~ Ch. 24: Sweet Silence ~

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! TW: violence, intense gore, extreme language, murder !

"N-No one was in charge of the grinder, I swear!" Pinkamena was in tears, both of stress and looking at your battered body. Wally didn't have it. You laid in his arms, one eye had been destroyed in the mutilation of your body. Both of your legs had been ripped off, leaving nothing below your torso but shredded flesh. Your stomach had been ripped apart as well, your long intestine splayed against your skin and your crushed ribs cutting against your kidneys. 

An arm had been ripped to pieces as well, leaving a trail of your skeletal arm crushed beside you. Your other hand was black and clawed.  Your hair had been ripped from the scalp, the skin on your head barely still attached to your head. Your brain was partially cut, getting the least amount of damage since you had fought to the end to protect your brain and heart. Every part of your outer flesh was different shades of gray, white, and black. Only the color of your eyes and the glowing red veins remained colored.

Your cheeks were sliced, exposing your jaw and fleshy insides. But no matter what, Wally wouldn't let you go. Doctors and nurses had been surrounding him, begging him to examine your body before it was too late. Frank stood there, head of the research team, trying to help. But Wally wouldn't let go. "Where were they?" He glared into Pinkamena's eyes, his voice holding no emotion. His stare was cold.

"What do you mea-" "Where the fuck were they before this, you whore?" Wally cut Dr. Ditzy off before she got to speak. Pinkamena went cold when he spoke so cruelly to her, shuddering. "Dr. Whitetail's testing room." She responded, her voice only coming out in a whimper. Wally didn't wait. He stood up, holding you tight even as you were falling apart in his arms.

Frank pressed his hand on Wally's shoulder, trying to stop him. "Dr. Darling," They began, their voice quiet but demanding. "You have to leave them with us if you want them to stay alive." They exclaimed, holding another hand on your other intact arm that was severed slightly. Wally held you for a moment, squeezing you tight. "Frank," He turned around and rested you on the stretcher, his back to Dr. Frankly. 

"If you can't save them, then you and the rest of this factory will be going up in fucking flames." He leaned close to Dr. Frankly and whispered in his ear. He stood back, and hand on your skeletal hand bones. "As if it'll be everyone's fault, right?" With that, the doctors and nurses rolled you off quicker than the speed of light to the infirmary.

Dr. Darling glared down at Pinkamena with no emotion in his glare. "Bring me to Markceline. Now."


Wally didn't even bother knocking. He had flung the door with so much force it had dented against the wall. The door itself was metal, leaving Pinkamena scared stiff behind Wally. She glanced at Markceline, shaking her head that something hadn't gone to plan.

"Walden. I thought you said we'd stay out of each other's way." She stood up from her seat, her muscular arms flinching when he pulled a bookshelf down onto the floor. He didn't stop there, oh no, his rampage wouldn't be done for a long time. "What the hell have you done to [name]?" His voice was quiet and monotone. Markceline smirked, knowing she had done well in drugging you. "What the matter? Did they rip you apart like they did the grinder? It was a very..messy accident. Or maybe they had ripped themself apart." She held in her laughter. This was a joke to her, and that made Wally furious.

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