E.R.C ~ Ch.4: Promise ~

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[TW: human testing, captivity, verbal abuse]

"I'll need you to run a diagnostic check on one of the test subjects." Dr. Darling suddenly interrupted your typing, slapping a manilla file on your desk. "I have an extermination to overlook in there as well, so we could walk there together." He explained.

You were taken aback by the invitation. He never asked you to walk somewhere with him if the two of you weren't going to be together. "Sure!" You agreed way quicker than you should've. You pushed the chair out from under you and put it back into place. You caught up with Dr. Darling as he walked into the hallway. 

The two of you walked into the elevator, and you pressed the button that would direct you to the lab. As the elevator took you both down, you read over the patient file.

Subject Name: Astaire Anxious

Subject ID: 23B17

Age: 24

As you continued to read over the details, you see a patient photo of him.

It was the same man from the dream you had last night.

You noticed how he was the same age you were when you were taken to the factory.

You also noticed how he resembled your dad ever so slightly, with the way he was so lanky and tall.

[flashback, 13 years ago]

"Oh honey, are you planning on actually wearing those earrings to the festival? They look so tacky with your outfit, you should let me pick you some new ones next time we go shopping." Magnus had a look of playful disgust on his face. "Dad, we're quite literally going to the festival to drop off these crates." "When did I agree to that?" He asked, confused. "Oh, gee, maybe when you asked me if I needed help three minutes ago?" You said with sarcasm. Your dad scoffed. "Alright, alright. Let's go." He huffed, picking up a large crate of vegetables. 

"Goodness! What's in here? My exes?" He silently patted himself on the back for that pun. "Close. Celery." You chuckled, as you and him began to walk to the village center where the festival was being held. "Well...Harry Happy was the closest you'll get to celery with his soggy a-" "As I said, celery." You interrupted him since not one part of you wanted to hear about Harry Happy's ass. Not even a few feet down the trail, and your dad began to huff and puff with each step he took. Meanwhile, you effortlessly held the crate since you had more muscle from working on a farm. "I am simply not built for this weather." He said with a dramatic sigh. "How long have we been walking?" He asked, trying not to struggle.

"Five minutes. Are you sure you don't want me to get it, Dad?" You asked, stopping to check on him. "No! I got it, doll." He tried with all of his strength to lift the crate. "I g-got it! See?" His arms were wobbly, and you kept laughing. "Here, we'll use the wagon." You began to walk back to the house to get the wagon to hold the crates. "Thank heavens! I mean- I could totally do it but since you're offering-" He waved his hands around. You chuckled. 


You smiled to yourself, remembering such a treasured memory of your dad. You and him were very close, he was your best friend.

"Everything alright, [Name]?" Dr. Darling asked as the elevator door opened. Your smile dropped, and you look up at him. "Yes, I'm alright." You put on a warm smile. The both of you stepped out of the elevator. 

"I need to ask you something." He said, keeping his gaze straight ahead while you and him walking. "I want you to be the one to exterminate the next test subject we dispose of." He announces, clearing his throat and tugging at his turtleneck collar. You saw how much it took to say that. You felt a pit in your stomach. "..Why would you ask me that..?" You asked quietly. You and Dr.Darling paused your walk. "Excuse me? I'm giving you a golden opportunity. I don't ask this from people I don't think are responsible enough for it." He furrowed his eyebrows. 

"You do realize I used to be a test subject, right? And that if I hadn't demanded to negotiate, you would've drained me of color?" You said, offended. Wally tensed his shoulders, getting angrier. "I thought we agreed to not bring that up." He said, sounding upset. "We did agree, but you're overstepping your boundaries. Asking something like that was very insensitive of you." You watched him as he clenched his fist. "Boundaries?" A maniacal smile spread onto his face. He had you backed against the wall. You had never seen him smile at you, but this wasn't a good start.

His hand was pressed against your hips, keeping you still. His other hand, his prosthetic, was held on your chin so he could force you to look up at him. And honestly, it was hot to have your beefy boss pinning you against a wall. Not hot enough, however, to keep you from getting angry with him. "You don't have a right to bring up boundaries. Your entire life relies on whether I want to keep you or not. The only reason I keep you around is because you're skilled, but your attitude honestly pisses me off." He scowled.

"No matter how good of an assistant you are, I couldn't care less about what you want." His eye twitched, and he grew more furious. You've experienced anger like this before, whenever you had first spoken to him. "We're both late, so I'll make this short" He chuckled.

"You live for what I say, and what I tell you. You don't have the power to tell me what I can and cannot say, and if you do, I won't hesitate to drain-"

"every ounce

of color

out of you."

"Do I make myself clear?" His smile turned into a frown. He let you go, letting you fall to your knees. That was what turned you off. You bowed your head down low so you wouldn't have to look at him. You fought the strong urge to stomp him into the ground like his dead daughter, but you held back and listened. "Crystal." You scowled back. He turned away and walked off without you following

"One day I'm going to get out of here." You promised yourself.

You held your head up high once again. You chased after Dr. Darling and walked behind him. the entire time, you stared at him with a malicious scowl. You were furious.

He acts like he cares about you one second, but the minute you try to make progress yourself, he puts you right back to where you started. You found yourself stuck in this position. You knew that if you ever said anything that would cause him to be upset, you'd lose your place again. 

"Perhaps if I never say anything out of turn, he won't have any reason to hurt me" As much as it hurt to think about the next time he'd have an outburst, you had to face the facts. You looked around at all the employees in the hall staring at you. They had seen the outburst and gave you a look of pity. "Fuck this factory." You thought to yourself.


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