~ Ch. 38: The Power to See Reality ~

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! TW: major intimacy !

"What do you think?" Your dad asked, coming into the cottage with Wally in tow. He wore casual clothes, black jeans, and a button-up shirt. What stuck out to you was the cardigan he wore, a slightly lighter blue than his hair with yellow trim. You approached him with a smile, examining him with your arms crossed. "You look amazing, hon." You smirked.

Wally choked up for a minute, blushing gently in embarrassment. "Thank you...[name]." He said, with a second of silence between you two. With an awkward smile and a thumbs up your dad suddenly got a bright idea.

"I have an idea! A few years ago, me and [name]'s father wanted to take them out to eat for dinner. But we never got to since you took our child away from us and hid them away for over a decade. So how about we go now?" He smiled brightly, which intimidated all of you a lot more than it should have.

"Uhm..sure! Sounds great!" You chuckled nervously. "Just give me a minute to get ready."


Once the world had transitioned into dusk, you all stood outside your favorite cafe. Your parents walked in front, and from behind you held Wally's hand.

"Are you nervous?" You whispered to him, glancing at him from the side. "Would you blame me? Everyone is either on me or trying to off me." He shuddered. You smirked.

You all walked inside and almost a fraction of the heads turned to you two. 'Are they immortal or something?' A patron winced, certainly baffled at the phenomenon. You couldn't help but let out a giggle. You seemed to have outgrown the humor of your village.

You all had found your seats at a small booth in the corner, and you enjoyed a hefty amount of garlic bread. "Holy shit." You moaned as you indulged in the bread, your mouth watering at the fabulous savory taste.

"Is it good?" Magnus asked with sarcasm, partaking in an appletini. Wally chuckled, eating a fruit salad himself. And like the freak he was, he only ate the apples—a common treat for him, seeing how apples were his favorite fruit.

"Godly." You continued scarfing the bread down, your voice muffled when you ate with your mouth full. "You eat like a child." Your father cringed. He continued waiting for his salad after sending it back for not having any croutons. "How long does it take to put some hardened bread pieces into a bowl of lettuce?" He grumbled.

You chuckled around the table, completely lost in the moment.

But for a moment, you let yourself leave the moment. Just to see it all, just to feel its reality.

After eleven years, the longest years of your life, you finally had that dinner with your parents. But now, you let yourself live in the moment. For who knows what comes next? You've always been the last to know. So for now and forevermore, you'd cherish each moment like this.

"Did you know [name] was named after this cafe?" Your dad said cheerfully as he started to eat his potato soup. Wally looked up from his bowl, the fork barely touching his lips. You shot your head up. "Really?" Wally heard the cafe name, trying to see if it sounded better as a name rather than a business. "Magnus' idea, not mine." Your father quickly pitched in.


"Thank you, doll!" Your dad waved goodbye to Carmella before you all exited the cafe. You stepped onto the sidewalk, looking out into the small street. "What now?" Your father asked, looking out into the distance. Your dad smiled, seeming to have a mischievous idea in his mind already. 

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