~ Ch. 19: All Mine ~

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! TW: shirtless man !

Your mind runs around that for a while. Did he call you by his last name on purpose? He couldn't have. But if he was mistaking himself, he would've caught himself saying it. But he didn't seem to notice it. 

As your mind gave you so many thoughts it hurt, you heard your bedroom door open.

You looked up, and it was your dad.

"Oh! It's just you." You sighed with relief. Your dad rose an eyebrow, just as confused as you were. "Why? Were you expecting your boy toy?~" He smirked, placing his hands on his hips. "Dad! Be quiet!! He's in the bathroom, he can hear you!!" You yelled in a whisper, scrambling over to your dad to close his mouth.

"Settle down, doll. I'm just telling you goodnight!" He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly. "What? I thought you were cooking when we came in the house?" You asked, pulling away for a moment. 

"Naw. I was just making some mac and cheese for your father. He barely ate at the festival." He clicked his tongue, looking at his bedroom door. "He's worried about you, hon." He looked back at you with a concerned look. "Well, he'll just have to get over it. My love life is none of his business." You sighed, furrowing your eyebrows.

"He knows that, but your safety is his business. We..we thought you were dead, [name]." He grips your shoulders, tearing up. "If he was the one responsible for your disappearance..don't you think it's only natural we worry?" He tilted his head. 

You sighed, looking at your feet. "You're right. It's natural. I'm sorry I made you all worry for so long." You wrapped him back in a hug, and he pat your head. "Don't be sorry. We're just overjoyed you're okay." He let go of the hug and stepped back into the hallway.

Before he turned away to leave, he stopped. He turned around, giving you a worried and concerned expression. "[name]..remember that concert you and Flin went to when you were fifteen?" He asked. You felt your heart rate pick up softly.

"No, why?" You said with a smile. "No reason." He responded flatly. "Goodnight, Dad. Love ya."

"I love you too, [name]. Goodnight." He smiled warmly, his fear leaving his body, before going into his room.

You shut the door again, thinking about what he said. He was right. Everyone had every right to be worried. You were surprised they thought you were still alive after all of this.

You sat back down at the foot of your bed, staring down at the socks on your feet. 

Just then you heard the door open again.

"Everything okay, da-" You looked up and stopped talking when you realized it wasn't your dad.

Instead, Wally stood in the doorway in his sleep pants. But it wasn't the pants you were looking at. Instead, it was his heavily toned torso, that made your jaw drop and your face heat up like a microwave.

"W-Wally..!" You quickly stood up, clearing your throat and looking away from his chest. "I think I hit the bathroom door frame-" He rubbed his head as he walked into the room. "Ah- right. I'm sure we're both used to the high ceilings at the factory." You tried your best not to look at the beefcake in front of you. You had never seen so much of his skin before.

"Y-You can take the bed. I don't want to give you back problems." You chuckled, realizing your nose was bleeding from how faint the sight of Wally made you feel.

"Shoot!-" You quickly grabbed a tissue, cupping your hand over your nose. Wally whirled his head around, looking to see if you were okay. "Are you alright?!" He quickly became concerned, resting his hand on your head. 

"A-All good! Just a nosebleed!" You chuckled slightly. You pressed the tissue into your nose, stopping the blood flow. He holds your hand that holds the tissue, pressing it into your nose a bit more to help you. His hand glides to your back.

You move the tissue down, realizing you weren't bleeding any more. "I'm alright. Don't worry." You throw the tissue away. You try not to look at him again, since you were very sure you'd have another nosebleed.

You sat down on the pull-out bed, leaving the other bed for Wally. As you sat down, you turned off the bedside lamp. You got under the blankets, laying on your side.

Wally got into the bed above you, staying silent before breaking the silence.

"[name]..can I ask you a question?" You both stared up at the ceiling. "Of course." You looked over at his bed. 

"Are you and Dr. Ditzy...an..item?" He asked. When you heard him ask that, you almost burst into laughter. "Ha! No! Of course not!! Pinkamena is almost seven years younger than me, and even if she weren't I'm not interested in her." You laughed.

"Why do you ask?" You questioned him. 

"..No reason..goodnight, [name]."

[Wally POV]

Because now I know..you're all mine.


RF Wally Darling x Reader || "Inside the Factory"Where stories live. Discover now