~ Ch. 23: Goodnight, Eloise ~

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! TW: language, violence, gore !

"You're wrong.." The red serum splattered from your mouth as you coughed. "He..he cares about me.." You felt so weak. Markceline clicked her tongue. "Tsk tsk tsk...Oh, [name] Bizarre." She dropped another manilla file in front of you, red liquid splattering both you and the light cream color of the paper file. You picked it up with your black hands, finally noticing the animalistic claws on them. The same claws that grew on CLLEDEX. "Holy shit.." You muttered, voice shaking.

"Wally didn't create CLLEDEX." You stammered. "...You did. The papers on your desk all had notes and status levels...but you worked in storage. That wouldn't call for files or status on patients." You growled, glaring up at Markceline with your inky black eyes that bled their black blood. "Or science projects." You scowled at her. "Why are you telling me all of this? Why do I need to know you made CLLEDEX?" You asked, breath shaky.

"Because you won't be alive to let anyone know the truth." She chuckled, her voice so dark. So, so dark.

"You think you're so special, don't you? You thought you fixed him?" Markceline circled you, taunting you. She pressed her combat boots against your kneeled back, pressing her weight down your spine. She grabbed you by your scalp and wrenched your head back to meet her lips. "You're so fucking pathetic.." Her voice was like a whispery hiss cutting through your bleeding heart.

"You ran around here acting like shit was sunshine and daisies." She pressed harder. You screamed out in pain, black tears rolling down your face. This was worse than poison itself. Instead of killing you, Markceline had taken the life you worked so hard to regain. "Eleven years...eleven goddamn years.." Her boot kicked you onto the ground, your knees cracking and back snapping.

"But you still didn't get anywhere." She chuckled, her laugh so hollow and evil. "So now I'm going to let you go. Run back home. It's just a matter of time..." She leaned over you, her muscular body pressed over your back. She grabbed your neck, arching it close to her mouth as she whispered. "...Before you kill everyone and then some." And with that, she opened the metal door and kicked you onto the metal cage floors, below you both was a huge machine.

The grinder.

You managed to stand, the whirring of the machine gusting wind through your hair. You stared into the machine, blood and colors splattered over the metal. You stared down at the machine as its power came on. Someone must've turned it on. You looked down to see who it was, but you couldn't see from the angle you were at. 

You just watched the machine spin as several bodies were lowered down, their blood and organs splattering onto you making a squelching sound as they smacked together like chunks of raw meat. You didn't mind at all. You felt no empathy for the people who had just been killed, and you didn't know why. Something just didn't click with your brain and heart.

Something was wrong with your brain.

Very, very wrong.

And it got worse whenever you saw Pinkamena Ditzy walk towards you, both concerned and terrified. Once she saw your ink-black eyes, she took a step back. You rushed up to her, but she shrieked. No one had ever looked at you so terrified, and it broke your heart. You took a step back, banging your head against the railing from over the grinder.

Everything went fuzzy, and your back arched against the railing. Everything was dark like your brain was glitching. Then you fell back, tumbling into the grinder. You didn't even scream. You just looked up before you slammed into the metal as it began shredding you.

"Goodnight, Eloise"


"Where are they?!" Wally's yelling was heard nearly five doors down. He was destroying anything in sight, throwing a tantrum. An employee, Hen, looked around in fear. She was a bird-like woman similar to poppy, but more chicken-like. Wally didn't even know her name, he just began rambling on wondering where his ex-assistant had gone.

But he went silent when someone tapped on his shoulder, and he whirled around. Dr. Ditzy stood before him, her lip quivering. She had a straight face, but it was obvious something was on her mind. Her clothes were splattered with blood and color. Wally froze in his tracks. "What is it..?" He snarled, glaring down at her. His expression was cold, but it was easy to see him fuming.

When the reality of the blood on her sank in, the distinct colors, colors of you, he went cold.

"I know...I know where they are." She swallowed tightly, her throat strained. He shoved past her, holding up his keycard to get through the door she had just walked through. "Show me." He snarled, his eyes so dark it burned into her soul. A reminding gaze that he was a murderer. But then again, so was everyone else here. Even her.

They stormed down from level to level until they got to the grinder. And there you lay, limbs broken, hair ripped by the scalp, face mutilated, everything was mutilated. For a second, he just stood there. So unsure of what to do, how to move again. He trembled and shook. His legs went numb, dropping him to his knees. He was hunched over you, tears falling down his face. His hands and body went cold as he picked up what was left of you, almost all of the color drained from you.

He did this.

His creation was what did this.

He killed you.

But he had hope. He had desperation as he listened closely to your heart. Your heart held a rugged beat, your one eye that had stayed safe and dull but still filled with life. The only life left in you.

Color meant life when it came to the grinder. If there was still any color in a subject, they were not drained properly. But this gave Wally no comfort. "Who the fuck.." He held you against his chest, blood spilling onto him. "...was in charge of the grinder?" Wally's voice slowly grew louder and louder.

[authors note]

Glad you made it. Sit down and grab some popcorn, shits getting heavy. 🍿


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