooting through them in colorful flickers. The rest of your body was nude, and you had no hair. "I look like a mannequin." You shuddered when you brushed your hand over your head. You looked around for Ophelia, but she wasn't there.

She didn't have to be there, though, for you to know where you were. You were in the testing lab, all of the subject rooms empty. You heard the rustling of chains at the end of the dim lit hallway. You followed the sound and stood up to walk towards it. When you reached the cell, what you saw inside made everything around you turn into a confusing blur. Wally was breathing heavily against the stone wall of the cell, his breath heavy and his eyes a blood red. He wore only a hospital gown, and his hair fell down him in messy blue strands. 

"Wally!" You called out, slipping into the cell. You kneeled over his waist, holding out your hand to touch him. Feel his face, make sure he was real. He didn't see you. He cried softly, arching his head back as he gritted his teeth to hold in his sobs. 


"Alright, I'm here. What do you want?" Julie leaned her hand against the factory entrance door frame. "We need your help. Wally has gone insane and no one is running the factory anymore." Frank explained as he breathed heavily. Julie didn't look surprised. "I had guessed since there are test subjects running around the entrance and causing a riot." She quivered, wiping the dirt from her chest from all of the falls she had taken.

"What do we do?" Pinkamena pursed her lips together, her gaze darkening. When she asked to help, she had no idea her head would be so empty. "We need to wake up [name] and get Wally in the right state of mind at the same time. We aren't equipped for both, though." Sally held up both of her hands to represent the two situations. 

Suddenly, two figures came from behind and spoke. One was a large man, towering at seven feet with red skin and dark blue hair that fell down his colorful suit. The other was a familiar, shorter man with messy blue hair and green skin. "You'll have to stop the subjects from destroying everything in sight as well." Harold bellowed in his darkening voice from behind.

They all looked at the two residents of the Dream Void, the endless pit of darkness itself. "Who the hell are you two? Why is the whole Brady Bunch showing up all of the sudden?" Julie crinkled her nose. Barnaby only muttered out 'Uhh' slowly with each new sentence. "Past patient." Astaire held up his hand like he was asking for permission to speak. "A demon overlord." Harold raised up his hand softly, his tone dull and careless.

"What's the plan?" Barnaby scratched his neck in confusion. A sheer expression of 'I have no idea what to do' and 'I hope I'm getting paid for this' washed over his face. "You need two welders of pure magic to aid in your senseless mortal needs." Astaire shrugged, holding a ball of purple flame over the palm of his hand. "Could've just...said that, you know." Sally shrugged. "Just a suggestion."

RF Wally Darling x Reader || "Inside the Factory"Where stories live. Discover now