E.R.C ~ Ch.6: The Plan ~

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"I ran the diagnostics, here." You slapped Astaire's file on Wally's desk. "Thanks." He said, looking over the file. You stood over his shoulder, and read along with him. His eyes went wide. "Oneriology manipulation..?" He mutters to himself. "I didn't know they existed either." You finish his thought. He sighs. "Well, they certainly do become difficult to terminate. They take advantage of the information they have and use it against you." He growls, glaring at the folder. You're slightly uneased by how angry his tone is, but you brush it off. "So then...should we terminate it?" You barely even managed to say it. You wanted to respect Astaire. He was talented. He doesn't deserve this.

"Yes. We'll have to do it as soon as possible. He's dangerous." Dr. Darling sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration. You widen your eyes slightly, and your stomach curls. 'No.' You begin to think to yourself, your mind starts to wander. 'Not if I have anything to do about it.' You feel your blood boil in your veins. 'I won't let you hurt anyone ever again, Wally Darling.'


You walk down to the water cooler after asking Pinkamena to meet you there. As you approached the cooler, you could see Pinkamena in your view. She was looking around the room, trying to find you. "Pinkamena!" You call out, smiling boldly. She looked up at you, and let out a sigh of relief. "[Name]! Is everything alright?" She asked as you walked closer to her.

You looked around for any cameras, and thankfully, there weren't any in range.

"I need you to come with me. But you cannot tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. Alright, hon?" You press both hands against her shoulders, gripping them tightly. She holds her hands to her chest and looks at you with a determined look. She nods, and you back off. "Follow me." You lead her to the testing lab, and to the large metal double doors. She follows you inside, and you both walk into the testing lab.

Pinkamena didn't go into the testing room often. She worked as a supply technician and had no reason to go down there. You, on the other hand, went down there quite often. You've seen hundreds of lives be taken, almost including your own. 

You and Pinkamena walked down to the cell where Astaire was kept, and you opened the door using your keycard. Pinkamena was hesitant. "W-We're going in there..?" The woman trembled and stammered. You looked at her sympathetically. "Don't worry. I know this subject. He's tame." You reassure her, and she walked inside.

You walked in as well and shut the door behind you. "Astaire? It's me, Mx. Bizarre." You walk closer to him, but Pinkamena still struggles to trust him. He turns his head around slightly, still crouched in a ball in the corner. "Astaire, this is my friend. Dr. Ditzy." You held out Pinkamena's hand, as she whimpered slightly. Astaire, with a blank and neutral expression, extended his arm and shook her hand. "I know. She has very coarse dreams of her supply manager." His tone was dull and monotone, and Dr. Ditzy had a look of embarrassment on her face.

You crouched down in front of him, as did Pinkamena. "I came to talk to the both of you about something." You look at both of them, your eyes bouncing from their faces. They both looked at you. Confused and intrigued. 

"Astaire, me and Dr. Ditzy are going to help you and me escape." You say, a stern tone in your voice. The two widen their eyes, shocked and confused. "W-What? Do you have any idea how risky that is? There are cameras in here, [Name]! They'll hear you!" Pinkamena said in a harsh whisper. You knew who she meant when she said 'they'. Dr. Darling.

You placed a finger over your lips, gesturing for her to be quiet. "I know, doll. I'm sneaking in here tonight and taking down the cameras." You're determined about this. You can't spend another decade in this void. "..I can't help you, [Name]. I won't let you risk yourself and Astaire. Do you know what happened to Wally's last assistant?" She croaked in a whisper, crouched down. "Last assistant?" You and Astaire said simultaneously. 

"You don't know..? You've worked here longer than me." Pinkamena looked confused. You and Astaire looked at each other and shrugged. She sighed and inched closer. "A few months before you came to work for the factory--" She began to explain.

"--Dr. Darling had another assistant. Markceline Whitetail. Apparently, she did something that made him so angry he had her tortured. After that, she transferred to the basement. She's my manager now." Pinkamena explained vaguely, clearing her throat. It was obvious she didn't know much about the situation, but she had enough experience with her manager to have lewd dreams. You thought for a moment and looked down at the cold concrete floor. 

'If I get this 'Markceline's' point of view, I'll have a better sense of judgment. Maybe I'll be able to determine how I should escape.' You think out in your head. "The basement, you say?" You looked up at Pinkamena with a dead serious look. She nodded, still confused. Her head suddenly perked up, and she glared at you. "Wait. You aren't thinking of talking to her, right?" She seemed concerned.

You scoffed. "Of course I'm going to talk to her. She could have valuable information about Wally. I don't know much about him." Which was true. The only deep details you really knew were embarrassing facts Ophelia used to spill to you. "...She and Wally haven't interacted since that incident. In fact, any information they need to give each other is sent via errand boy. They never talk to one another." Pinkamena paused for a moment, looking around aimlessly.

"Now that I think about it, I don't even remember what she looks like." "She has a lot of scars." Astaire suddenly interrupted. To be honest, you had forgotten Astaire was there. He was quite reserved. "Scars?" You asked, looking over to Astaire. "What do you mean..?" You say with intrigue. "I don't know how she got them. But there are a lot, from the dreams I've seen." He explained, calm and collected as usual.

"Scars.." You mutter to yourself.

It was time to put this plan into action.

[authors note]

Thanks to all of you who were a part of the Early Release Crew!! I've worked very hard on this, and I can't wait to see where it goes!


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