~ Ch.7: Under Your Watchful Eye ~

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The rest of the day continued as normal. You observed Dr. Darling, and he didn't seem to know anything. You honestly felt proud. You had thought he would've known by now, at least be suspicious. However, your peace was short-lived. 

"[Name]" You looked up from your computer, seeing Dr. Darling standing in front of your desk. You knew he had figured something out. He didn't ask to see you in person, he only ever called for you by name. "Come with me." His voice was mad, his tone was dark. You felt a lump in your throat. 'Tell me he doesn't know.' You try to console yourself.

You stood from your desk and followed him into his office. 

You looked at his back and his dull white lab coat. Lifeless and tasteless, just like the man who wears it. You felt a malicious feeling grow inside of you, a fuel of hatred. For a man who lives for color, he never has any on him. Could it be shame..? No. Wally Darling doesn't feel shame, at least not from what you know.


You sat in a chair in front of his desk. You could hear the clock ticking, and you could've sworn you could hear your heart pound into your stomach. Wally glared at you and opened his drawer. He rummaged around for a moment, then pulled out a videotape. "Dammit." You murmur, sweat rolling down your face.

He put the tape into a VCR player and turned on the film.

It was camera footage from yesterday, and you felt your heart sink. You could see you, Dr. Ditzy, and Astaire all huddled in the corner. Although, the three of you were whispering quietly enough for there not to be any audio. You felt a small feeling of relief since this would make things easier to explain yourself. 

He turned it off after a few seconds and sat back down. He leaned his elbows against his desk and rested his head on his hands. "Now then, [Name]. Tell me..what the hell was that? What were you doing in 23B17's cell without supervision? You could've been seriously injured. You know it's a dangerous subject." He explained, his voice getting louder.

You were shocked his first concern was your safety. Not the countless rules you broke. 

"I-I.." You tripped over your words. "Hm? What was that? Speak louder." He demanded, his scowl ripping you apart. "...I wanted to speak to Astai- I mean 23B17. He had a question for me and Dr. Ditzy, and I promised to deliver." You tried your hardest to think of a lie.

"Dr. Ditzy?" He glared at you and stood from his desk. He began walking towards the chair you were in, inching closer. "Now then..why would he need to see you and Dr. Ditzy? You aren't in the same department. She was in the wrong neck of the woods. So were you." He leaned his arms against the armrests of the chair. You felt a lump grow in your throat, and fear overcomes your body.

"Allow me to make myself clear. If you are trying to escape, trust me, you won't. You never could. You never will." He inches closer to your face, a cruel scowl on his lips. "And if you ever did escape, I'd burn you and your family to the ground." He widened his eyes, furious. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Not like I would remember them.." You mumbled to yourself in hopes he wouldn't hear. "What was that?" His voice was dark and threatening. "Yes, sir." You tried to choke back your fear and the passion you had to rip his limbs apart. To make a bowl of spaghetti out of his intestines. Paint the walls red with his blood. To shove his head into the grinder, and see how he likes it. 

You had fury in your eyes, and so did he. The both of you wanted to tear each other apart with each other's bare hands. 

He pushed himself away from the chair and walked back to his desk. "I printed out some data, go pick them up from the printer and bring them to me." He demanded, with the same cold tone. 


The day soon ended, and you pushed your chair under your desk. You walked to Wally's office door but didn't open it. Instead, you only knocked. "What?" He let out a cold reply, you could hear a soft grunt in his voice. "I'm going to bed. Do you need anything before I go?" You expressed the same sentence you always said before clocking out.

You could still hear his grunts from the other side of the door, as they became louder and more struggled. He swore under each struggled moan he made. You became flustered, trying to think of what he was doing.

"A-Actually-" He continued to struggle. "Yes. C-come in here." He demanded, and you quickly walked inside. You looked at his desk, but he wasn't there. You heard more grunts coming from beside the door. You whipped your head around and saw Dr. Darling struggling to get his coat on. His arm was squirming around his back, trying to reach for the other sleeve. You sighed with relief, worried it was worse and more troubled.

"I can't get this sleeve on." He kept struggling, and you began to laugh. "FU- Help!!" He demanded, with a piercing stare. You continued to laugh and grabbed his wrist. Your laughter died down, and you slightly extended his wrist. With your other hand, you grabbed the coat sleeve and put Dr. Darling's arm through it. 

"There." You smiled, brushing off his sleeve. "Next time, don't throw such a tantrum." You scoffed playfully, trying to console your laughter. "Thank you, Mx. Bizarre. Goodnight." For a split moment, you saw a smile on Dr. Darling's face. He looked down at the coat sleeve with love in his eyes.

You couldn't help but feel a small flutter in your heart. But he had been an asshole today. "Goodnight, doll." You whispered under your breath.


Instead of going to your room, you walked down to the testing lab. You were able to go in regular clothes since you had an excuse to go to Astaire's cell and take down the cameras. You had scheduled a blood test, which would've been necessary anyway.

You walked along and took the supplies to draw Astaire's blood.

Once you had everything you needed, you walked to his cell.

You waltzed inside, acting normal. You looked up at the cameras and started acting casually. Astaire knew what you were up to, so he copied your calmness. "I'm here to check your vitals." You said in a stern, steady voice. Astaire nodded. He seemed to be a good actor. While you took Astaire's vitals, you paged Pinkamena the signal you set up to let her know to come in and destroy the cameras.

She came in and kept out of the camera's range. She held her hand up to it and yanked it down. 

You smirked, keeping your smile hidden. You had a feeling that no matter how many times Wally tried to get in the way, you'd escape. If you died trying, at least you would've tried. It was worth it.


RF Wally Darling x Reader || "Inside the Factory"Where stories live. Discover now