~ Ch.12: Goodbye ~

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[the day of your escape]

Finally, after weeks of planning and preparations, today would be your last day at the factory. You acted like it was a casual work day, and waited longingly for the night to come. Although, that wouldn't be for a long time. It was just now your lunch break.

You walked into Wally's office, and he shuffled through his book case. "Lunch, sir?" You held a paper bag and coffee. He turned around, and you noticed something. His hair wasn't in his usual pompadour and ponytail. It was down, all the way. His hair was so thick when it was down. Very fluffy too.

"Huh." Your eyebrows bounced up for a slight moment. He walked to you, and took his lunch. "What?" He asked. "Your hair." You pointed it out, curious.

"Ah, that." He smirked to himself, surprised you'd notice such a small detail. "Well, today is a day for change." He turned around. You narrowed your eyes, feeling like he knew something. "Yes.." You spoke. "..today is a day for change."


Finally the night came. You stood up from your desk one last time. You pushed your chair in, and stretched yourself out. After stretching out, you walked into Dr. Darling's office. He was in his leather chair in the corner, reading. You had rarely seen him not working.

"Sir." You spoke with a stern tone. He looked up, and you saw his reading glasses. They were reugular perscription glasses, black rim and tidy. 

"Yes, [name]?" He responded. You tried to soak in the sight of him one last time before leaving. "I'm going to bed. Need anything?" You asked. He paused for a moment, and then looked back at you. "Yes, actually." He said. You were a little surprised. He didn't often say yes. "Come here." He demanded, setting his book down and standing up.

You walked to him, a few inches away from him. "Yes?" You replied. "Come closer." He whispered. You steps closer, the two of you looking into each other's eyes. "Why are you whispering?" You whispered back. He smirked. He didn't say anything.

He leaned down and wrapped his arms around you, swarming you in a hug.

You were shocked, taken aback by it. It almost felt like he knew..and he was calmly letting you go. No fight. No death. Just serene.

You gave in, and hugged him back.

The hug lasted only a few seconds, but too the both of you, it felt like the world was on pause. The calm energy felt so cherished to you.

You both finally stepped back, and continued to look at eachother. "Goodbye, [name]." He whispered, sitting back down. He didn't look at you. "Goodbye, Dr. Darling." Yes. Goodbye. Goodbye forever. Not goodbye and goodnight, not goodbye see you tomorrow, goodbye go get me a coffee,



You scurried out of the office, wind under your feet and happiness inside you. You had marked your last tally mark the night before. 4,015 days in total. Eleven whole years.

It was over.

But not yet.

There was the second hardest part to your escape. The getting out without people noticing part. You and your team had a map of the entire factory, including guard posts. You and Astaire made a hole in the floor under Astaire's cell bed. You had spent days digging it, but it got done. And now you could use it.

Your plan was to meet Pinkamena and Astaire in the cell for a final sendoff. 

You walked down to the test lab, which was emptied out. Everyone had gone to bed. In fact, the room was dark other than the lights from the machines. You used your keycard to get in, and walked inside.

You walked to the cell, and opened the door. You had a flashlight in your jean's pocket, and you pulled it out and turned it on. "Astaire!" You whispered harshly. Astaire laid in his bed, fake sleeping. 

He opened his eyes, seeing you. You also saw Pinkamena sitting in the corner, awaiting you both. You quickly dove inside, shutting the door. "Quickly, let's move. Pinkamena, me and Astaire will slip into the tunnel. You push the bed back over it. They'll see it and catch us." You explained the plan one last time. Pinkamena nodded with determination.

"Wait, they? Whose they?" Astaire asked with it calm voice. It was creepy as always how calm he was. You were scared out of your mind. 

"Security guards that will go on shift any minute now, doll, so let's move!" You shuffled him off the bed, and you pushed the bed out of the way. All those years of lifting hay bales payed off, and you were anxious to see that life again. Finally, you'd see the sun again. Feel it's warmth. 

Astaire scrambled into the hole first, and you followed behind him. You heard Dr. DItzy push the bed back on top with ease. 'Good work, Ditz. I'll miss you.' you thought to yourself.

Swiftly, Astaire and you scrambled and shimmied through the tunnel and made it outside. Now all that was left was to climb over the giant metal wire fence, and you'd be free. You tried to avoid the flashing surveillance lights that would shine on you and expose you. 

"Astaire, climb!" You urged, and you jumped onto the fence. He followed along, and climbed up too.

It was a ten foot fence, but thanks to your climbing skills, you were luckily able to get on top. "Almost there, dads." You whispered. You looked back down at Astaire, and he was struggling. "Come on, Astaire!!" He picked up the pace, and made it up as well. You were both exhausted and out of breath. You looked up at the sky for a moment. The moon was a beautiful cresent, and the stars burned bright. You only saw such a sight from a window, but now those days were gone.

"Let's go, hon. It's time." You smile brightly.

You hopped down, but because of his fear of heights, Astaire jumped down into your arms. You set him down, and crouched down to breath. Your beaming smile spread from ear to ear, and for the first time in so long, it wasn't fake. You swore to yourself you'd never wear a fake smile again. 

You straightened your back, but felt yourself hit something. You turned around, seeing what you hit.

it was Dr. Darling.

Except the nervous smile you forced on yourself.

To Be Continued...


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