~ Ch.9: Deer In The Headlights PT.2 ~

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! TW: mild gore, test subject abuse !

[Markceline's POV]

We walked up to a large set of metal doors, lined with caution tape and warning signs all alerting a bypasser to not enter. I had never been in this section before. It was an experiment of Wally's I didn't bother getting tangled into.

But I knew it wasn't lighthearted. I knew.

He turned his head to me, an evil look in his eyes. Evil and thoughtless. "Go in." He snarled, glancing at the door. I didn't dare disobey him and walked inside. "Yes sir," I mumbled in fear as I heard the door shut behind me. It was pitch black, except for a single dim and flickery light bulb at the entrance.

"Hello?" I called out, looking around.

I looked into the black abyss and saw two sets of three red pupils looking at me. He found it. And before it was done, too. I was screwed.

I turned around and started trying to open the door. 

It wouldn't open.

I continued to jolt at the handle, pulling with all my strength. It was no use. I had a small body, and no muscle built into me. "Wally?!" I called out, pounding on the door. He was right outside the door, just looking at me.

"Wally, let me out!!" My voice began to rise, and I started screaming. I could hear the creature coming closer, but I didn't dare turn around. "Wally, PLEASE!!!" I cried out, and then several piercing claws dug into my back, and fangs bit into my right eye.


I screamed and cried with everything in me. My throat went dry, and the creature continued to claw into me. My clothes were tattered, and my vision was blurry. All I could see was a pool of blood. My blood. 

I tried to hope he would save me, God I wish he would. This can't be how I die. I can't end like this. I won't end like this.

I stood up and took off what was left of my jacket. The creature was circling me, waiting to pounce again. "You want to play rough, сын? Let's play then." I growled. I wasn't here to die. If I'm going to survive, I'm going to have to survive without help. Although my own blood was pouring out of me, and I had little time to fight, I'd give my last ounce of energy to protect myself.

I'd rather die fighting than not.

I pounced onto the creature's fleshy skin, with dull colors splattered into its body. This thing was once a being, but now it was a mutation of animal. I pounded the animal's head into the concrete floor as it clawed at me. It found a way to tackle me onto the floor and held up its deformed arm to claw me.

I grabbed it by the arm and snapped the fragile bone with my bare hands. Now, me and this thing were fighting in a pool of our mixed blood. Blood that would set us both back for months.

I kept fighting, and I was almost there. As it attempted to run into me with its remaining legs, I grabbed a hammer and crushed its skull. I dropped the knife to the ground and watched the creature finally lose balance and go unconscious.

I knew what this thing was. It was indestructible, thanks to the Rainbow Serum. A formula that held unfathomable superbeing abilities, like healing, indestructibility, strength, and regrowing limbs apparently as I watched its fleshy arm regrow.

I walked through the pitch-black room and kicked down the metal door my blood was splattered on. The whole time, I glared at Wally. He looked terrified and lost. "I lived, bitch." I snarled with a sly grin.

Quickly, medics were sent to me and placed me on a stretcher. I was sent straight to the infirmary to be healed.

[days later]

After almost a week in bed, I was able to take off my bandages. I stood up from the infirmary cot and walked over to the mirror on the wall. I took off my applications, one by one.

I finished with the bandage around my head and right eye.

When I looked into the mirror, I saw a completely different person.

My hair was short and tattered, and my body was riddled with bloody scars. Then, I noticed my eye. There was a huge scar covering my right eye, which I had shut, and the scar went right into my eye. 

I slowly opened my eye and realized I couldn't see out of it. My right eye was gray and lifeless, still red and bloody. I was blinded in that eye. "..no." I held my bandaged hand up to my eye, flinching at the thought of touching it. I wanted to cry, but I knew it would hurt.

I heard my room door open, and I whipped my head around. It was none other than the man who did this to me, the one who caused this, the one who forever destroyed my body. Wally Darling.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to mutilate him like what his little science experiment did to me. I wanted to slaughter him with my bare hands. I wanted to break his leg and watch it not grow back. "What more could you want from me..?" I said, my voice exhausted.

"..I'm...impressed you were able to defend yourself. I'm proud of you." He struggled to say. I cracked a smile and burst into a fit of laughter. He looked at me with an angered glare. 

"Y-You" I managed to talk through my howling laughter. "You..tried to kill me. And when I decide to not let you have your way, you suddenly applaud me...?" I keep laughing, not looking at him. 

"I want to transfer to a different department," I demanded, turning my gaze to him. I walked up to him, limping since my legs were still injured.

"Which one?" He kept calm, shockingly. I could tell he was scared. I liked seeing him scared. I will forever cherish his terror.

"How about the one farthest from you?" I replied with a sarcastic smile.


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