~ Ch.13: I'm Fine PT.2 ~

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! TW: mild language !

"Hello, Mx. Bizarre." He didn't say your name. Why didn't he say your name? 

You were so close. You were almost there. You were so free you could taste it.

But no. You can't escape this nightmare you've been reliving.

You looked back at Astaire and saw a terrified look in his eyes. You knew what was going to happen to you, and you were ready to die. You wanted to get out of here. You needed to get out of here one way or another, and it looked like death was your final option. But it was your fault Astaire was going to die. You had to protect him somehow.

"..Dr. Darling." You gulped. He looked down at you coldly. "What the hell are you doing?" His voice wasn't loud, but you heard the frustration in his tone. You pursed your lips. It was now or never. Die trying.

"I'm leaving. I am going home. I do not care if you need me here, I don't care if this factory goes to ruin." You growled, looking down at your feet. "It's what I wish for every night before I go to bed. I pray that this factory bursts into flames and you're trapped inside." You widened your eyes in anger and shot your gaze up at him.

"I hate you, Wally Darling." You felt your blood boil. His face seemed hurt and stressed. Even sad. But you couldn't care less. "You took me from my home, tortured me, nearly killed me, and couldn't care less." You snarled. "And when I worked for you, you didn't seem to care at all about my well-being. Or anyone else's. You care about your pathetic factory." His voice twitched slightly.

You grabbed him by his shoulders and gripped them tightly. "Look at me." Your eyes were crazed, you weren't holding back. He saw this and looked at you.

For the first time, he looked terrified. Finally, he felt the fear you've felt for him. His crimson eyes looked into yours, and he trembled at your touch. "One day, I will look  down at you as you burn in hell." You dropped his shoulders. You grabbed Astaire's wrist and began walking away. You heard the sirens and alarms behind you, but you didn't care.

You simply didn't care.

Just as you began to walk away, feeling like you were free again, he gripped your wrist. Except it wasn't hard or painful, it was soft. He wasn't trying to hurt you. He whirred you back around, and you saw he was crying. "I knew you were going to run away, Mx. Bizarre." He admitted, looking into your eyes. His expression wasn't cold. His eyes only held warmth.

You looked at him, a confused and sympathetic expression on your face. You had never seen him like this before. "What...? T-Then why didn't you stop me??" You knew it. You had a feeling he knew. After all, he wasn't stupid.

He scoffed and smirked slightly. "I can't keep you trapped forever. You're too free-willed, too spirited." He looked down at your body. "I'm surprised it took you this long to leave." He chuckled lowly. Your expression was a mix of confusion and curiosity. Did he notice? He knew you were holding up an act? "..Why do you need me here, Dr. Darling?"

"Because I can't imagine my life without you." He begged himself to say, but couldn't bear telling you after what you admitted to him.

What else did he know?

"Because I thought this was the arrangement you desired. I'm...sorry you had to be stuck here. I've been stuck here too." He sighed. "You've been here since the beginning. Since my marriage, since my father, since my divorce, since Ophelia.." You heard the sorrow in his tone.

"You deserve better." He gripped your hand slightly harder. "Please, [name], forgive me. I'm so sorry you've had to put up with what I've put you through. It's one of my biggest regrets, and it eats me alive knowing I've hurt you." His eyes were scared, and you saw yourself in him. You've had those eyes before.

You run into his arms and hug him tightly. He shudders slightly, being caught off guard. But after a few seconds, he wraps his arms back around you. 

"The least I can do to make it up to you.." He says in a whisper, not letting go of you. "Is to take you home."


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