~ Ch. 37: ''It Will Be Okay, [Name]''~

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You woke up in Wally's arms, and the fire was reduced to a small ashen brush. When your droopy eyelids fluttered open, you didn't expect everything to be as serene and harmonic as it was. You felt Wally's warm breath tickling your neck, mixed in with the slight vibrations of his purring. You moved your hand up from the breezy grass to the rugged skin on Wally's hand. You stroked his palm and fingers, reminding yourself that this wasn't another dream. This was real. 

His holding you felt so familiar. You recalled the first dream. Being in the comfortable bed with his arms caging you against his chest. But then, his touch felt somewhat desperate. Now, in reality, his touch was gentle and strong all in the best ways. You rolled over to your side, facing Wally. He was so peaceful, he looked like a painting come to life. "Walden..." You whispered, your lips pressed against his forehead.

You kissed him gently, hoping to wake him up. "Come on. Wake up." Your whispers became a bit louder. With a long groan and a prolonged stretch, he opened his eyes. His eyelids were low, reducing his gaze into piercing slits. "Have I woken you?" His voice was so deep and lulling. You had never heard his voice so early.

You let the dark voice run into your veins for a moment before shaking your head. "Not at all." You smiled. He yawned again, collapsing on top of you. "Good. Now I don't feel guilty." He spoke with no regrets. He rolled you on top of his chest as if you were a stuffed animal.


You stood in front of your familiar cottage again, looking at how depressing and gloomy it looked. All the lights were off, and the white curtain in the kitchen window blew into the house because of the large fan blowing cold air. "Father hates fans." You dipped your eyebrows down in sudden worry. You took a step back, unable to look at the cottage anymore. This couldn't have been any different from when you had disappeared, and now it was happening again.

"Maybe they aren't home." You knew Wally wouldn't fall for your stalling, but you tried to trick yourself far more than you were trying to trick him. He took your hair and wrapped it into his gentle palm. "Why are you scared?" He whispered. "What if they don't recognize me? What if they do? I'm not the same person anymore." You whispered back, choking back tears.

"What happened to your body doesn't make you a different person. Not in my eyes, not in their eyes." His voice was soothing and every attempt he had at calming you was working so far. "My limbs...I.." Before you could keep going on, Wally spoke up. "Hold up your hand." He requested.

You did, your metal joints squeaking and rustling as you moved your hand up. He held up his prosthetic hand. "How do I look to you?" He tilted his head with a sudden stern look on his face. "Beautiful, as you always have." You said clearly, not even realizing how suddenly he had blushed. Wally certainly didn't expect that response from you.

"Alright. So how does that make you any different?" He took your hand in his, his fingers intertwining with yours. You scoffed and smirked. "Alright. You win." You pressed your forehead against his chest.

With that new confidence, you turned around to face the cottage. You swallowed the lump in your throat and stepped up the stairs. You knocked on the circle window, stepping away from the door.

You waited for a moment, hearing a slow shift of paper and trash in the back. The door slightly opened, revealing your short father with eye bags under his eye bags. When he saw you, he hesitated. But not because of how he looked. Because he was scared that you were an illusion.

But when he realized you were real, he realized you were real. He started bawling like never before as he grasped you tighter than he knew how to. You had a tug in your heart, and your one eye started producing a waterfall's worth of tears. Your dad slowly followed, his tight shoulders loosening when you saw you.

"I'm here for good this time." You whispered while you embraced your parents. They cried out a small laugh before their hugs tightened even more. You loved each moment of it.


After a good solid four hours of cleaning the entire cottage from top to bottom, you sat at the round table all over again. Your father with his coffee, your dad with his margarita. This time, thought, with a bit more vodka to handle the conversation.

You explained what happened, and how it wasn't Wally's doing. How everything was gone, including the factory. It was truly and completely over. Your dad rubbed his forehead his eyes wide as he processed all of this. Your father kept his lips pressed together before responding with a long sigh.

"Alright, alright." He held up his hand, tired of hearing your long explanation. You the thought process going through his head. "He's all yours." Your father huffed, and your dad let out a small gasp in surprise. "But I'm only allowing you to come anywhere near my kid because that terrible hell-spawned factory went up in flames." Your father specified, holding a finger up in the statement. That calmed your dad a bit.

You glanced at Wally from the side, an excited smile staining your face. "Alright." Your dad smiled nervously. "We need to get you some clothes. I can't take you seriously without pants." He held up his hand, looking away. With a small snort, you and Wally stood up. "Don't laugh." Wally softly elbowed you, but you couldn't help it.


Your dad had taken Wally and disappeared off to his boutique to find him clothes, letting him borrow a skirt to help cover him. That left you and your father alone in the cottage. There was tension. A regrettable tension. You had rarely found it so hard to make conversation with your father.

He sensed the aura and spoke up to break the awkward silence. "I'm sorry I didn't stop you that day." He didn't move his head as his eyes fixated on yours. Your heart sank, not just at the comment, but at the vagueness. "What day?" You asked slowly.

"The day you went to the greenhouse. The...the day I lost you." He swallowed firmly, his throat bobbing up and down as he choked back his tears. You pulled his hand into theirs, clasping him tightly even though you couldn't feel his touch.

"Father," You started, looking deeply into his eyes. "That wasn't your fault."

"Can you make me a promise, [name]?" When he said your name, his tone had nothing less than all the love in the world. You nodded without hesitation.

"Can you promise me that no matter what, you'll come back to us?"

You smiled.

"Father, that's how my life has always been. I always find a way back to you. I promise."


"And that is the entire plot of My Little Pony." Magnus smiled, walking down the street of the village with an exhausted Wally by his side. "How interesting." He forced himself to smirk. Magnus chuckled, patting his arm. "Yes, well, I have something a bit more interesting." His expression suddenly turned to a death glare that made Wally himself flinch. "Don't even think about hurting my child."


RF Wally Darling x Reader || "Inside the Factory"Where stories live. Discover now