~ Ch. 36: Silent Night ~

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! TW: burning building, suicide !

As you two just held each other for a moment and took in all of Wally's injuries, which were still ugly and gushing blood, Frank and the six others behind him approached you in haste. "The factory is on fire and it's spreading. We can't put it out without calling authorities." Their inhales were fast as if they were trying to escape from the smoke that started to swim into the grinding room. "Then we need to get out." You furrowed your eyebrows, pointing to the exit. "Get out of here. Now." You took Wally's hand, ready to start running for your lives.

But when Wally started to run, he cried out in pain. You notice the tear in his leg, and it was certainly not im any condition to carry him out of a fire. You stopped moving to examine it. "I...I don't think I can run." He looked at you with a hazy terror in his eyes. You trembled a bit, trying to think of what to do and how to help him. You turned your head around to Barnaby and Sally, the two trying to run out without kicking each other. "You two!" You shouted to get their attention.

They slowly turned their heads as if they had been caught for a crime. "Wally can't walk. Can you both help him?" Your voice was stern and demanding, much like how it once had been in the factory. Barnaby looked down at Sally and she smirked. 

"Go on." She said mischievously, running up the stairs to freedom. Barnaby, still mad at Sally, rushed over to Wally around wrapped his arm over his shoulder. The two made it out of the stairs, as well as everyone else. That only left you, Pinkamena's thugs, and Pinkamena herself in the grinding room.

A sudden crash came from above, followed by a loud creaking sound in the rafters. The floor caved in, fire and embers rushing in. You felt engulfed in heat, so you shielded your eyes to protect yourself. The sudden crash took out most if not all of Pinkamena's group. 

You looked off in her direction, but she just stared at you. "Come on!" You shouted. "We can make it out of here!" But Pinkamena stayed firm in her position. 

Her conveyance changed from its shocked and disturbed hold to a soft smile. She held up her hand. "I'm going down with the ship." She said just loud enough for you to hear. You looked around, and a fire started to block the exit. 

"No! We...we can still make it. Please." You yelled out, walking closer to the edge of the grinder. "Let me save you." Your breathing picked up its pace, and your eyes went wide. She gently shook her head, her blonde curls bouncing around her face. 

"No. I think I can save myself." She smiled. She looked so peaceful. The sudden inclination to save her pulled weight down onto your heart. "Get out of here, [name]. So we can both be free."

"I'm not leaving you here." You felt your body's urge to transform again, the power going out of control at how scared you were to lose Pinkamena. "You aren't leaving me, silly!" She chuckled as the fire began to fume towards her. The smoke was unbearable, making Pinkamena start to cough and wheeze.

"I'm staying. That's all." She smiled. "I've already lost it all, [name]. My job, my friends..." She hesitated for a moment. "Maybe..." You wheezed through the smoke, collapsing to her knees. You jolted in preparation to help her. But she didn't pull away from her grin. "...Maybe I'll see you again. But who knows?" She chuckled, waving goodbye to you.

"Thanks for the fun, Mx. Bizarre."


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