~ Ch.16: Crazy People ~ ♥*

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"There we go!" Your dad stepped back to admire the work he had done to your outfit. You looked in the mirror, seeing the stunning renovations he had done. "Jeez Dad..your skills certainly have improved." You smiled nervously, wondering if it was a little too much for a small festival.

Though, your Dad certainly outdid you with his outfit. He wore a velvet skirt and a silk button-up shirt. He honestly looked like a feminine casual Elvis.

"Why thank you, doll! Now let's go. We can't keep your handsome doctor waiting~" He bumped his hip against yours, making his way out the door.

As you followed him outside and the two of you began walking to the festival to meet with your father and Wally, your Dad looked at you with a smirk.

"What? What is it?" You cocked an eyebrow up in confusion. "How'd you pull him? I mean, tall, probably rich, hot, genius, where did you find him?" He seemed so curious. You choked on your saliva for a moment from shock at his description.

"Dad!! You can't say that about my boss!" You whisper yelled. "Nothing is going on between us" You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Your Dad raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing you.

"Mhm. Yeah. Because the tension between the both of you is sooo platonic." He rolled his eyes. You scoffed playfully, continuing to walk.

Your dad paused for a minute, looking at your expression. "You like him, don't you??" He asks with a warm smile. You sigh and grin gently.

"Yes..I do. He's very special to me. I know you and Father don't like him, and you don't have to, but all these years I've been chasing my past. But Wally...he's my future. The thing I should've been chasing." You blush with each word you speak.

"I knew it." Your dad laughs and snaps his finger. "But remember hon, don't chase. Let it happen." He gave surprisingly meaningful advice.

"So you're not going to lecture me as to why he's dangerous and why I shouldn't like him??" You had a confused expression plastered on your face. Your father shook his head. "Nope. No matter who you like, me and your father will support you."


[Wally's POV]

I sat alone at a picnic table at the festival. It was getting dark, and the sun was beginning to set. 'Where are they?' I tried looking around for [name]. I took a sip of the apple cider I had bought, I was honestly getting tired of coffee.

"Dr. Darling!!" I heard [name] speak. Finally, a familiar sound. I turned around, and there they were. They looked wonderful. I had never seen them in such formal clothes before.

They walked closer to me, and I felt my heart pound against my ribs.


You run up to Wally, seeing he's wearing a white button-up and dress pants. You sighed in relief.

"What? What is it?" He asked with concern. You chuckled lightly and looked him up and down. "Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one here the overdressed!" You snickered. He looked down at his clothes, embarrassed. "W-Well I didn't know if this would be a formal event..!" He stammered, which you found adorable.

RF Wally Darling x Reader || "Inside the Factory"Where stories live. Discover now