~ Ch. 31: Fight for You [PART 3/3] ~

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[Dream Log 3]

You and Ophelia were here. The end of your journey. You were so close to getting out, and you knew it. "Am I going to live?" You asked Ophelia as you looked down at yourself. You wore the outfit you had worn before you were thrown into the grinder. "Do you want to live?" She looked up at you, in the dress she wore often when she was alive. She looked like herself again.

"More than anything." You reminded her. Ophelia smiled. "Then yes, you will. Even if your body doesn't survive, your soul will always live." She sounded so wise for such a young child. But for someone who had died, she had a lot of time to become wise. You continued walking with her hand holding on tightly to yours. You noticed something new. You could feel. Every part of you that moved and touched, you could physically feel that.

You walked through an empty factory. "Where are we?" You asked. "We're in the factory right now. Everyone has gone home for the day, besides a select few." She filled you in. "How do you know?" You asked. This child was so full of knowledge. She was so smart and mature it left you feeling stupid. But Ophelia proved you wrong about her god-like knowledge and simply pointed to a clock on the wall. "Oh. Right."


As Frank rushed through the factory, he noticed how empty it was. It was the end of the work day, but there wasn't anyone in sight. No one overworking or finishing up. And as he passed most of the offices, some of them had boxes scattered around. Frank walked outside of Wally's office, passing through yours in its barren state. All of your things were gone. There were doctors and scientists that guarded the door to Wally's office. "What the..?" Frank walked past them, but they blocked them from getting inside with their hands. "You can't come in here. There is subject collection in process." They said without any further explanation. Frank widened their eyes and burst through the doors. Once the doors had opened, his heart stopped.

Guards held Wally by his arms, restraining him from moving as they muzzled him. Other guards held Sally and Barnaby in restraint, keeping them still. "Walden, don't do this!" Sally screamed out, shaking uncontrollably. Barnaby continued to try and pry himself from the guards, but they kept him still. Wally held down his head, glancing up with glowing red eyes.

"What is going on?!" Frank yelled and tore through the scientists that began dragging Wally out the door. "Stop!" They cried out, but no one listened. The guards dropped Sally and Barnaby, and everyone had left the office. "What is going on?!" Frank trembled at he looked back at the lawyers. 

"He's gone mad." Barnaby handed Frank the old file. They blew off the dust and opened up the yellowed papers. Inside was a contract that blinded Wally to his job. The contract was made by his father, holding Wally in his position. If Wally left his title as head scientist or shut down factory production, he would be grinded and used for testing. 

"Shit shit shit." Frank panicked as they read over the contract. "He shut down the factory." Barnaby stood up and brushed off his knees. Sally picked herself up with the slight help of Barnaby's paw being held out to her. Frank didn't even care that everyone was officially out of jobs. The Rainbow Factory was shut down.

Everything was over. Sally jumped, her eyes shooting up at Frank's with realization. "When does [name] wake up?" She asked, walking closer to them as she took the files out of their hands. "Tomorrow." Frank muttered. "How are we going to get Wally out in time? All of the scientists are officially against him." Frank asked.

"What? Seriously? I thought they were under his command." Barnaby scratched the top of his head. "They were only under his command when he was signed to the contract! But he isn't anymore so they've up and taken him!" Frank ran their hand through their thin black hair in worry. The door behind them clicked open and a small voice spoke. "I want to help." Pinkamena called out, blood staining her clothes and her long, curly blonde hair a bush of humid frizz.


You and Ophelia could feel the ground behind you shake in the testing department. You both looked behind you and saw thousands of deformed creatures and rushing subjects flood through the halls, running right through you both like a cold chill. "They can't see us, right?" You asked loudly, hoisting Ophelia into your arms to keep you both together. "I hope the fuck not!" The child screamed. "Language, young lady!"

You both ran past the subjects in the opposite direction, forcing through the doors. "Oh my god." You stopped dead in your tracks, your hair shifting when you stopped so suddenly. "Something is wrong. Very, very wrong." If Wally had let his subjects go, he wouldn't have done it so messily. "Wally isn't in control anymore."

[authors note]



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