~ Ch. 28: Fight for Her [PART 2/3] ~

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! TW: gore, child death, disturbing imagery, child abuse !

Wally stood over the huge operation room you had been transitioned to after an entire day of operating. He was in an atrium above, staring down at you through the glass with his arms crossed. The room looked like an airplane hangar, dome-like and metallic. "I should be down there." He mumbled as Frank stood beside him. 

"You'd only get in everyone's way," Frank said with brutal honesty. Wally didn't bother to laugh or smile. He just looked at you as they wired you back together. "We're almost finished in the robotics lab. The limbs should be done in two days." Frank updated the status of your new limbs, but Wally didn't seem to listen.

He just stayed quiet, watching the light bounce off of you from overhead. "What will happen after the operation?" Frank asked. "I already let them go from being my assistant. But now that this has happened..." He choked up for a second, looking down at his shoes. "I need to get them as far away from me as possible. I...I can't risk them getting hurt any further." He stammered. Wally never stammered, not in front of anyone. But this incident made him lose all grip on reality. Frank just didn't say anything. Their eyes darted back and forth from Wally to the operation.

"Are our lawyers still coming at noon?" He asked, looking down at Frank as they shrugged. He looked at his watch. It was an hour past noon, where were those idiots? "I wouldn't know. Your assistant would." They remarked. Wally scoffed and leaned his hands down on the atrium railing. His lab coat was soaked in blood and guts, but his turtleneck was only slightly stained at the neck.

He thought it over in his head. 'I don't have an assistant'. He had no idea the feeling would crush him like it did. For over a decade, he had an assistant. No matter how much they hated them they had stayed loyal, at least until the end. "Maybe you won't have to threaten your next assistant into their job." Frank walked out of the atrium, leaving Wally alone to brood.

'Next assistant' was the next thing to circle throughout his mind. But he didn't want a new assistant. He didn't even want to imagine his work without you. better yet his life.

"I need them to be here. I don't know what always takes them forever." He snarled, gritting his teeth and tightening his grip on the railing. Frank groaned. "Is that what you want, Dr. Darling?" They asked, head tilted to see Wally's face. "No. It doesn't matter what I want anymore. It's what they need."

[Dream Log 2]

"Where am I now?" This was the second half of the operation. For an entire day, doctors had been closing you and fixing you. Now you just sat in a grassy field, draped in a white fabric across your nude assets. Your hair was long and spiraled around you beautifully. "My hair has never been that long..." You questioned. But you knew what was happening now since Ophelia explained it to you.

You had to fight. You stood up in the grass and walked around with your bare feet. You couldn't feel the grass on you, which felt strange. Why couldn't you feel anything?

You felt a hand brush into your palm, holding onto your hand. You looked down beside you at Ophelia, dressed just like you. Her hair was mutually long and she wore a white robe on her like a trash bag. She looked up at you and didn't say anything, just started walking. And you followed her.

You closed your eyes, your entire body feeling like you were falling. Your throat went dry and your heart panicked as if you were dying all over again. 

"Open your eyes," Ophelia demanded. "Open your eyes, [name] Darling." She called out to you, sounding like she was right in front of you. So you did as she asked and opened your eyes. You looked at your surroundings, seeing that you were in a room like the one you were in when you had been drugged by Markceline, except the set-up slightly different. A woman came into view in a lab coat and short red bob. This was Markceline if her hair wasn't longer and if she were less muscular.

This wasn't your dream. This was Ophelia's death.

Ophelia shook on the ground on her hands and knees. You looked down beside you, and she still held onto your hand. You looked back at the other Ophelia.

Her hands were black like yours, her veins glowing purple like yours had. Her eyes were all black and shined with purple irises. "Daddy..." Ophelia tried crawling to the door, but Markceline kicked her onto her back as if Ophelia were a dog.

"Your daddy isn't coming to save you." She hissed, slamming the child's head onto the metal caged floors. Ophelia's head began to bleed, making her cry and squeal. She sobbed and wailed, curled onto the floor. Markceline kneeled beside her.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you anymore." She chuckled, stroking Ophelia's battered hair, and stood back up. She walked towards the metal door, her hands about to push it open. "You will." Markceline snarled, walking out and sealing the room shut with metal shutters. "Ophelia, I don't want to see this." Your heart burned. You looked at Ophelia beside you, she was just still. 

"Did Daddy leave me? Do they still love me?" The child asked, making the room dark and black. You could hear her distant cries as the other Ophelia began to rip herself apart, hearing the splash of the blood and her screams for her father. You wrapped your arms around the child in front of you.

"They never stopped looking, hon. Not for a minute have they ever stopped loving and missing you." You stroked her hair in comfort, covering her ears as the screams and guts became louder and more disturbing. Her screams sounded like shrieks, and you heard each rip apart her clothes and skin. You cried, and you felt the tears on your face.

"We'll be okay, [name]" She patted your back as you held each other. "Yes, we will." 

[authors note]

Not even I could write Ophelia's death imagery.


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